Compiled by Carl Wooltorton ( for the Amos

The following format is recognised :

     NAME    : (Real name)
     EMAIL   : (NAME's Email address)
     PROJECT : (What NAME is working on)
     VERSION : (What version of Amos NAME used)
     STATUS  : (An estimation of how much NAME has done so far)

There is no particular order to this list.


NAME: Ben Marty
PROJECT: TechnoVenture (finished and available for FTP at
         in the games/jump directory.  I'm still updating it though.)
VERSION: AMOS Pro 2.0 & compiler
STATUS: 4 high quality games + many small programs.  The big 4 are (in
        chronological order, and rated 1-best to 4-not best) -
        Robotic Rebellion: rating 2         \__ rating questionable
        Ancient Arena of Power: rating 3  __/
        Tank: rating 4
        TechnoVenture: rating 1

      TechnoVenture won the "Playfield!" programming contest.


NAME    : Mark Baker
EMAIL   : 
PROJECT : Mix'N'Match - find the matching pair game.
VERSION : Creator 1.36
STATUS  : Playable, but needs improvements such as NTSC compatability,
          choice of grid size, better title screen, music, etc, etc...
          This is version 1.0 ... I could realease it now... I will
          If people REALLY want to see it.
PROJECT : Swarm - like the UNIX screensaver, 'flies' swarm to the mouse
          pointer (fun utility)
STATUS  : Finished version 1.0 -- I'll post it RSN.
          NB: This is NTSC compatable!!! wahey!!


NAME    : Jurgen Valks
PROJECT : File Splitter Pro
VERSION : 1.36 [Amos Creator/Amos Pro]
STATUS  : 99%


NAME    : Andy Church
EMAIL   : -or-

PROJECT: Intuition Extension
STATUS: In progress; version 1.0 nearly finished

I'm planning to upload the demo version of the extension to AmiNet next
weekend, after I iron out some bugs.  The registration price is
(tentatively) $18.  (A bit high, I know, but Ryan Scott said that's what
he could distribute it for as licenseware, and I wanted to be consistent.)
There will be updates available; the first one is free, and the ones after
that will be $5 each.  More information will be available on the
registration form included in the archive.

PROJECT: Procedure Library
STATUS: Finished

A library of procedures that can be used in AMOS programs.  It's available
on AmiNet as dev/amos/ProcLib3.0.lha .

PROJECT: Shanghai
STATUS: Finished

This is the classic Shanghai (also called Mah Jongg) card game.  There are
layers of tiles (144 tiles in all) that must be cleared; you can only
remove tiles that are on the sides of the board and not covered.

PROJECT: Columns
STATUS: On hold; nearly finished

A puzzle game, in the spirit of Tetris; however, this one has falling
columns of three coloured blocks which can be rotated vertically.  Three
blocks of the same colour in a row disappear.  I'm hoping to finish this
sometime soon, but the Intuition Extension has kept me busy so far.

STATUS: On hold; nearly finished

An animation player that plays frames from disc, but faster than the AMOS
commands.  The basic program is done, but the interface needs some work.

STATUS: On hold; nearly finished

Plays digitised sounds direct from disc.  Also plays MED and Tracker

STATUS: Finished

Converts modules created with GVP's Digital Sound Studio to Tracker

(Notice how everything's been put on hold because of the Intuition


NAME    : Tameem Antoniades
PROJECT : Point-and-click 2D animation system
VERSION : Amos Pro
STATUS  : 90% finished


NAME    : Per Olofsson
PROJECT : Aftermath: an Ultima VI-ish rpg set about 200-300 years into
         the future. The civilization was erased by some kind of
VERSION : Amos 1.36 + Compiler 1.36
STATUS  : I came up with the idea about a week ago. Trying to get the
          story together as well as drawing some graphics. Haven't
          started programming yet.

