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N O T E S . ::$$ $$:` ':$$ $:`. two words: it's here!!! :D yes, after, let's see, 3 weeks .':$ $: $ of delay i finally get to release it. first because i was $ :$ $` $ getting in line with the trackering, then the voting program $ '$ : $ problems (see on that later), and finally because my silly isp $ : : $ decided to screw up in the most inappropriate moment. how $ : ` $ symbolic. $ ' $ in any way, the results are here finally, hope it was worth $ $ the wait. be sure to have a look in about_08.txt file in the $ $ c r u e l i z a t i o n 8 sample pack (yes, 8, since while the $ $ delays occured, the sample pack for c r u e l i z a t i o n 7 $ $ was released and tracked with, and c r u e l i z a t i o n 7 $ $ voting pack was out the very same time as those results (in fact $ $ you might be reading the results from inside that voting pack). $ $ same goes for the c r u e l i z a t i o n 8 sample pack. you $ $ can read the exact timing/deadlines in about_08.txt file, but $ $ the general idea is that the beginning week will stand both for $ $ voting week for c r u e l i z a t i o n 7 and tracking week $ $ for c r u e l i z a t i o n 8 . i shouldn't say 'week', $ $ however, since there is a special rule - read about_08.txt $ $ thoroughly. if you have any questions anout this,don't hestitate $ $ to email or ask me about it on irc. $ $ now about the voting program. as you all probably know, it $ $ had a few bugs, mainly the one with the comment field (allowing $ $ only one line). also, later on it it proved to have problems $ $ loading votefiles with certain name/handle/irc/email variations. $ $ the comment bug is now fixed,hopefully for good (i had to recode $ $ the whole word wrap routine _twice_ to eliminate the bug..argh), $ $ the file saving/loading had been completely rewritten. also some $ $ people complained that the voting interface blinked - well right $ $ now i'm using virtual screen for everything so it should _never_ $ $ blink. of course there might be more bugs. you'll notice that $ $ the version had gone up to only 0.02b - since it is still far $ $ from complete. alot of plans are still to be implemented, $ $ although right now i don't get much time to work on it. anyways, $ $ i've made one mistake when fixing the program - i did not $ $ generate results _first_ , i've rewritten the bad code and then $ $ produced the results. therefore,due to the new file managing,the $ $ comments got lost, and since i wrote code 'over' , in order to $ $ retrive the comments i'd have to write my old routines again. $ $ since the comments were all 1-lines anyway, i've decided against $ $ it. don't you agree i would be better off releasing it faster? $ $ it's already more than 4000 lines of code, without screens ;D . $ $ but, if there will be a high demand for those comments, i will $ $ recode the old routines and re-release those results _with_ the $ $ comments. i don't think it is necessary, but let me know if you $ $ really need that - if i get enough requests i _will_ do it. one $ $ last thing - the neat numbers (.xx00) are not due to a program $ $ failure, but due to the fact that there were 20 voters :D . $ $ as for the voting itself, i think it is ok. those results are $ $ the first ones that were generated with the new 'anti-unfair' $ $ schemes (read about them in crueliz.nfo), and i think they serve $ $ their purpose. $ $ $ $ $ $ . D I S C L A I M E R . $ $ $ $ i, cruel creator, am in no way responsible for the given $ $ scores and the comments about the contest entries, besides $ $ my own scores and comments. all the other scores and comments $ $ are based on the sole opinions of their writers, and their own $ $ writers only. Comments come uncensored and unedited except for $ $ some spelling/typo corrections. $ $ $ $ .ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss' $ $ $ $ $ $ . R E S U L T S . $ $ $ $ place file name composer score $ $ """"""" """""""""""" """"""""""""""""" """"""""" $ $ [. 1.] mr_celpr.it Mick Rippon (15.7500) $ $ [. 2.] tb-some.it Argh & Ballistique (15.3500) $ $ [. 3.] gcheeze.it Beek (14.2500) $ $ [. 4.] rl_rmind.it Lagioto (13.6500) $ $ [. 5.] im-2face.it Imode (13.3500) $ $ [. 6.] grx_amer.it Giger-X (12.4500) $ $ [. 7.] calabar.it sIZE (12.1500) $ $ [. 8.] plc-suck.it Placid (11.6500) $ $ [. 9.] purple.it Stein (11.2000) $ $ [.10.] hy-plali.it Hype (11.0000) $ $ [.11.] stdv-zep.it Zephyr (10.7000) $ $ [.12.] fountain.it Lopitechus (10.5500) $ $ [.13.] dkspark.xm Decker (10.3500) $ $ [.14.] t~brass.it GoD ( 9.6500) $ $ [.15.] lovelove.xm Axl ( 7.4000) $ $ [.16.] fb-sorr.xm FireBeetle ( 7.1500) $ $ [.17.] belfunny.xm BelGarion ( 3.1500) $ $ $ $ $ $ . V O T E R S . $ $ $ $ Argh, Ballistique, Beek, BelGarion, Cruel Creator, Decker, $ $ FireBeetle, Giger-X, Guardian, Hype, Lagioto, Lopitechus, Mick $ $ Rippon, Nimh, Placid, Ryan, Stein, Spirit, The Master, Zephyr. $ $ $ $ - thank you all for voting. $ $ $ $ $ $ . D I S Q U A L I F I E D . $ $ $ $ none. let this be kind of 'reward' for all the delays :D $ $ $ $ $ `ssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. $ $ $ . M A I L I N G L I S T . $ $ $ $ get on the c r u e l i z a t i o n mailing list if you $ $ want to receive sample packs and/or vote packs and/or any $ $ other info about c r u e l i z a t i o n by e-mail! $ $ $ $ to subscribe, send email to 'cruel@kosmic.com' with $ $ 'subscribe cruelization [tag] <name> <address>' in the subject $ $ field (or the message body). $ $ $ $ to unsubscribe, send email to 'cruel@kosmic.com' with $ $ 'unsubscribe cruelization [tag] <name> <address>' in the subject $ $ field (or the message body). $ $ $ $ the tag field is optional and can be left blank for a full $ $ subscribtion (information, sample packs, and voting packs), or $ $ it can be [info] for the information, [samples] for the sample $ $ packs and [votepaqs] for the voting packs. the tags can be $ $ multiplied, for example if you wish to subscribe to both the $ $ information and sample packs you should use the following: $ $ 'subscribe cruelization [info+samples] <name> <address>' . $ $ $ $ if an email returns with an error (if your account is no $ $ longer valid or your ISP was temporarily shut down), you will $ $ be removed from the list. just re-subscribe to get back on it. $ $ $ $ $ $ . I R C . $ $ $ $ i can be frequently found on '#trax' channel on the server $ $ 'irc.demoscene.org'. lately, that server had proven to be not $ $ very stable, so i might be on the server 'irc.together.net' or $ $ on 'neato.org' instead. if i have my xdcc set up there, which $ $ you can verify by doing a '/whois cc_xdcc' , you can also $ $ get the c r u e l i z a t i o n sample pack or voting pack $ $ by xdcc. do a '/ctcp cc_xdcc xdcc send #1' to receive a sample $ $ pack if it's a tracking week, or a voting pack if it's a voting $ $ week. $ $ $ $ $ $ .:..:.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::.:..:. $ $ $ $ - cruel creator - - cruel@kosmic.com - $ `ıs$ $ `b sııs. .sıııs. .sıııs. .sııs. d' `ıı' `ıs..$' `ıs. .ss. .ss. .sı' `$..sı' `ıı' `"' `ıs..$' `ıs. .sı' `$..sı' `"' `"' `ıs.sı' `"'