Date: Sat, 4 Jan 1992 09:35 CST From: Dwight Lemke <> Subject: Mac-Discussion-Groups update This is an update of the list of 'net discussion groups that I submitted earlier. Additions include a Nisus group and a short list of USENET groups. Again, many thanks to those who dropped me a line! Replaces info-mac/report/mac-discussion-groups.txt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dwight K. Lemke Internet: Bitnet: LEMKE@OSHKOSHW ------------------------------------------- BITNET LISTS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE MACINTOSH: ------------------------------------------ Below are the ARPAnet SIGs that have BITNET sub-lists in operation. BITNET subscribers can join by sending the SUB command to the BITNET node name at the BITNET node address where the sub-list resides. For example SEND LISTSERV@UGA SUB INFO-VAX Jon Doe To be removed from a list substitute the keyword "SUB" for "SIGNOFF". To make contributions to these ARPAnet SIGs send mail to the ARPAnet list name below. Do NOT send mail to the BITNET list name. ARPAnet list BITNET list ---------------------------------- -------------------- INFO-MAC@SUMEX-AIM.STANFORD.EDU INFO-MAC@FINHUTC " INFO-MAC@CANADA01 " INFO-MAC@RICE List of all LISTSERV lists known to LISTSERV@BITNIC on 8 Dec 1991 22:03 Network-wide ID Full address List title --------------- ------------ ---------- CAP-L CAP-L@YALEVM Columbia AppleTalk Protocol DIRECT-L DIRECT-L@UAFSYSB MacroMind Director for the Macintosh HYPERCRD HYPERCRD@PURCCVM Hypercard Discussion List INFO-MAC INFO-MAC@BNANDP11 (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@CEARN (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@DEARN (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@EB0UB011 (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest MAC-L@FINHUTC (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@HEARN (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@ICNUCEVM Informazioni sul Macintosh INFO-MAC@IRLEARN INFO-MAC list INFO-MAC@RICEVM1 (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@UIUCVMD (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest INFO-MAC@UTORONTO (Peered) INFO-MAC Digest KEKMAC-L KEKMAC-L@JPNKEKVM KEKMAC-L MAC USER'S LIST MAC-L MAC-L@YALEVM Macintosh News and Information MAC-TEL MAC-TEL@IRLEARN EARN Macintosh Users List - Extension for Mac MAC-USER MAC-USER@IRLEARN EARN Macintosh Users List MACAPPLI MACAPPLI@DARTCMS1 A list for posting news and usage tips about applications MACGIL-L MACGIL-L@MCGILL1 McGill Macintosh Users Group MACHRDWR MACHRDWR@DARTCMS1 A list for posting advice about Macintosh hardware MACMAIL MACMAIL@UTORONTO MAC Mail Discussion List MACNET-L MACNET-L@YALEVM Macintosh Networking Issues MACPROG MACPROG@WUVMD Macintosh Programming Discussion List MACSYSTM MACSYSTM@DARTCMS1 A list for posting advice about Macintosh system MACTURK MACTURK@TREARN Turkish Macintosh Users Group MT3270-L MT3270-L@BROWNVM Macintosh TN3270 Beta-test List PAGEMAKR PAGEMAKR@INDYCMS PageMaker for Desktop Publishers QM-L QM-L@YALEVM QuickMail (CE Software) Users SYS7-L SYS7-L@UAFSYSB Macintosh System 7.0-Specific Discussions TINCAN-L TINCAN-L@YALEVM Macintosh Terminal Emulator Issues ---------------------------------------------- INTERNET LISTS SPECIFICALLY FOR THE MACINTOSH: --------------------------------------------- ------------- 4th Dimension ------------ This email group was created to provide users and developers a forum to ask questions, bounce ideas, and expand members knowledge of Acius' 4th Dimension. This is an informal group, with no rules except proper email etiquette. If you want to join (or be deleted from) the list, you need to email a request to: To post to the email group, mail your post to: If you have any problems with the mailing list, please contact: (a.k.a Michael L Barrow) He is the administrator of this list. This is NOT a listserv list, so you can't send mail commands at it or anything like that --- sorry. The 4th Dimension ftp site is: - or ( ) Everything