Date: Wed, 10 Feb 1993 17:06:08 -0800
From: "Ron Wong, SCO DevRel, x7128" <ronaldw@sco.COM>
Subject: New submission

I've uploaded a text file "Modifying HDSC Setup" into the Incoming folder. 
It's how to make Apple's HDSC Setup "brain dead" so that it'll format any
hard drive.  You may want to change the creator type from McSk to ttxt
before filing it away (sorry, I forgot to do that before uploading).


Ron Wong
Ron Wong                  The Santa Cruz Operation          408-427-7128
Net & Comm Segment Mgr/   400 Encinal Street, PO Box 1900  FAX: 425-3544
DevProgram Marketing Mgr  Santa Cruz, CA  95061-1900
E-mail:   ...uunet!sco!ronaldw      ronaldw@sco.COM

Formatting "Any" Hard Disk with Apple's HDSC Setup

Symptom:  Apple HDSC Setup says it can't find the disk that
you want to format but other SCSI utilities (SCSI Probe,
Disk First Aid, etc.) are able to find the disk

Diagnosis:  HDSC Setup contains a list of hard disk names
that it officially supports

Solution:  prevent the name checking by using ResEdit to
modify HDSC Setup

Steps:  (use a copy of HDSC Setup!!!)

1.  Start ResEdit and open the copy of HDSC Setup 
2.  Open the Code Resource named "%A5Init"
3.  Search in the ASCII section for the string "8 SEAGATE"
4.  In the HEX-Section, change the code for the "8" in the
     ASCII string you found to "00"
5.  Save the changed version of HDSC Setup 

Thanks to:
Dominik Ulmer (
Ephraim Vishniac (

who provided the original information in a previous posting.

Ron Wong                  The Santa Cruz Operation          408-427-7128
Net & Comm Segment Mgr/   400 Encinal Street, PO Box 1900  FAX: 425-3544
DevProgram Marketing Mgr  Santa Cruz, CA  95061-1900
E-mail:   ...uunet!sco!ronaldw      ronaldw@sco.COM