Date: Tue, 12 Jul 94 17:05:58 EDT From: (Christina Schulman) To: Subject: FAQ Archive-name: macintosh/games-faq Last-modified: 1994/07/11 FAQ List (last changed July 11, 1994) Welcome to! [Minor changes only this month; I've updated the X-Wing/Rebel Assault, walkthru, and Patchlist entries slightly, and revised for greater clarity the instructions for obtaining this FAQ. Still no Doom entry (yet), although I plan to put one in next month; Id Software isn't returning my calls, so I'm waiting to see what IMG has to say. :-) (I'm certainly not going to put in any rumors just on the basis of having seen them on I'm considering posting this twice a month instead of just monthly-- feedback, please? Is the (hopefully) reduced level of newbie ignorance worth the extra traffic?] This FAQ provides the answers to some of the Frequently Asked Questions on this newsgroup that aren't covered elsewhere. It is posted monthly, on or near the 10th of the month, to, comp.answers, and news.answers. Several other game-specific FAQ's are posted regularly to, as well as the Patchlist, the mac.ftp.list, and the Broken Games list. How to get this FAQ: The latest version is available at the Usenet FAQ archive at It can be ftp'd as /pub/usenet/ If you don't have ftp access, send mail to mail-server@rtfm with the line "send usenet/news.answers/macintosh/games-faq" in the body of the message. You can also send mail to; please include "Games FAQ" in the subject line. WWW users can find it in hypertext at or in plaintext at the WWW Usenet FAQ archive at: games-faq/faq.html. Corrections, suggestions, and large cash bribes are welcome; please send them to Christina Schulman at -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Contents: 0. A word about flaming. 1. Where can I find Mac games available for anonymous ftp? 2. What does .hqx mean? What about .cpt and .sit? 3. Where else can I get Mac games? 4. What's the Patchlist/GPHL? Could somebody please repost it? 5. What's ResEdit? How do I get it? 6. I'm completely stuck in this game I'm playing. Where can I get a walkthru? 7. What's an easter egg? 8. How do I fix the bug in Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis? 9. I just saw this really great game called "X-Wing" on the PC. When is it coming out for the Mac? 10. I've done some programming on other machines, and I'd like to write a game on my Mac. How do I start? 11. I've written this terrific game for the Mac. How do I get it out to the major ftp sites? 12. What's "IMG"/"Inside Mac Games"? 13. Are there any freeware chess games for the Mac? 14. Is there a FAQ for [FA-18, Sim City 2000, Civilization, Pathways into Darkness,...] -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 0. A word about flaming. Every now and then some moron posts something along the lines of "Mac games suck!!!!! Get a real machine!!!!!" And immediately 30 or 40 people take the bait and post long, vitriolic replies and exhort everyone to mail-bomb the perpetrator. Please, please, please don't waste your time and our bandwidth replying to this kind of idiocy. More often than not it was posted as a practical joke from the account of some hapless user who left themselves logged in in a public computer cluster. The owner of the account then logs back in a day or two later to find several megs of hate mail and uuencoded core dumps in their mail spool. If you feel that you absolutely have to share your witty, concise flame on the complete superiority of the Mac above all other gaming platforms, take it to comp.sys.mac.advocacy, where it will be appreciated. ------------ 1. Where can I find Mac games available for anonymous ftp? The 3 major sites for ftp'ing Mac software are,, and, which is a mirror site of the first two. (A mirror site is a site that contains an exact copy of the contents of another site, in the hopes of diverting some traffic away from the more popular site. Wuarchive is updated daily; other mirror sites are usually 1 to 3 days behind the "mother" site.) Other mirror sites of sumex and umich exist at (North America), (Australia) and (Switzerland). It's more polite and generally faster to connect to a site that's on the same continent you are. Bruce Grubb periodically posts a comprehensive list of Mac ftp sites to It is available via ftp at sumex as /info-mac/info/comm/mac-ftp-list-387.txt and at umich as /misc/documentation/macftplist3.87.txt. (The name will reflect the current version, which