Ver 3.0

The new DBLookUpComboPlus gives you all the lookup power of Delphi's original DBLookUp-Combo
plus much, much more;

Major Enhancements
* The ability to sort the drop down list.
* The ability to search through the dropdown list via an incremental keyboard search. (Quicken Style).
* Autofill - The text is automatically filled in as the user types characters. (Quicken Style).
* Support for the Master/Detail relationship in the lookup table. (except for DBase tables)
* The ability to enter new records into the lookup table on the fly. (OnNewLookUpRec)
* The control can stay in a Read/Write style even when the Data source and Lookup Source are different.
(this goes with the previous point)
* A new event to support the filling the lookup list with the results from a TQuery. (onPrepareList).
* Ad new event that allows the lookup to return multiple data elements instead of just the one specified by
the LookupField property. (OnGridSelect)
* The drop down list can be either left or right justified.
* The drop down list can be changed to a rise up list.
* The BoarderStyle property is available.
* The ability to hide or show the drop down speed button.
* New event to simplify the populating of multiple main table fields from the lookup table.
* Support for incremental search of numeric fields.
* (NEW) Seperate properties for font and color in the drop down list.
* (NEW) Seperate properties for the cursor over the edit, list and speedbutton portion of the control.

Other minor enhancements over the original control include;
- Corrects the two memory leaks found in TDBLookUpCombo.	
- Automatic placement of dropdown list to fit the screen has been enhanced.
- If the old TDBLookUpCombo was placed on a form with fsStayOnTop set then the list  would drop down
behind the form and could not be seen. This problem has been  corrected in TDBLookupComboPlus.
- The minimum height of the edit box  portion of  the control has been corrected to be more inline with the
behavior of TEdit, TDBEdit, TCombo, etc.
- <New> In the old TDBLookUpCombo multiple rows were highlighted if there were duplicates. This has
been fixed so only the first row is highlighted.

Like with the original DBLookupCombo, the user can still display text but store a different  ID
number behind the scenes.  Now all the other behaviors your users have come to expect from a
truely intellegent combo box are here too. Since DBLookupCombo uses a table and not a query,
the creation of the dropdown list is fast and the number of Items in the list is unlimited.