úù*%@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S@*ùú . news about the cruelization nine and beyond . úù*%@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S@*ùú . F O R E W O R D . here I intend to write some important stuff about what happoened, what happens and what will happen to the Cruelization these days. read it through - you might find pieces of information you'll need to know in order to enter or judge ;) or if you have entered already, and wondering what's happening to your song's score, comments, etc. read ahead! . P A S T . The past few months have been a complete disaster as far my internet connection was concerned. not being able to connect for about a month was bad enough, but i've had continuous connection and e-mail problems since then to this very moment. that is why i've registered in all possible emails I could, and now I have a whole bunch of e-mail addresses. here they are, priority from top to bottom - use the top ones 1st and please do not mail to them all together - if the email bounces from one, THEN use another. since i'm checking all the POP3's on one e-mail check, my mailbox becomes flooded with the very same mail if you send it to all those addresses at once. so please, don't. so: Cruel@Kosmic.Org <-- mail e-mail, seems to work now, was down for a week. Crcr@Securenet.Net <-- stable except was down a month ago. now works. CCZ@HotMail.Com <-- pretty damn slow, but reliable. Cruel.C@Usa.Net <-- recently registered, seems to have weird problems but works. HTTP://wwp.mirabilis.com/191061 <-- Send me short (450 char max) messages over the world wide web. No email needed. On to more interesting things :). the vote program i've made got some good comments - however it had problems on about 15% of Windows machines. I've found what the problem was, but did not have enough time to re-code it, so Cruelization 8 voting pack has a text form for voting. Hopefully, just for Cruelization 8, not longer. I am currectly rewriting the voter completely, it will have a better interface and a setup screen, some new functions and back-version compatibility (meaning that all of you Cruelization 6 entrants will get the full results, with comments, once I am done). Unfortunately, without the working program I can not release the official results for Cruelization 7. However if you wish to know your approximate score (without the 'anti-unfair' voting schemes, see more about them in 'crueliz.nfo'), e-mail me and I will mail it to you. No comments though, and the score might change after I feed it to the voting schemes of the program. Should not change much, though :). When the voter will be ready - hard to say. I'm going through alot of stuff right now that occupy my time beyond belief - exams, work, university arrangements.. etc. Anyhow, I hope to finish it until the Cruelization 9 songs submitting deadline, April 12th. If not, I will finish it until Cruelization 10 songs submitting deadline FOR SURE - this is the top priority number :) More 'past' stuff - ftp.cdrom.com also known as ftp.hornet.org had some problems lately, due to the music archive transfer. The Cruelization dir moved too, but it is linked and now accessible. This was one fo the reasons that the Cruelization 8 voting pack and Cruelization 9 sample pack are being released only now - I was not sure about the archive. The second reason was that I secretly hoped that I could finish the voter in those few days..I couldn't. It was obviously more than I could take, cosidering I could only code at nights :D damn, WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE TO SLEEP SO MUCH?? :) anyway, that's about it for the past. . P R E S E N T . So, what's going on now? After I finish this text, I'm releasing the Cruelization 9 sample pack and 8 voting pack. The Cruelization web page got on the way, big thanks to MrData for giving me web space and a shell on his work machine. No url yet - the page isn't ready :) But stay tuned. I'm still in a search of a decent ISP - should find one soon. My current one sucks badly, and I'm out of 'borrowed' accounts :D But at least I can connect :P . The rules haven't really been majorly changed yet, the only change that is there is that a composer cab enter up to 3 tunes to a regular, non special Cruelization.. Some people track like crazy :) It *IS* fair, because each song is evaulated separately. Well, off to the future.. . F U T U R E . Whee :) Alot of stuff is coming up. The Cruelization home page, as I've already mentioned, is under way. It is not the top priority right now though, so it might not be ready to the 9th or even 10th Cruelization's deadlines. It should, however. The main objective right now is to get that voter done :) As quickly as possible. "The Best of Cruelization X" music disk will be released after Cruelization 10 results will be released. Every tune from Cruelizations 1 to 10 (inclusive) which was rated 15 or more will be included. It will not and I repeat will not be a contest pack - just a music disk with the best music :) I will not even put in the scores of the songs. More information on that will be available later, I will gather info from every composer who rated 15 or more in one of the Cruelizations. The deadline is still pretty far, so for now it is not the issue. I'm accepting ideas for 'special' contests - mail me! If your idea is interesting enough and simple enough :), I might issue it in one of the 'teen' Cruelizations :). During the summer, "The Grand Cruelty" project will, hopefully, begin. It will be one-level-up contest, MC and Nebulosity - like. Being generally against size limits whatsoever, I will have to enforce one - the samples are all own, it can be anything :) . I believe the limit would be 2.5 mb, whicb should be enough for everyone. As for voting and rules systems, it's too early to say. I'm just sharing a plan :) If nothing goes wrong, it will get under way in the beginning of July. . C O N C L U S I O N . I should get more sleep. :) But aside from that, that's it folks. Hope you've found this file informative. E-Mail me if you got any questions/suggestios/ideas/ complaints/reports/cash :). Yours, úù*%@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S@*ùú - Cruel Creator - - cruel@kosmic.org - - The Cruelization Organizer - - crcr@securenet.net - úù*%@S$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$S@*ùú