Slackware IDE bootdisks

  This directory contains a collection of batch files used to create Slackware
  bootdisks.  To create a disk, just put a formatted floppy disk in your drive
  and choose one of the options listed below to make the disk.  Read all of the
  choices carefully to pick the disk that best matches the hardware in your
  machine.  NOTE:  Using the VIEW program to create the Slackware bootdisks
  will not work under Windows95.  If you're running Windows95, you'll need to
  restart your machine in MS-DOS mode before you can create a bootdisk.

  NOTE:  All of these disks contain support for IDE hard drives and CDROM
         drives.  If you have additional equipment, look for the disk that
         supports it.

  Name        Additional driver support
  ----        -------------------------

aztech.bat    CD-ROM drives:  Aztech CDA268-01A, Orchid CD-3110,
              Okano/Wearnes CDD110, Conrad TXC, CyCDROM CR520, CR540.

bare.bat      (none, just IDE support)

bareapm.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with APM (Advanced Power
              Management) support.

barepnp.bat   Like the BARE disk, but with experimental Plug'n'Play
              BIOS extensions.

cdu31a.bat    Sony CDU31/33a CD-ROM.

cdu535.bat    Sony CDU531/535 CD-ROM.

cm206.bat     Philips/LMS cm206 CD-ROM with cm260 adapter card.

goldstar.bat  Goldstar R420 CD-ROM (sometimes sold in a 'Reveal
              Multimedia Kit').

mcd.bat       NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

mcdx.bat      Improved NON-IDE Mitsumi CD-ROM support.

net.bat       Ethernet support. (Used for installing over the network)

optics.bat    Optics Storage 8000 AT CD-ROM (the 'DOLPHIN' drive).

sanyo.bat     Sanyo CDR-H94A CD-ROM support.

sbpcd.bat     Matsushita, Kotobuki, Panasonic, CreativeLabs
              (Sound Blaster), Longshine and Teac NON-IDE CD-ROM support.

xt.bat        MFM hard drive support.