Installation Instructions for Tex2RTF

Binaries are supplied for Windows 3.1 and for Sun workstations.

If these don't work for you, or you are using a different system, you
will need to compile Tex2RTF. There are several options for doing this.

(1) GUI version

If you want to have a graphical interface for Tex2RTF
(not essential for a conversion utility!) then you
will need to download wxWindows from
( in the directory /pub/wxwin/beta, files
wx150?_*.tar.Z (or .gz) where ? is the latest beta letter,
currently i.

On UNIX, you will then need to decide whether you want to produce
an XView or Motif version (provided you have one of these
toolkits), and change the makefiles in accordingly,
in wx/src/x, wx/src/base and wx/utils/tex2rtf/src.

Use the makefile target 'xview' or 'motif' from each of the directories
wx/src/x and wx/utils/tex2rtf/src.

Under Windows, just type 'nmake -f makefile.dos' if you're
using a Microsoft-compatible compiler (you'll need to
change the makefiles or build project files for other compilers.)

(2) Non-GUI version

Under UNIX, simply use the target 'nogui'. The supplied files in the
src/wxwin directory supply the essential utilities from wxWindows, and
Tex2RTF will be built as a command-line program.

On a PC, add 'NOGUI=1' to the makefile command line. Note that the small
amount of memory available under DOS can cause catastrophic crashes for
large input files, due to the lack of memory checking, so be warned! The
Windows version is a more sensible choice.

Julian Smart, February 1993