All Components

FXMasterStage	The FXMasterStage is the top most component
		in the Multimedia Developer Suite component
		model. Its main task is to centralize all
		forms of an application in one form to show
		on the screen.

FXStage		The FXStage provides the canvas for all effects
		and drawing operations. Also it provides lots of
		instant backgrounds and opportunities to create
		your own backgrounds.

FXText		The FXText component may contain multiple text
		lines and has many opportunities to create 
		interesting drawing effects.

FXShape		The FXShape component provides many shapes and
		has also lot of interesting effects to display
		the shapes on screen.

FXImage		The FXImage may contain  single images or images 
		which contains themself several images. 
		Latter ones are animated images. The FXImage 
		component also provides lots of interesting 
		effects to manipulate the image.

FXDriver	The FXDriver is the central component for all 
		effects. You can connect the FXDriver to all 
		other components (FXStage, FXText, FXShape, FXImage) 
		to animate these components. For animation you can 
		choose wether you want to use a predifined effect 
		or wether you want to develop your own effect which 
		is very easy to realize.

FXDirector	The FXDirector assists you by developing your own
		script based effects. It creates the script 
		automatically during design time while you just 
		have to place the object which you want to animate 
		on your form.

FXGroup		If you want to realize different effects for different 
		objects simultaneously you can use the FXGroup 
		component which will handle this job automatically.

FXSensor	The FXSensor component helps you creating rectangle 
		sensitive areas which reacts on user inputs like 

FXSensorFree	In some cases you might want to create sensitive 
		areas which are not rectangle but polygon. 
		For this purpose you can use a FXSensorFree component.