The main features of the ClassExpert: 

1. browsing and navigating the classes and its members
   (methods, variables); 
2. shows the names of inherited classes and class members; 
3. presents the list of all units, headers and included
   files of current project; 
4. shows the components tree for classes derived from TForm class; 
5. shows the list of all forms defined in the project; 
6. using the ClassExpert you have a quick access to the definitions
   and the implementations of classes, method’s and fields of all
   objects in your project. Double clicking the name of function
   or variable in the class tree, Code Editor shows the place of
   its declaration or implementation; 
7. ClassExpert shows the structure of all objects, files and forms
   in one place. It is a very useful tool for people who create own
   classes in his projects;
8. and others ...