*** NOTE *** This solution CAN NOT be used in any magazine apart from
Amiga Information Online! *** NOTE ***

 Start off in the screen 'Statue of your hero', you will see a statue
the same as yourself, all in green but bigger, on top of your statue
there is an enemy, go to the tree on your right and climb to the height
of the enemy and shoot, make sure you hit him first, as soon as he
is dead his arrow will disappear so don't worry about dodging that. Get
out of the tree and head left, once you are in the second screen climb
up the ladder which will be just infront of you and shoot the enemy
at the top of the brown thing. Then press the left Amiga key and you
will be transported to the black object on top of a brown square thing,
this is meant to be a bolder (so the author says ;) ) shoot it and
the two enemys will die, the 'magic' bolder that doesn't move, roles
on them apparently ;) although I think it was more that the author
couldn't program the bolder to move (hello author!!) Then go into the
next screen going left, you will see an enemy accross the gap and
a ladder going down, go down the ladder and keep going left until you
are in the next screen, then drop down and stay still. As soon as
an arrow has fired past go left slightly until you drop a little
bit and then shoot, you will kill the enemy and his arrow won't
harm you! This is probably the hardest part of the game so make sure
you get it right. Once he is dead proceed left and drop down, once
you have dropped go right (it doesn't matter about the red stuff
it doesn't kill you) and go down a ladder, then keep going right 
through two empty screens, the screen with the steps is the screen
before the enemy... go through and shoot stright away. Then goto
the wizard and he will transport you to the castle. At the castle
doors press down or the cursor down key. Inside the castle go left
and up the ladder, shoot the enemy and go right to the top then
pull right comming off the ladder, get close to the enemy and
shoot him, then turn around and shoot him again, and then go left
and shoot him again, keep going left and shooting him until he
gets to the left edge of the screen, shoot him once more and he
will die, the game is now complete and your castle is turned back
into a castle from straw. Thats all folks!!!

By Chris Seward

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