openSUSE Leap 15.0 Release Notes openSUSE Leap is a free and Linux-based operating system for your PC, Laptop or Server. You can surf the Web, manage your e-mails and photos, do office work, play videos or music and have a lot of fun! Publication Date: 2018-05-14, Version: 15.0.20180514 1 Installation 2 System Upgrade 3 Packaging Changes 4 Desktop 5 Security 6 More Information and Feedback The release notes are under constant development. To find out about the latest updates, see the online version at The English release notes are updated whenever need arises. Translated language versions can temporarily be incomplete. If you upgrade from an older version to this openSUSE Leap release, see previous release notes listed here: openSUSE:Release_Notes. Information about the project is available at To report bugs against this release, use the openSUSE Bugzilla. For more information, see 1 Installation This section contains installation-related notes. For detailed upgrade instructions, see the documentation at leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/part.basics.html. 1.1 Minimal System Installation The minimal system installation lacks certain functionality that is often taken for granted: • It does not contain a software firewall front-end. You can install the package firewalld additionally. • It does not contain a YaST. You can install the pattern patterns-yast-yast2_basis additionally. 1.2 UEFI—Unified Extensible Firmware Interface Prior to installing openSUSE on a system that boots using UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface), you are urgently advised to check for any firmware updates the hardware vendor recommends and, if available, to install such an update. A pre-installation of Windows 8 or later is a strong indication that your system boots using UEFI. Background: Some UEFI firmware has bugs that cause it to break if too much data gets written to the UEFI storage area. However, there is no clear data of how much is “too muchâ€. openSUSE minimizes the risk by not writing more than the bare minimum required to boot the OS. The minimum means telling the UEFI firmware about the location of the openSUSE boot loader. Upstream Linux kernel features that use the UEFI storage area for storing boot and crash information (pstore) have been disabled by default. Nevertheless, it is recommended to install any firmware updates the hardware vendor recommends. 1.3 UEFI, GPT, and MS-DOS Partitions Together with the EFI/UEFI specification, a new style of partitioning arrived: GPT (GUID Partition Table). This new schema uses globally unique identifiers (128-bit values displayed in 32 hexadecimal digits) to identify devices and partition types. Additionally, the UEFI specification also allows legacy MBR (MS-DOS) partitions. The Linux boot loaders (ELILO or GRUB 2) try to automatically generate a GUID for those legacy partitions, and write them to the firmware. Such a GUID can change frequently, causing a rewrite in the firmware. A rewrite consists of two different operations: Removing the old entry and creating a new entry that replaces the first one. Modern firmware has a garbage collector that collects deleted entries and frees the memory reserved for old entries. A problem arises when faulty firmware does not collect and free those entries. This can result in a non-bootable system. To work around this problem, convert the legacy MBR partition to GPT. 1.4 Installing the Nvidia Driver Manually On openSUSE Leap 15.0, you need to uninstall the package drm-kmp-default first, before you can manually install Nvidia drivers using the .run shell script archive: zypper rm drm-kmp-default If you install the RPMs provided by Nvidia, you will not be affected by this issue, because in that case, the package drm-kmp-default is replaced during the driver installation automatically. If you decide to uninstall Nvidia's driver later, make sure to reinstall the package drm-kmp-default. For more information, see 1.5 Scaling the Installer UI on Computers with High-DPI Displays The YaST installer does not scale its UI for High-DPI displays by default. If you have a computer with a high-DPI display, you can set YaST to scale its UI automatically for the display. To do so, add the parameter QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1 to the bootloader command line. 2 System Upgrade This section lists notes related to upgrading the system. For detailed upgrade instructions, see the documentation at leap/startup/html/book.opensuse.startup/cha.update.osuse.html. Additionally, check Section 3, “Packaging Changesâ€. 