may be later than 3.87.) ------------ 2. What does .hqx mean? What about .cpt and .sit? Files ending in .hqx are binary files which have been converted to BinHex format so that they can be transmitted as ASCII text files via USENET. There are various utilities that will BinHex and de-BinHex files, among them Compact Pro and StuffIt (see below). Some Mac ftp clients such as Fetch will automatically de-BinHex files when you download them. Files ending in .cpt have been compressed by Compact Pro; files ending in .sit have been compressed by StuffIt. Compact Pro by Bill Goodman and StuffIt Lite from Aladdin Systems are shareware; they can be ftp'd from any of the major Mac ftp sites, and the registration fee for each is $25. StuffIt Expander is a nifty free utility from Aladdin Systems that will uncompress StuffIt, Compact Pro, and Applelink archives. It will also decode BinHex 4.0 files without requiring you to first strip the headers. It's available at umich in /mac/util/compression and at sumex in /info-mac/cmp. ------------ 3. Where else can I get Mac games? Well, you could buy them. Most software stores have a section for Mac games, but you can usually get better prices, a better selection, and a better return policy from mailorder sources. Each issue of MacWorld and MacUser contains many, many ads for mailorder companies, between which they occasionally sandwich articles. The phone numbers for the biggest sources in the USA are: MacConnection: 1-800-800-3333 MacWarehouse: 1-800-255-6227 MacZone: 1-800-248-0800 If you call them and ask nicely, they'll be happy to send you a complete catalog. Local Mac User Groups are another source for games; often shareware and freeware games are distributed on disk at meetings or are available for downloading on their bulletin boards. Contact your local MUG for details. If you can't find a game anywhere else, you can always order it from the company directly. ------------ 4. What's the Patchlist/GPHL? Could somebody please repost it? The Patchlist is a list of fixes that the legal owners of certain games can apply to the programs to bypass the irritating copy protection schemes. Anthony Chan used to maintain it; Geoffrey Peters now maintains it and periodically posts the latest version to To get a copy, just send email to either or with a subject along the lines of "Please send me the GPHL," not just "Patchlist." You can also ask Geoff to add you to a mailing list so that you receive new versions of the GPHL automagically. ------------ 5. What's ResEdit? How do I get it? ResEdit is a utility from Apple that lets you edit the resources of Mac files. (Hence the name.) You will need it if you want to patch games or extract beep sounds. You can severely damage your software this way, so you really shouldn't use it unless you more or less know what you're doing. (And even if you do, it's a good idea to use it on a copy of the file.) ResEdit can be ftp'd from in /dts/mac/tools/resedit. ------------ 6. I'm completely stuck in this game I'm playing. Where can I get a walkthru? Solutions and hints for many popular games are available via anonymous ftp at in /pub/games/solutions and at in /pub/games/solutions. There's also a large solution site at in /pub/doc/games/solutions, but you will need gunzip or MacGzip to uncompress these files. (Gunzip is available from the GNU archives at; MacGzip is available at sumex in /info-mac/cmp.) If you can't find an answer there, post your question--chances are *somebody* on has gotten farther than you! If someone posts a question for which you also want the answer, instead of posting "Send me the answer too!" send email to the original poster and ask him or her to relay the answer to you. ------------ 7. What's an easter egg? An easter egg--the kind you find in Mac games, anyway--is any sort of hidden surprise (hence the name) that occurs when an unlikely set of conditions are met. For example, when the system clock is set to December 25, Maelstrom displays Christmas ornaments in the title screen. Another example is the very large literal easter egg suspended over a remote lake in F/A-18. Of course, if the programmer didn't put it in on purpose, it's not an easter egg, it's a "feature." ------------ 8. How do I fix the bug in Indiana Jones: Fate of Atlantis? There is indeed a bug in Indy Atlantis. On the Team Path, when you land the balloon on the "X" in the desert, the game hangs. A patch for