         File: BePac_Deluxe_1.1.2_x86.zip
       Author: DAPPSoft <dappsoft@dappsoft.dreamhost.com>
      Release: 1.1.2 (August 30, 1999)
Compatibility: R4.5
     Location: contrib/games
  Description: The best Pacman(tm) clone now available on BeOS!
        Notes: This is DAPPSoft's first BeOS product.				
               It is a port of our popular shareware game for the
               MacOS called "PacMac Deluxe".

               Release 1.1.2 features:

               * runs fine under R4.5/x86

               Release 1.1.1 features:

               * finally ported the game to R4/x86
               * added over 1000 new levels (for registered users only)