2.1 Upgrading from openSUSE Leap 42.3 2.1.1 Postfix Admin Uses Backwards-Incompatible Directory Layout Starting with the version 3.2, as shipped in openSUSE Leap 15.0, Postfix Admin (package postfixadmin) uses a new and backwards-incompatible directory layout: • The configuration files moved to /etc/postfixadmin. • The PHP code moved to /usr/share/postfixadmin. • The Smarty cache moved to /var/cache/postfixadmin. Postfix Admin no longer reads configuration files from their previous locations and the configuration is not migrated automatically. Therefore, you need to migrate the following items manually: • Move config.local.php from /srv/www/htdocs/postfixadmin to /etc/ postfixadmin. • If you made customizations to, ideally merge these customizations into /etc/postfixadmin/config.local.php. We recommended keeping unmodified. • In the Apache configuration, add or enable the alias /postfixadmin: â–¡ To make the alias available on all virtual hosts, run: a2enflag POSTFIXADMIN && rcapache2 restart â–¡ To make the alias available only on a specific virtual host only, add the alias to the config of that virtual host. 3 Packaging Changes 3.1 Deprecated Packages Deprecated packages are still shipped as part of the distribution but are scheduled to be removed the next version of openSUSE Leap. These packages exist to aid migration, but their use is discouraged and they may not receive updates. To check whether installed packages are no longer maintained: Make sure that lifecycle-data-openSUSE is installed, then use the command: zypper lifecycle 4 Desktop This section lists desktop issues and changes in openSUSE Leap 15.0. 4.1 KDE on Wayland Is Not Supported with Proprietary Nvidia Driver The KDE Plasma Wayland session is not supported with the proprietary Nvidia driver. If you are using KDE and the proprietary Nvidia driver, stay with the X session. 4.2 No Default Compose Key Combination In previous versions of openSUSE, the compose key combination allowed typing characters that were not part of the regular keyboard layout. For example, to produce “åâ€, you could press and release Shift–Right Ctrl and then press a twice. In openSUSE Leap 15.0, there is no longer a predefined compose key combination because Shift–Right Ctrl does not work as expected anymore. • To define a system-wide custom compose key combination, use the file /etc/ X11/Xmodmap and look for the following lines: [...] !! Third example: Change right Control key to Compose key. !! To do Compose Character, press this key and afterwards two !! characters (e.g. `a' and `^' to get 342). !remove Control = Control_R !keysym Control_R = Multi_key !add Control = Control_R [...] To uncomment the example code, remove the ! characters at the beginning of lines. However, note that the setup from Xmodmap will be overwritten if you are using setxkbmap. • To define a user-specific compose key combination, use your desktop's keyboard configuration tool or the command-line tool setxkbmap: setxkbmap [...] -option compose:COMPOSE_KEY For the variable COMPOSE_KEY, use your preferred character, for example ralt, lwin, rwin, menu, rctl, or caps. • Alternatively, use an IBus input method that allows typing the characters you need without a Compose key. 4.3 Use update-alternatives to Set Login Manager and Desktop Session In the past, you could use /etc/sysconfig or the YaST module /etc/sysconfig Editor to define the login manager and desktop session. Starting with openSUSE Leap 15.0, the values are not defined using /etc/sysconfig anymore but with the alternatives system. To change the defaults, use the following alternatives: • Login manager: default-displaymanager • Wayland session: default-waylandsession.desktop • X desktop session: default-xsession.desktop For example, to check the value of default-displaymanager, use: sudo update-alternatives --display default-displaymanager To switch the default-displaymanager to xdm, use: sudo update-alternatives --set default-displaymanager \ /usr/lib/X11/displaymanagers/xdm To enable graphical management of alternatives, use the YaST module Alternatives that can be installed from the package yast2-alternatives. 4.4 No Screen Lock When Using GNOME Shell But Not GDM When using GNOME Shell together with a login manager other than GDM, such as SDDM or LightDM, the screen will not blank or lock. Additionally, switching users without logging out is not possible. To be able to lock the screen from GNOME Shell, enable GDM as your login manager: 1. Make sure that the package gdm is installed. 2. Open YaST and from it, open /etc/sysconfig Manager. 3. Navigate to Desktop › Display manager › DISPLAYMANAGER. 4. In the text box, specify gdm. To save, click OK. 5. Reboot. 