[Received 22nd April 1994 - Carl]


NAME    : David Melax
VERSION : Amos pro with compiler, Turbo Plus
     Well, I always have several projects on the go, many are too ambitious.
     I am experimenting with a map processor for Turbo Plus.  This is something
     that could do some global processing of maps or scenes.
     I am always looking at ways of doing large scale war games, either of 
     the conquer the galaxy, conquer the world, or tactical soldier to soldier
     I like to look at alot of theoretical stuff, like how to do intelligent 
     computer controlled units, how to do Line of Sight calculations quickly, 
     how to represent a warship with a variable list of weapons in memory.  
     This is the stuff that turns my crank.  I am interested in hearing from
     anyone else who is into strategy games.  I am not interested in cute
     platform games with bouncing penguins.


NAME    : Jedon Thompson
I am working on the following projects...
    1.  Car Wars type overhead view scrolling car game
        like Micromachines with guns and bigger arenas
        I use 16 pixel tiles for large maps using Turbo+
        to make the cars, I make a 32 frame turning animation in DPaint
        and load the anim into AMOSPro 2.0 and grab the bob from each frame
        I am currently stuck trying to make the screen scroll smoothly
        (If you have smoothly scrolling multidirection tile maps with Turbo+,   
        Please show me how!!!) 64 EHB 320x200
        In a seperate program, you can design the car.
    2.  Scrolling shootem up like 1942 but with graphics based off the anime    
        movie Laputa. 20 scrolling screen zones to make it look like you are in 
        a canyon. I am currently working on integrating the tile maps with the  
        multi zone scrolling ( very tricky!) 64 EHB 320x200
    3.  2 Player space game like Star Control, but at the present, with Star    
        Trek ships. Game is in HiresInterlace 16 color, but it proved to be to  
        slow even on my A1200, so I am converting it to LowRes. I am also       
        working on getting it to scroll, and switch between tile maps to make it
        zoom in and out.
    4.  Space Taxi Port from C-64. Started it from code in Playfield, then lost 
    5.  Forbiden Forest Port from C-64. Waiting fot the artwork to be done!
    6.  Various small projects experimenting including mandelbrot, plasma       
        clouds, Rotating 3d box, texture mapping, Fractal trees, turtle         
        graphics, 2d rotations of bitmaps etc...
    I am now learning Assembly, I bought the book "Mastering Amiga Assembly",   
    and the DevPac3 Assembler. I am trying to get a job programming games, and  
    it seems noone wants to hire you if you do not know assembly! If anyone     
    wants code that I have written, or advice on AMOS, or has advice for me,    
    please don't hesitate to mail me! 


Convert - Status: Completed.
This program was designed to convert C= 64 Text Files to Ascii

Comic Database - Status: Being Modified.
This program allows one to catalog there comics. I was redoing the input

BBS Program - Status: On Hold
This was a bbs program I wrote I believe two summers ago. I ran it for
about a year when my old computer died, and I wanted to continue running
the BBS.  The code was about 200K+ in size.  I decided to put it on hold
when I found that I was having problems keeping it up for no reason. It was
Guruing after a few hours. I checked the code, found nothing wrong, and
decided it was the Serial Extensions. It had limited M1 Networking Code.
I had coded the completed Networking code, but the stability of the BBS
had me put it on hold.


NAME    : Scott Southurst

STATUS  : Finished but needs improving.

Just a Tetris clone.  Have sent it to this list before.  Also included a
"Neat" little menu program for the loading of source format programs (ie. 
using RAMOS) which had a bit of a Jerky Scrolly that caused a HUGE talk 
on the subject on this list (We never found out why it jumped).

PROJECT : Beyond The Holocaust.
STATUS  : In limbo.

A run around and shoot em game in which you are a soldier who must find 
his way home after WWIII.  Top view.  Basic 8 way scroller.  Runs a 
little slow on an A500 (1 frame ever 6/50's).  May finish it one day.  
The map was "As big as you want" because of it being stored in 
"quadrants" which were compressed etc. etc.

PROJECT :  Mandel1
STATUS  : Draws saves, sitting on a disk doing not much. 8)

Draws simple mandelbrots.  More an experiment in what would happen if I 
changed the formula etc.

PROJECT :  Lathe3D
STATUS  : A few bugs but it works.

Using a "Lathe" you can create a Profile and wrap an image (Upto 64 
colours) around it.  Also does a REALLY basic rendering of the object 
with simple shading and 16 colours.  This ended up as being a launch pad 
for a project Im working on on the Mac in C.