is in the directory: - /pub/4d (which is read only) Send all uploads/email to: --------- INFO MAC -------- The Info-Mac archives are available (by using FTP, account anonymous, any password) in the info-mac directory on []. Help files and indices are in /info-mac/help. Please send articles and binaries to Send administrative mail to ------- LabVIEW ------- Info-LabVIEW, for users of National Instruments' LabVIEW for the Macintosh. To subscribe email to <>. List submissions go to <>. --------- AppleTalk --------- bInfo-AppleTalk, essentially based on the use of CAP (Columbia AppleTalk Package), a Unix AppleShare Server, various Ethernet<->LocalTalk gateways, and, of course, good old AppleTalk itself. To subscribe, email to <>, to post, email to <>. -------- PageMaker -------- Dwight, you might want to add PAGEMAKR out of INDYCMS to your list of Mac interest lists. Although it is not entirely Mac, some people try to do Pagemaker under Windows, it has been very useful to me as a Mac user. Some of the discussions have centered around clip art, printers, scanners and the like. You subcribe by request to LISTSERV at INDYCMS.IUPUI.EDU or INDYCMS (for BITNET). -------------- Microsoft Word ------------- WORD-MAC is a moderated list for discussion of Microsoft Word for the Macintosh. Send Word-related articles/questions/answers to WORD-MAC@ACC.HAVERFORD.EDU Send requests to SUBSCRIBE/UNSUBSCRIBE WORD-MAC or to receive files to MAILSERV@ACC.HAVERFORD.EDU For a description of valid commands and syntax, send a mail message with the command HELP in the body of the message to MAILSERV@ACC.HAVERFORD.EDU Send files to be posted or questions/comments about the list to A_HILL@ACC.HAVERFORD.EDU --------- HyperCard --------- HYPERCRD@PURCCVM.BITNET Mailing list to discuss anything and everything about HyperCard for Apple Macintosh microcomputers. The list is open and unmoderated. To join, send email to LISTSERV@PURCCVM.BITNET. Ignore the "Subject:" line, and send a one-line message as follows: SUBSCRIBE HYPERCRD Your_Name ----------------- MacroMind Director ----------------- Direct-L on LISTSERV@uafsysb or The DIRECT-L list was formed to provide a forum for discussions of the software program MacroMind Director for the Macintosh. This will be an unmoderated list with archives. Archives of DIRECT-L will be stored in the DIRECT-L FILELIST. To receive a list of files send the command INDEX DIRECT-L to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB To subscribe to DIRECT-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB via mail text or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE DIRECT-L Your_full_name -------- Prograph ------- Users of the Macintosh programming language Prograph now have their own Internet list! To subscribe to this new list, send an Email message to We aren't using any automated subscription process, so no special syntax is required. Just say you want to subscribe, and I'll add your name to the list. ----------- Programming ----------- MACPROG@WUVMD.WUSTL.EDU Hosted by Washington University, the MACPROG list is the Internet answer to the excellent Usenet programming forum. Hopefully the easier access of an Internet-based list will promote even better communication between Macintosh developers of commercial, in-house, and shareware software. In addition, this list will move some of the more technical topics out from lists devoted to user-oriented issues. The focus of MacProg will be to discuss mainstream language coding techniques. What's a mainstream language? C & Pascal principally, although other languages like LISP, Prologue, Fortran, Basic, HyperTalk, and application scripting are certainly welcome. Send mail to LISTSERV@WUVMD.WUSTL.EDU or LISTSERV@WUVMD.BITNET with the following command in the BODY of the mail: SUBSCRIBE MACPROG your name ------------ Mac Security ----------- MacIntosh Security If you're interested in joining the list, please send a message to: Contributions to the list should go to: ------------------- Macintosh in Turkey ------------------ MacTurk%TRBOUN.