From: (David Bau)
Date: Fri, 2 Oct 92 23:25:09 -0400 

This unusual submission is for those mac users near postscript printers.

After I put my after-dark maze screensaver on the archives there were many
requests for a way of producing maze hardcopies.  If you have a postscript
printer, this is a cool way of doing it.  Just send this postscript file to
your printer, and it will randomly generate a maze and print it out.  You
have to make sure that the file begins with the %! line, and if you are
having trouble getting mazes out of the file, use the program SendPS, in
the info-mac archives.

If you fiddle with the options at the top of the file, you can get multi-page
mazes and even get the printer to solve the maze.

If there is sufficient interest, I will repost my maze screensaver as well,
which has since disappeared from info-mac.  I also have other postscript
toys which I can submit if people want them.

David Bau

}----- cut here -----{
true  % Big labyrinth for postscript printers, by David Bau, 10/1/92

1 612 % horiz pages, pts/page % This file is free puzzleware :)  Please pass it
1 792 % vert pages, pts/page  % on only for free, and keep my original comments
18    % page margin (overlap) % intact.  And if you really like it, email me or
12    % corridor size         % send me a postscard from your town!
2     % corner/linecap style  % 777 South Avenue
0.2   % wall thickness        % Weston, MA 02193
0.5   % path thickness        %

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