STATUS  : Current Project.

This is a 3d Object editor and is the beginnings of a rendering package.  
It is designed to be able to run on a 1Meg machine.  This is done by 
splitting the total program up into its different components, ie. Object 
editor, world editor and Renderer.  Although this is a bit of a pain it 
means that poor sods like myself will be able to render on a fossil 500 
with 1 Meg.  With multitasking though it may be able to run all the 
elements on a larger machine (Like my A1200 HD when I get it (Please Bank 

PROJECT : Spin3d - Stars3d etc.
STATUS: They work but big deal.

Just some experiments in 3D rotation, hidden surface and the good old 
Stars moving at you Just a little slow type of proggy.

Other than all above I have written about a million and one little 
beginnings of programs which will never actually do anything useful (Like 
my blackjack game - You can play but its kinda boring).


NAME    : Robert Fentiman

Since someone suggested that we list programs we've done or are working 
on to the list.  Unfortunately, many of these only got into advanced 
planning stages, but none of them are dead; all of them are unfinished or 
even yet uncoded.  The reasons I put them on hold include time and lack 
of skill in AMOS (I have a tendancy to have big dreams ;o), the prior 
having an effect on the latter.  Hopefully I'll *make* some time to work 
on it these summer.  I'd appreciate feedback on what programs the people 
on this list would like to see.  They may be PD/Shareware/etc, but I 
don't know which yet, and it will depend on how good I think it is when 
it's done.

PROJECT : Yet unnamed
Type: Game (Strategy)

  I've done (and continue to do) a lot of planning on this one.  It
s a VGA Planets clone (for anyone who knows that game) but mine will, of 
course, be better ;o).  If you don't know that game, it will be 
*somewhat* related to Colonial Conquest (AMOS game on aminet) but with a 
different focus and much more complex an be a multiplayer play-by-mail 
type game.  I have the map for most the datatypes I'll need and a couple 
of high-level algorithms.

Type: Code converter?

  This was an AmigaBASIC to AMOS code converter.  Did a lot of 
preplanning (ie going through each manual and finding comparable commands 
and their structures relative to each other).  This was very tedious, but 
I got a good list anyway.  I think my problem was in trying to do it all 
in one shot, rather than coding a little at a time and adding it.  
Anyway, I lacked the skill to do this one until recently (this quarter) 
when learning about implementing Hash Tables in my PASCAL class.

PROJECT : ACK! (Adventure Coding Kit)
Type: Modular role playing game creator

  Again, I wrote a lot of datastructures for this one, but needed ways of 
making the structures smaller.  Had eventual dreams of making it into 
GACK! (Graphic Adventure Construction Kit) to make games similar to 
LucasArts' games (but not quite as 3D probably).  This would make the 
datatypes obnoxiously large (storing pictures and animated sptire 
banks, etc.) and I basically concluded this was best left to specific 
languages (Like SCUMM at LucasArts).  Still lingers in the back of my 
mind though.

PROJECT : Starfire
Type: Game (RPG/Strategy/Shoot-em-up mix)

  Planned this way back when I first got AMOS, but got to thinking about 
what kind of coding it would take.  Basically, it was Frontier before I 
even knew about Frontier (or Elite for that matter).  Making it now would 
probably result in nice little legal problems with David Braben ;o).

PROJECT : Sword and Axe
Type: RPG

  Originally programmed (hardcoded) in AmigaBASIC as a promise to a friend 
(who did the map layout).  AmigaBASIC was *not* up to the job.  It was this 
program that set of two of the above projects - AB2Amos and ACK!.  I have 
to keep my promise, so this will be done *someday*, weather I have to 
hardcode it or not.


NAME    : Joe Cassara 
VERSION : Amos Pro
PROJECT : MediaMotion (Slide show utility)

        This is just something I dreamed up for people who don't want to 
fiddle with AmigaVision, Scala, or any other of those programs.  Simply 
put, you can create slideshows using IFF/HAM pictures and MOD music 
files.  It has a nice 3D interface and some transitional effects.

