libcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR, the general-purpose schema-less binary data format.

Main features

A taste of the API

#include <cbor.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
/* Preallocate the map structure */
cbor_item_t * root = cbor_new_definite_map(2);
/* Add the content */
cbor_map_add(root, (struct cbor_pair) {
.key = cbor_move(cbor_build_string("Is CBOR awesome?")),
.value = cbor_move(cbor_build_bool(true))
cbor_map_add(root, (struct cbor_pair) {
.key = cbor_move(cbor_build_uint8(42)),
.value = cbor_move(cbor_build_string("Is the answer"))
/* Output: `length` bytes of data in the `buffer` */
unsigned char * buffer;
size_t buffer_size,
length = cbor_serialize_alloc(root, &buffer, &buffer_size);
fwrite(buffer, 1, length, stdout);
view raw cbor_example.c hosted with ❤ by GitHub



brew tap pjk/libcbor
brew install libcbor


Please refer to the documentation on how to build libcbor.

deb and RPM packages can be built effortlessly using CPack. libcbor also comes with pkg-config support.


Windows are supported and tested for. CMake can target both MSVC and Cygwin toolchains. Please refer to the documentation on how to do so.

Other platforms

As long as CMake and a C99 compiler are available, libcbor will work. Read more here.

Resources & documentation

Ruby bindings

If you write Ruby, you might be interested in the Ruby bindings for libcbor.


libcbor is distributed under the terms of the MIT license, as found in the source code.

Copyright (c) Pavel Kalvoda, 2014 - 2017