TPrintObject Component

Created by: Woody (James Woodard)

Built in Delphi Version 2.0.
(I do not think that there is anything specific in it
 that would stop you from using it in Delphi 3 or 4 but
 do not have those so I can not try it. If you do and it
 works, let me know. I would be interested in finding out.)

  This component was built to allow me to create complex
reports that most visual report writers don't give you.
There are times when the types of reports needed by my
clients are specialized, or that a lot of flexibility is
necessary. The origins of the actual print routines such
as the calculations and conversions of the printing canvas
are taken from the Inprise site but so long ago that I have
forgotten who wrote it originally. It is my contention that
the information provided was public domain and so can be used
by me to expand it into this component. I apologize to the
originators for my lack of mental rentention.

  Using the TPrintObject is a fairly simplistic approach.
Basically, you provide the drawing and printing commands needed
and the component stores them for playback either to the printer
or to the preview form's canvas. Scaling on the preview form runs
from 50 - 100%. So far, most everything that I have tried looks
close to MS Words own preview form as relates to clarity of the
display. If any suggestions for clearer viewing at reduced
scalings are provided, I would appreciate them very much.

  The three ingredients to this component are Printdrv.PAS,
PrintDr1.PAS and PrintDr2.PAS. The source and compiled versions of
these files are supplied. Only the compiled (DCU) files and the form
(DFM) files need to be used. The Printdrv.DCU file is the one that 
needs to be installed. Copy all three to your favorite component 
folder and then, well, you know what to do...

  The help file contains information regarding the various properties,
events and methods used by the component. Use Delphi's HelpInst
program to merge the .kwf file into Delphi's .hdx file to give you
context-sensitive help capability from the IDE.

  There is a small demo program which illustrates how I use the
component. This should give you ideas about how you can use it.

  If there are problems or you have suggestions on how to improve it,
please let me know. I am not sure of it's capacity for storing pages,
so I don't know how large a report it can handle. I have tried in
the range of 100 pages with images and it works fine.

  This component is provided as shareware. You may use this component
for your own personal use without registering, however, you may not
use this component in any commercial applications without registering.
The registration cost is $35.00 US and grants you the right to use it
however you see fit. I make no guarantees nor warranties with this
component. I have tested it in a variety of situations and use it in
several of my own commercial applications without problems.

Registration is obtained by sending a check or money order for $35.00

  James Woodard
  75 Dan Road
  Lumberton, Tx 77657