this bug is available via anonymous ftp at umich in /misc/update/indy.foa.patch.cpt.hqx and at sumex in /info-mac/games/com/indy-foa-updt.hqx. It can also be obtained directly from LucasArts at: LucasArts Entertainment P.O. Box 10307 San Rafael, CA 94912 Phone (tech support only): (415) 721-3333 Fax: (415) 721-3482 ------------ 9. I just saw this really great game called "X-Wing" on the PC. When is it coming out for the Mac? Don't hold your breath. LucasArts insists that there is no Mac version of X-Wing in development and that there are no plans to start one. Much of the code in X-Wing is dependent upon the IBM PC processor. Recently there have been hints that there may be a Mac port of X-Wing under development, but it definitely has not yet reached the coding stage as of July 1994. X-Wing will run under SoftWindows on the PowerMac, but it's so glacially slow that it's unplayable, and there's no sound. Hopefully this will improve with the SoftWindows 486 emulator, which is expected by the end of 1994. LucasArts is, however, releasing a new Star Wars-based game called Rebel Assault, which will be available for the Mac on CD-ROM only, and will not be that similar to X-Wing: "They're different. Completely different artists, completely different game, it's just....well, different." According to LucasArts on July 11, 1994, the currently expected release date is "the end of August." Hopefully they mean August 1994. ------------ 10. I've done some programming on other machines, and I'd like to write a game on my Mac. How do I start? To quote the Public Domain Mac Programming FAQ Answer sheet, you'll need "a Mac, a lot of time, and a few hundred $." Programming on the Mac is not for the faint of heart. Get the Programming FAQ via ftp from in /pub/usenet/comp.sys.mac.programmer and read it; any questions it doesn't answer are probably best asked in comp.sys.mac. programmer or And good luck! ------------ 11. I've written this terrific game for the Mac. How do I get it out to the major ftp sites? [This answer was shamelessly stolen from L.H.Wood's Screensaver FAQ, with permission.] If you want to spread good Mac shareware or freeware to the world, giving millions of people, including me, the chance to see it, simply email a binhexed copy of the compacted or stuffited archive to: which will distribute it to ftp archives across the world, including the big ones - info-mac, umich, their many mirrors, and comp.binaries.mac. Remember to add a text description of the contents before that long binhex column! Don't send self-extracting archives (SEAs) - Compact Pro, Stuffit Expander and Stuffit Lite are readily available from these ftp archives, and we all know how to use them. Dial-up access to ftp sites is on the increase and SEAs run up others' phone bills unnecessarily. ------------ 12. What's "IMG"/"Inside Mac Games"? IMG is Inside Mac Games, a monthly magazine dedicated to Macintosh Computer Games. A Free Preview Edition is uploaded monthly to sumex in /info-mac/per. (It's also uploaded to AOL, Compu$erve, and GEnie.) ------------ 13. Are there any freeware chess games for the Mac? An unauthorized port of Gnuchess is available at umich in /game/board. There's also "Chess Set!", a shareware chess stack for Hypercard, available at sumex in /Game/Board. Steve Bushell's freeware "Chess++" is available from in /pub/python. ------------ 14. Is there a FAQ for [FA-18, Sim City 2000, Civilization, Pathways into Darkness,...] There are FAQ's for many of the more popular Macintosh games. Try looking in the info or games directories at the major ftp sites. Some are available directly from the maintainer: Civilization FAQ: Available via anonymous ftp from in /pub/games/romulus/hints/civ.faq.Z, by sending email to with the subject "Civ FAQ please", or by WWW at F/A-18 Hornet FAQ: Available via anonymous ftp from the Hornet archives at in /Public and in /pub/Hornet.Archive. Pathways into Darkness FAQ: Send email to with the subject "PID FAQ please". There are also "Pathways into Cheating" and "PID Basic Survival Guide" documents available at umich in /game/gameutil. Sim City 2000 FAQ: Send email to Kevin Endo at with the subject "SC2K FAQ please" or anon ftp it from in /pub/thx. ------------ This document copyright 1994 by Christina Schulman. Credits: Suggestions and additions to this FAQ have been contributed by: Anthony Chan <> Dave Stanworth <> Sherman Uitzetter <> L.H. Wood <> Thanks, guys!