You will need: a shell account on Unix/Linux machnine,
with access to gcc compiler, space for web pages, 
and possibility to run CGI scripts.

You will also need the following information from your web provider:
- the name of the directory web files appear in.
(usually something like public_html, pub_html, web, www_html, or www)
- the name of the directory cgi files must run in.
(usually something like cgi-bin, cgi, or cgi_bin)
- any additional instructions for running executable cgi programs.

1. You'll need to somehow get the zipped program onto the host machine
    (use a ftp client, or scp)
2. Telnet/ssh into your host system.
3. Type mc (if your host has Midnight Commander which is very helpful)
  or try to use Unix commands: 'dir', 'cd', etc...
  and search for you uploaded aine*.zip
  Now you must uncompress the file.
  Type: unzip aine_*.zip
4. You should have now a directory called 'aine'.
  enter that directory: cd aine
  enter the source directory that lies inside it: cd source
  type: make all
5. You should now have a compiled version of aine.
  (if you have problems with compiling: check 'faq.html')
  You'll now need to install it to the right place.

  Copy all executables (aine.cgi, aine) to directory which contains
  '/data' and '/log' directories (it will be "aine" directory) -
  just one up.

6. Now you need set up file and directory permissions:

    chmod 755 aine.cgi

  now you need to make it so aine can write to her data and log directories:

    chmod 777 data
    chmod 777 log

7. Now you'll need to enter your data directory 
    cd data
and edit 'aine.ini'
   pico aine.ini

Pico is an easy to use text editor.  

set "cookiedomain" to your domain where you will run aine
(e.g. if I run aine on
cookiedomain = )

set "cookiepath" (in my example it would be "/aine/").

8. Edit 'skeleton.txt'

  You'll need to change the part that says
  http://YouNeedToChangeThis.Com/aine.cgi to wherever you would point your
  browser to access the bot.
     (usually this will be something like )

9. Go into your Aine /log directory and delete all files but index.html,
   or change permission for *all* of them to "write to all".

10. Then open up your web-browser and hit the page.
  You can get an error at first time,
  try to refresh (press F5) then and everything should be ok.
  If it does - enjoy! :^)
  If it doesn't - try the following:
  Sometimes it seems skeleton.txt doesn't work correctly. Try simply opening it
  up in a text editor and saving it.
  If you still have problems try doing this with aine.ini and defvars.txt, this
  could also solve them.

  If you still have problems, try contacting your webhost provider and asking
  for assistance. They may be able to take a peek and see what's up.
  They should know their machine fairly well, and should know exactly how to get
  cgi-executables to work.
  Hopefully this all works. If it doesn't then you can try
  to email me (
  Please make sure you include the following information:

    - type of computer your compiling/running on.
    - type of OS (operating system) your working on.
    - name of the webserver your working on.
    - any pastings of errors that occurred.
    - what you were doing when the error occurred.
    - the web address where I may access the error'd Aine.

'cgi-man.txt' originally wrote by Anthony Taylor,
updated by David Calinski and Gilbert Ashley.