        I hope to soon add AGA support (when someone else adds AGA 
support :) ), more effects, ANIM support, and MED music files.  It'l 
probably just sit here for a while and get worked on one of these boring 

STATUS  : Complete

PROJECT : JadM (Text adventure creator)

        This little (well, it's quite big actually) program I created for 
a friend of mine to aid him in creating text adventures using a simple 
language.  It's easy to use and automatically manages everything.

Sample JadM code:

        $<room name>

                [ROOM DESCRIPTION]

                There is a pencil sitting on your desk.
                @jump to /pencil        (Jump to the procedure #/pencil
        #end                            for a description)

        The end result would be like the early Infocom games.

        The guy really likes it and urged me to port it to the Amiga.  
The only trouble I'm having is due to Amos's lack of user defined 
functions.  I'm forced to use procedure calls with the PARAM$ variable.  A 
pain, but working!

BTW, JadM stands for "Joe and Donald's Machine", named after "Zork 
Machine".  Yes, we love Zork. 

STATUS  : Converting from pascal

[Sounds kinda like LPC! - Carl]

PROJECT : ???? (adventure game)

        This project was pushed into me by my friends who are fed up 
with LucasArts, Sierra, and others leaving the Amiga.  Ones a computer 
artist, the other writes MODs.  What luck, eh?  I'm in the process of 
designing a system like JadM but to work with graphics.  The end result 
would be something like Return to Zork (except MPEG, though).  The reason 
the project's on hold is due to the artist's scanner breaking.  I've also 
relocated away from both of them, making work a little harder.  Within 
our current situation, we plan to have a finished product sometime in 
July 2050.  Oh, well...

STATUS : On hold

Like many others, I've written tons of little junk that never saw light 
of day and other neat trash.  I don't know where I'd be without 
Amos...probably writing in (ugh) AmigaBASIC...


NAME    : Mr M Sawicki
PROJECT : Super BattlZone - 3D version of the original BattleZone.
STATUS  : That was done almost 3 years ago.

PROJECT : StarFighter -  Yet another 3D game. Its a 3D flight sim where you and
          you alone have to save free world from an evil empire
          and you have to do it in over 50 missions.
STATUS  : Finished almost year ago.


NAME    : Paul Reece 

PROJECT: Shooting Gallery
STATUS: Finished

Well, I did this as my first ever AMOS game.. It is really sad so I never
released this...  It's still lying around somewhere.

PROJECT: MegaNoter
STATUS: Sorta Finished

Well, this one I got bored with!

STATUS: Nearly there..

This one was a disk magazine creator... It was nearly finished, but I
decided to rewrite it because it was crap..  I haven't looked at it for
about 4months!

STATUS: Currently in progress

This one is my latest project with a friend.  It is a conversion of the old
C64 game MR DO (or MR WHIZ in the arcades).  The intro is done (really nice!)
the gfx and music is done and most of the game is done..  Only cosmetic changes
now!  Expect it's release soon!

STATUS: hmm.

Can't really class this as an AMOS project, but It has eaten that much time
up, it ain't funny, so I included it anyway!


NAME    : Scott Southurst
PROJECT : 3d Rendering and Object editor.
VERSION : Amos 1.36 - Compiler 1.32  (Can someone send me the Compiler 
                                       update disk LHA'd??  [1.36])
STATUS  : Object Modeller interface working. Just adding more functions 
           and the ability to save etc.


NAME    : Kimmo Veijalainen
EMAIL   : 
Tykkipeli 2
Tykkipeli 3  - Artillery games, the other 2D, the other 3D
Z-Wing       - 3D space game
Iraqi Gunner - Paratroopers-clone
SigMaker     - Bugfixes to my ansi editor
TheFancyModuleListMaker(tm) - A little util to keep track of your mods
And lots of little weird things.

STATUS  : Unfinished

NAME    : Alistair Duncan
PROJECT : Stewards' Enquiry. Horse Racing Sim (NOT a predictor)
STATUS  : Version 8.00 is finished

PROJECT : Solar Lords (Space strategy game)
STATUS  : Finished


 NAME     : Ryan Scott
 EMAIL    :  
 VERSION  : 2.0   
 STATUS   : Working on converting from byte banks to icon banks for 
65000+ icons per scene, ability to scroll the icon screen up/down for 
many more icons, visible brushes, 32 state mazes/automaze mode, who knows 
what else... icon editor....

