Mon Jan 24 10:33:44 PST 2005
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 10.1.
Mon Jun 21 09:44:19 PDT 2004
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 10.0.
Sun Jun 20 23:31:00 PDT 2004
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 10.0rc2.
Tue Jun 15 14:59:32 PDT 2004
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 10.0rc1 (Linux 2.4.26).
Wed Sep 24 20:25:56 PDT 2003
Upgraded to module-init-tools-0.9.14-i486-2.tgz.
Upgraded to tcpip-0.17-i486-24.tgz.
Tue Sep 23 13:41:00 PDT 2003
Upgraded to openssh-3.7.1p2-i486-1.
Mon Sep 22 21:29:51 PDT 2003
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 9.1rc1, Linux 2.4.22, and glibc-2.3.2.
Many new packages included -- see README.1st for the whole list.
Tue Mar 18 00:44:43 PST 2003
bootdisk.img,  Patched ptrace bug in the kernel.
(* Security fix *)
Mon Mar 17 00:05:41 PST 2003
Added ZipSlack split into floppy-sized chunks in the split/ directory.
Tue Mar 11 20:47:43 PST 2003
Recompiled kernel and kernel modules.
Mon Mar 10 13:38:02 PST 2003
Upgraded to aaa_base-9.0.0-noarch-1, hotplug-2002_08_26-noarch-5, and
  added missing DHCP package (dhcpcd-1.3.22pl4-i386-1).
Sun Mar  9 23:33:34 PST 2003
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 9.0-rc2, Linux 2.4.20, and glibc-2.3.1.
Sun Jun 16 16:14:05 PDT 2002
Renamed /etc/rc.d/rc.keymap to /etc/rc.d/ to stop it from
loading by default.  If you want to load a keymap, you'll need to rename
the file to remove the .new and edit it appropriately.  This change was
made because if you happen to be booting ZipSlack with one of the kernels
containing Speakup speech synthesizer support, when the keymap is
loaded it overwrites the Speakup map built into the kernel, and Speakup
can no longer be controlled with the numeric keypad.
Wed Jun 12 19:56:26 PDT 2002
Updated aaa_base, pkgtools, sysvinit, and util-linux packages.
Mon Jun 10 11:03:47 PDT 2002
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 8.1, Linux 2.4.18, and glibc-2.2.5.
Tue Jun 26 18:10:25 PDT 2001
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 8.0, Linux 2.2.19, and glibc-2.2.3.
Tue Jun 20 19:59:43 PDT 2000
Rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 7.1, Linux 2.2.16, and glibc-2.1.3.
Unfortunately, things keep growing, but the size of a 100MB Zip Disk
doesn't (they sort of remind me of floppy disks in that regard ;), so
there are somewhat less features this time around.  In particular,
there's no longer room for a subset of the kernel sources, which will
limit what can be compiled unless kernel sources are added.
Wed Apr 26 20:40:27 PDT 2000
Patch kernel to fix crash when ls'ing /dev.
Thu Oct 21 18:43:39 CDT 1999
Upgrade to Linux 2.2.13.
Fri Oct 15 10:56:19 CDT 1999
Make symlinks for /usr/i386-slackware-*, as the kernel mangling algorithm
doesn't seem to grok directories that long and similar.
Thu Oct 14 20:58:42 CDT 1999
Completely rebuilt ZipSlack from Slackware 7.0, and Linux 2.2.12.
ZipSlack is now based on glibc-2.1.2.
Added ZipSlack split into floppy-sized chunks in the split/ directory.
Wed Jun 16 21:23:13 CDT 1999
Two changes were made to
  1.  \--LINUX-.--- was removed, as it was preventing the virtual /DOS
      directory from working.
  2.  The default kernel should now have working support for parallel-port
      Zip drives.
The bootdisk.img has also been replaced with one using the fixed kernel, and
the kernel itself can be found in ../kernels/zipslack.s/.
Sat May  8 23:38:08 CDT 1999
New ZipSlack 4.0 release:  ZipSlack rebuilt from Slackware 4.0 packages.  Now
uses the Linux 2.2.6 kernel. rebuilt for ZipSlack 4.0.
Wed Oct 28 04:01:07 CST 1998
New ZipSlack 3.6 release:  ZipSlack rebuilt from Slackware 3.6 packages. rebuilt for ZipSlack 3.6.
Mon Oct 26 01:45:51 CST 1998
Upgraded bootdisk.img to linux-2.0.35 for upcoming ZipSlack release.
Fri Aug 14 20:59:26 CDT 1998
Added package.  This adds an 8 megabyte swap file to ZipSlack,
allowing it to boot on machines with only 4 megabytes of RAM.  Hopefully this
will help make some of those old 386 laptops useful again. :^)
Fri Jun  5 21:00:59 PDT 1998 rebuilt from the latest Slackware.
Upgraded bootdisk.img to linux-2.0.34.
Wed May 27 02:25:45 CDT 1998
Rebuilt from current Slackware snapshot, added 'dip' package,
      and added PCMCIA support.
NOTE: This won't allow you to install to a drive connected through a PCMCIA
      card, only to use PCMCIA devices.  Booting Linux on a PCMCIA device
      would require using an initial ramdisk (initrd) with PCMCIA support, and
      my tests here have shown that an initrd doesn't work with a UMSDOS Linux
      system installed in \LINUX.
Tue May 12 23:57:28 CDT 1998
Updated archive to use new /vmlinuz, and set -R rdev flag to 0.
Fri May  8 22:24:37 CDT 1998
Recompiled kernel on zipslack.img using newer NCR 53c8xx SCSI driver.  This
is reported to work better with Diamond SCSI cards.