; Arduino_Read.shell
; A DEMO to access the Arduino Diecimila board for reading only. It reads one
; byte at a time about 1 second apart and displays the result on screen. It uses
; the $RC to collect the byte value of which is immediately stored into another
; permanent _varible_ for usage.
; For a real AMIGA serial port get the simple add-on board construction from here:-
; http://mikeos.berlios.de
; Scroll down to "Arduino project (216K) -- Arduino Diecimila board access using MikeOS"
; and download the zipped file to build the simple serial interface board.
; An ARexx subscript is generated called SER_READ.rexx which is saved to the T:
; volume to be used inside this script. If you need this script for other uses
; then drag to, say, the C: volume before resetting or switching off the AMIGA.
; NOTE:- Read the comments inside this script first and edit it as required.
; Allow a high FAILAT as the $RC is used to pass byte sized perameters... ;oO
; Remove the ";" on the line below to enable the ARexx interpreter if required
; or start it manually...
; Set the only _variable_.
SETENV serialbyte 0
; Generate a simple user screen...
ECHO "*ec*nAccessing a byte value from Arduino using the default AMIGA OS install."
ECHO "$VER: Arduino_Read.shell_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_B.Walker_G0LCU.*n"
ECHO "Baud Rate = 1200 bps, Buffer = 512 bytes, Handshaking = OFF."
ECHO "Parity = None, Bits per charatcer = 8, Stop bits = 1.*n"
; Remove the ";" on the line below to set up the serial port if required...
; Generate an ARexx script to grab the port one byte at a time...
; Create an initial, empty file.
; NOTE:- ECHO "" > T:SER_READ.rexx would generate a file 1 byte in size
; containing a newline character...
; Now build the ARexx script to read the serial port.
ECHO "/** $VER: SER_READ.rexx_Version_0.00.10_Public_Domain_B.Walker_G0LCU. **/" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
ECHO "OPEN(ArduinoByte, 'SER:', 'R')" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
ECHO "MyByte = READCH(ArduinoByte, 1)" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
ECHO "IF MyByte = '' THEN MyByte = 0" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
ECHO "CLOSE(ArduinoByte)" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
ECHO "EXIT C2D(MyByte)" >> T:SER_READ.rexx
; Display the results via the $RC value of AMIGADOS.
LAB readloop
; Send any reports to the NIL: device...
SYS:Rexxc/RX T:SER_READ.rexx > NIL:
; Immediately copy $RC into another _variable_...
EVAL $RC LFORMAT %N > ENV:serialbyte
; Display the result from 0 to 255 inclusive, but, after one grab of value 255
; quit the loop safely.
ECHO "*e[8;1fArduino port value from the return code = $serialbyte...   "
; Ensure a getout or use Ctrl-D instead.
IF $serialbyte EQ 255
    SKIP getout
SKIP BACK readloop
; Getout point.
LAB getout
; Remove environment variable and reset the FAILAT value...
UNSETENV serialbyte
ECHO "*nArduino Diecimila board read end!*n"
; Arduino_Read.shell DEMO end.
; Enjoy finding simple solutions to often very difficult problems... ;o)