 PROJECT  : Roach Motel
 VERSION  : 1.0
 STATUS   : Completed- a platformer, pretty fun little game, runs better 
under pro or 1200 amiga.  May do update with the TURBO PLUS commands, 
although I'd have to slow it down ;-)

 VERSION  : 1.0
 STATUS   : Trying to get it on coverdisk - draw 16 color elevation maps 
in paint program, this program converts them to color random dot 
stereograms.  Fun stuff! 

 VERSION  : 1.0
 STATUS   : Completed a long time ago - a huge spinning spiral trances 
you while small subliminals flash along the top and bottom of the 
screen.  THis program has gone through lots of versions, from the C64 
version with screen after screen of subliminals flashing extremely 
quickly (something like 40,000 per minute), to this calmer version...  

 PROJECTS : Various arcade game clones - Dig Dug, Space Taxi, Centipede, 
Missile Command, MAPPY (didn't start yet!), many more experiements...
 STATUS   : all in various stages of non-completion.  Most will never be 
done, they were just experiments, something for people to play with and 
maybe develop  into a full game.

 PROJECT  : Psychotile!
 VERSIOn  : 1.0 (release version is always 1.0!)
 STATUS   : Done a long time ago.  An early demo for PLAYFIELD! - a slide 
the tiles around game with some hardcore sound effects.  Great with a big 
stereo.  If you want this game, I'll uuencode it for you.  I'm kinda 
nostalgic for this simple thing.

 PROJECT  : Spazmodic Microorganisms
 VERSION  : .9
 STATUS   : Never released to the public.  A large long game, very 
strange.  You control your tank with the joystick on the table to your 
left, use your index finger, control the crosshairs on the screen with 
the mousepointer.  Fire is left mousebutton, bullets fly to crosshairs.  
Rapid fire action as lots of enemies fly at you.  Its difficult to play, 
but fun once you get the hang of it.  Hmmm... its a little slow, maybe I 
could speed it up a bunch with TURBO PLUS and release it.  It was the 
second game I ever wrote, took 2 years, and the code is all subroutines 
(ugh)  it uses the same graphics (but more) as in the TURBO PLUS Scene 
Demo and scrolling demo. 

 PROJECTS : lots of other good stuff, a lot of the stuff that has been 
printed in PLAYFIELD! was done by me, Isometric View, 3D Tunnel Vision, 
multitasking input, the list goes on & on.  By the way... amos is my life ;-)

 STATUS  : up to 13 is completed, 14 is on the way.  I know this isn't a 
program!  An AMOS-only newsletter, One of the best, and I think one of 
the few remaining paper-based AMOS publications around.  (I know, there 
are some)  email me for any infos!


NAME    : Seumas McNally
VERSION : Amos Creator 1.36

PROJECT : Zappo!
STATUS  : Done.  Simple shoot-em-up I did in one day.

PROJECT : Zappo!2.0
STATUS  : Done.  New version of Zappo!, has randomly generated levels.

PROJECT : Zappo!3.0
STATUS  : Not completed.  Most graphics done, but polygon terrain was just
          too slow.  I'll probly make it a Map-Based game after I finish FT.

PROJECT : Flying Tigers
STATUS  : 80% completed.  *BIG complex* side-view helicopter Simulation/Game.
          Should be done in a couple of months.

PROJECT : Rainbow Engine
STATUS  : Done.  Old Rainbow editing program.  I'll probly update it

Plus a few hundred K or so of half-finished ideas for games.  (Is there
anyone out there that doesn't have a few hundred K of them? ;)


NAME:    Hugo Ramses Moreno Ramos
VERSION: Amos 1.34

PROJECT: Sol de Media Noche
STATUS:  Finished. A very poor game, 3 days of work.

PROJECT: Chaneques
STATUS:  Finished. maybe comercial game(!). 6 months of work in weekends.

PROJECT: Dungeon Combat (before Dungeon Fight)
STATUS:  Graphics Finished, Music... (Dopex?), Programming 30%


Thanks to all who participated.  At least now we have a bit of an idea about
how much is going on in the world of Amos right now.

Carl Wooltorton.