Short: Vim 4.5 for BeOS AA-DR9
Uploader: (Olaf Seibert)

    (last update: Wed May 28 14:31:29 MET DST 1997)

    I recompiled VIm for AA-DR9, with only one small change to the
    source: in src/screen.c I removed the #ifdef BEBOX hack.

    You can find the binaries *only*, for Vim and ctags, which
    you can find in the file vim-4.5-bin-aadr9.tar.gz.

    (last update: Fri Feb 28 12:43:09 MET 1997)

    This is Vim 4.5 for BeOS DR8. It is a straight port - using only
    POSIX features. There is no GUI support yet.

    Some things are not supported by BeOS (yet?) that are important for
    some functionality. One of these is select() on file descriptors.
    This means you can't have :mappings of more than one character,
    unless you turn off the timeout (:set notimeout).

    There is no real need to get both the src and bin archives - both
    contain the documentation and other support files. The only
    difference is that one contains the src directory and the other the
    compiled versions of Vim, ctags and xxd.

    Note that this is too big to link with the limited linker.
    See the included file README.BEBOX for limitations in BeOS that
    affect Vim.

___ Olaf 'Rhialto' Seibert      D787B44DFC896063 4CBB95A5BD1DAA96 
\X/ Ceci n'est pas un Magritte