$Id: ChangeLog,v 1.11 2005/07/16 12:04:26 dalroi Exp $

This file is maintained by dalroi@solfertje.student.utwente.nl

Changelog for all libDockApp users.
This file contains a reverse chronology of changes.
The contents of this file will apply mostly to developers of dockapps.
Please read this when you update.

	Release of libDockapp 0.6.1.
	Fixed parsing of multi-char short options.

	Release of libDockapp 0.6.0.

	Added DAError and DAWarning functions.

	Added DAFreeShapedPixmap.

	Added functions to read an XPM file dynamically.

	Added a function to retrieve the program name from the program

	Added a new global variable DAIcon. The value of this variable is
	None if the dockapp runs in "windowed mode".

	Added functions DAGetIconWindow() and
	DASetIconWindow(Window icon_window). The "...Window"-part is because
	X discerns between icon windows and icon pixmaps.

	DAWindow now always points to the shown window. Normally this is the
	icon window (DAIcon), but in "windowed mode" this is the leader window

	Bumped the version of the library to 2.

	Added WMProtocol for WM_DELETE_WINDOW. Dockapps run in "windowed
	mode" will have a proper close-button now.

	Child windows of a dockapp are now mapped as well when calling

	Revamped the Changelog. Changedates have become important now that we
	use them for backward compatibility.

	Added expected against actual version matching system. This has the
	purpose of keeping the library backward compatible, even when the API
	changes (as happened with DAGetDisplay).
	Use the function DASetExpectedVersion(<changelog date>) in your dockapp
	to ensure backward compatibility.

	Renamed DAGetDisplay() to DAOpenDisplay(). The function opened a
	display, this name makes more sense and there was a potential namespace
	conflict (see below).

	Added functions:
		Display*	DAGetDisplay(char *display, ...)
		Window		DAGetWindow()
		Window		DAGetLeader()
		int		DAGetDepth()
		Visual*		DAGetVisual()
		DAGetDisplay(Display *display)
		DAGetWindow(Window window)
		DAGetLeader(Window leader)
		DAGetDepth(int depth)
		DAGetVisual(Visual *visual)
	These functions just wrap the global variables DADisplay, DAWindow,
	DALeader, DADepth and DAVisual. The globals are still available, and
	will probably remain in future releases (The wrappers are for calls
	from other dynamic objects).
	If DASetExpectedVersion is before 20030126 (or not set), DAGetDisplay
	will behave in the old way, opening the display instead of reading out
	the variable. The NEW version of DAGetDisplay should be called as:
		Display *d = DAGetDisplay(NULL);

	Added event handling for DestroyNotify, EnterWindow and LeaveWindow.

	Added a more complex example ("rectangles") showing the use of 'action
	rectangles' and the handling of _all_ recognised event types; this one
	may need some simplification.
	Added an example ("shapes") of using the shaped pixmap API. No code
	yet, just a directory.

	Added programming examples. There are three examples in the make: A
	relatively simple example ("basic") without event handling and with
	only basic shape implementation.

	Added a 7-segment display font. This font was donated by Jim Knoble.
	Thanks Jim (It doesn't get installed, yet. I still need to make a
	Makefile for this...).

	Added DAShapedPixmap type and functions to work with it. There is an
	entire API around shaped pixmaps now, keeping pixmap, mask and geometry
	together. It allows copying areas from both the pixmap and the mask to
	another shaped pixmap, etc.

	Added new global GC: DAClearGC. If you want to draw parts, you will
	also want to erase parts.

	Added default colors as X-resources: DockApp*foreground and
	DockApp*background. These colors are the foreground colors of DAGC and
	DAClearGC respectively.

	"Inherited" the project from Pascal Hofstee. He stopped maintaining it,
	and gave his okay when I asked to maintain it. We used to work on this
	together, I'll continue the effort alone.

	Release of libDockapp 0.4

Since libDockApp 0.2
	DockApps can now change shape on the fly.

	Motion Events are properly handled now.

	Code review/cleanup
	Added DARect and DAActionRect structures. These allow You to easily
	specify regions, and functions that should be called when clicked in
	these regions.

	DAEventLoop now finaly no longer causes Huge CPU-usage.

	Turned out I had to disable the GCGraphicsExposures GC-Values, which
	were generating huge amounts of "NoExpose" events which were simply
	discarded anyway.

Before this, libdockapp was maintained and copyright by Alfredo Kojima.