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU MacTurk@TRBOUN The list will deal on Academic Computing on MacIntosh Environment in Turkey (which is derived from the Workshop under the same name, on May 14-16, Istanbul, Bogazici University). This is NOT a LISTSERV/LISTEARN list! There is NOautomatic subscription available at the moment! Subscription requests should be sent to me at Postings should be sent to: MacTurk@TRBOUN in mail format. Only class M (that is MAIL) files will be accepted. -------- System 7 -------- SYS7-L on LISTSERV@UAFSYSB MacIntosh Operating System Version 7 or LISTSERV@UAFSYSB.UARK.EDU To receive a list of files send the command INDEX LISTNAME to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB. To subscribe to SYS7-L, send the following command to LISTSERV@UAFSYSB via mail text or interactive message: SUBSCRIBE SYS7-L Your_full_name ---------- NISUS --------- For administrative requests such as deletion and joining the list: nisus-info-request@sirius.UVic.CA To broadcast a message to the list, use the e-mail address nisus-info@sirius.UVic.CA ---------------------------------------- THESE ARE USENET LISTS: ---------------------------------------- comp.binaries.mac comp.lang.forth.mac comp.sources.mac comp.sys.mac.announce comp.sys.mac.apps comp.sys.mac.comm comp.sys.mac.digest mac.hardware comp.sys.mac.hypercard comp.sys.mac.misc comp.sys.mac.programmer comp.sys.mac.system comp.sys.mac.wanted su.macintosh bit.mailserv.word-mac ---------------------------------- NOT SPECIFICALLY FOR THE MACINTOSH: --------------------------------- ------ CD-ROMS ------ CDROMLAN on LISTSERV@IDBSU.BITNET or LISTSERV@IDBSU.IDBSU.EDU A new list named CDROMLAN@IDBSU has begun serving those interested in using CDROM products in LAN environments. This list will provide an exchange of information on all types of CDROM products, whether they contain indexes, abstracts, full text, statistics, graphics, or other data. It will also cover all types of LAN environments (Banyan, Starlan, Ethernet, Novell, etc.) on all types of hardware (Mac, IBM, Unix, clones, etc.) Producers of hardware, LAN software, CDROM products, and integrated CDROM LAN systems will be encouraged to participate in the discussions and to answer questions about their products. To join the list, send an interactive message or mail message to LISTSERV@IDBSU with the text containing the command: SUB CDROMLAN yourfirstname yourlastname -------------- Computer Games ------------- digital-games-submissions@DIGITAL-GAMES.INTUITIVE.COM Digest devoted to computer and video game reviews, with interested in just about any games that run on computers, including IBM PC, Atari, Amiga, Macintosh, Apple II and Unix computers, as well as video games for the Nintendo, Sega, NEC, Atari, and so on. It also covers games for the portable market (e.g. the Atari Lynx and Nintendo GameBoy). This is a *REVIEWS ONLY* mailing list, with all submissions edited to fit into a common and consistent format. Discussion of the relative merits of different gaming computers, technical discussion of resolution required to display 3D graphics, and general flaming and hostility will be left to the many different forums appropriate for that type of discussion. To subscribe to the digest, send your request to digital-games-request@Digital-Games.Intuitive.Com. Coordinator: Dave Taylor <taylor@LIMBO.INTUITIVE.COM> <limbo!> -------------- Micro Software ------------- SOFTREVU@BrownVM.Brown.EDU SOFTREVU@BROWNVM.BITNET Forum for the Discussion of Small Computer Systems Software Reviews and Related Issues SOFTREVU is intended to cover all microcomputer platforms; such as the Apple Macintosh line, Amigas, IBM PS/2 line, PC compatibles, the NeXT machines, Sun and SPARC workstations, and the like. To subscribe to SOFTREVU send the command, SUBSCRIBE SOFTREVU <yourname> to LISTSERV@BROWNVM (LISTSERV@BrownVM.Brown.EDU). DO NOT SEND LIST COMMANDS TO THE LIST. Send them to the LISTSERV account.