4.5 Scaling the SDDM UI on Computers with High-DPI Displays The default login manager for KDE, SDDM, does not scale its UI for High-DPI displays by default. If you have a computer with a high-DPI display, you can set SDDM to scale its UI automatically for the display using the configuration file /etc/sddm.conf: [XDisplay] ServerArguments=-dpi DPI_SETTING EnableHiDPI=true Replace DPI_SETTING with an appropriate DPI value, such as 192. For best scaling results, use a DPI value that is a multiple of the default 96 DPI. 4.6 Scaling the YaST UI on Computers with High-DPI Displays YaST does not scale its UI for High-DPI displays by default. If you have a computer with a high-DPI display, you can set YaST to scale its UI automatically for the display. To do so, set the environment variable QT_AUTO_SCREEN_SCALE_FACTOR=1. 4.7 Screen Sharing Does Not Work in Firefox or Chromium on Wayland Firefox and Chromium normally allow Web-based tools such as videoconferencing applications to share the entire screen or individual application windows. This functionality is currently not supported in either browser when using a Wayland session. To be able to share your screen in Firefox or Chromium, use an X session instead. 4.8 Playing MP3 Media Files The codecs to play MP3 media files are shipped as part of the standard repository. To use this decoder in gstreamer-based applications and frameworks, such as Rhythmbox or Totem, install the package gstreamer-plugins-ugly. 4.9 No Support for Type-1 Fonts in LibreOffice LibreOffice 5.3 and higher do not support legacy Type-1 fonts (file extensions .afm and .pfb) anymore. Most users should not be affected by this, as current fonts are available either in the format TrueType (.ttf) or OpenType (.otf) formats. If you are affected by this, convert Type-1 fonts to a supported format, such as TrueType and then use the converted fonts. Conversion is possible with the application FontForge (package fontforge) which is included in openSUSE. For information on scripting such conversions, see en-US/documentation/scripting/. 4.10 FreeType Font Rendering Changes FreeType 2.6.4 has a new default glyph hinting interpreter (version 38) that more closely matches other operating systems but may look “more fuzzy†to some. To restore the previous FreeType behavior, set the following environment variable at any level (system-wide, user-specific, or program-specific) of your choice: FREETYPE_PROPERTIES="truetype:interpreter-version=35" 4.11 Enabling KDE Plasma Browser Integration Plasma browser integration for Firefox and Chromium/Chrome allows monitoring multimedia and downloads using KDE system tools and gives quick access to tabs via the Run Command bar of the KDE Plasma desktop. The browser integration functionality consists of two parts that need to work together: • The desktop part that can be installed using the system package plasma-browser-integration. • The browser part that needs to be installed from the add-on store of your browser: â–¡ Firefox: â–¡ Chromium/Chrome: plasma-integration/cimiefiiaegbelhefglklhhakcgmhkai Note that this functionality is officially still in development and openSUSE Leap 15.0 ships with an early version of it. 4.12 Loading the Emacs psgml Module Because of conflicts with Emacs modules from the default installation, openSUSE Leap 15.0 can no longer load the psgml module automatically. For more information, see the file README from the package psgml. 5 Security This section lists changes to security features in openSUSE Leap 15.0. 5.1 systemctl stop apparmor Does Not Work In the past, there could be confusion over the difference between how the very similarly named systemctl subcommands reload and restart worked for AppArmor: • systemctl reload apparmor properly reloaded all AppArmor profiles. (It was and continues to be the recommended way of reloading AppArmor profiles.) • systemctl restart apparmor meant that AppArmor would stop, thereby unloading all AppArmor profiles and then restart which left all existing processes unconfined. Only newly started processes would then be confined again. Unfortunately, systemd does not provide a solution within its unit file format for the issue posed by the restart scenario. Starting with AppArmor 2.12, the command systemctl stop apparmor will not work. As a consequence, systemctl restart apparmor will now correctly reload AppArmor profiles. To unload all AppArmor profiles, use the new command aa-teardown instead which matches the previous behavior of systemctl stop apparmor. For more information, see and 6 More Information and Feedback • Read the README documents on the medium. • View a detailed changelog information about a particular package from its RPM: rpm --changelog -qp FILENAME.rpm Replace FILENAME with the name of the RPM. • Check the ChangeLog file in the top level of the medium for a chronological log of all changes made to the updated packages. • Find more information in the docu directory on the medium. • For additional or updated documentation, see • For the latest product news, from openSUSE, visit Copyright © 2018 SUSE LLC © 2018 SUSE