Styles Dialog

The Styles dialog allows you to create, modify, and delete styles in your AbiWord document. You can also apply existing styles using the Style drop-down menu on the formatting toolbar: see the help document for that toolbar for further details.

Changes that you make from this dialog only apply to the current document. To change the default styles for a new document, see the documentation on How To Change Default Styles.

Available Styles

This window shows a list of all the styles in the document which meet the criterion selected under 'List', below. You can scroll through the list using the scroll bars, and click on a style to select it.


This is a menu which allows you to choose which styles to show. To get the menu, click on the button to the right of the box, then click on one of the options to select it. The options are:

In Use

This option shows all those styles which apply to some text in the current document.


This option shows all styles available to the document.

User-defined styles

This option shows all styles which have been defined by the user of the program, rather than coming built-in. This does include styles that other users have defined.

Paragraph Preview

This shows you what a paragraph formatted according to the currently-selected style would look like.

Character Preview

This shows you what individual characters formatted according to the currently-selected style would look like.


This box lists the properties of the style. The properties are all the formatting options that are applied by that style.


This button opens the New Style dialog.


This button opens the Modify Style dialog to modify the selected style. If you click it while no style is selected, you get a warning dialog.


Pressing this button deletes the currently-selected style. If that style is built-in, nothing happens when you press the button.


Pressing this button applies the currently selected style to the paragraph which contains the insertion point. It does not close the dialog.


This button closes the dialog. Any changes you made were saved when you clicked 'OK' in either the New Style or Modify Style dialogs.

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