Editor's Note:  These minutes have not been edited.

The AToMMIB WG met two times during the Memphis IETF.
To purpose was to wrapup work on most specifications.
The results were as follows:

1. Definitions of Supplemental Managed Objects for ATM
   * Faye Ly gave a review of open issues.
   * Mickey Spiegel had identified detailed comments which were
     presented by Keith.
   * The meeting decided to incorporate most non-UNI 4.0
     comments and tasked Faye and Mickey to review and incorporate
     the edits.
   * after the I-D posting this spec should be considered
     done and should be progressed as PS.
   * The meeting decided also on a strategy to deal with
     management features of functions such as UNI 4.0:
     - Wrap up the ATM Supplemental MIB now.
     - List the features that dont make the cut for a
       candidate MIB module "ATM3 MIB"
     - The chair will request a charter extension.

2. RFC1695rev and ATM TC MIB
   * In the ATM Supplemental MIB review process also items
     concerning the RFC1695rev and the ATMTC MIB were identified:
     - To be compatible with the IP-over-ATM MIB a minor extension
       of the AtmAddr TC was requested - this was agreed
     - Mickey suggested an addition to the traffic descriptor
       table - this was agreed.

3. Managed Objects for Recording ATM Performance History
   Data Based on 15 Minute Intervals
   * since the editor did not attend there was some confusion regarding
     the status. The chair will investigate.

4. Definitions of Tests for ATM Management 
   * this spec was discussed together with the generic Test MIB
     of the Interfaces WG.
   * comments on the generic Test MIB suggest some minor changes:
     - add an VariablePointer object pointing to additional info
       relevant for a test.
     - refine the detail on abortion of a test
     a new (presumable last) draft will be posted.
   * the ATM Test MIB will be adapted to the previous changes and
     a new (presumable last) draft will be posted.
   * after these postings these specs are considered
     done and should be progressed together, both as PS.

5. Supplemental SONET/SDH MIB
   * Following discussion it was agreed to pursue this MIB
     with as scope the list of items posted by Kaj earlier
     based on T1.231 compatibility. Structure should follow
     the DS1 Supplemental MIB draft.
   * Keith pointed out the approach difference between the
     telecom and data worlds and noted that this kept his company from
     implementing the full SONET/SDH MIB.
   * The chair will request a charter extension for this work.

_/                                                                      _/
_/  Kaj Tesink                                                          _/
_/  Bellcore                                                            _/
_/  - Emerging Networks                     vmail (908) 758-5254        _/
_/    331 Newman Springs Rd.                email kaj@cc.bellcore.com   _/
_/    Red Bank, NJ 07701                  faxmail (908) 758-4177        _/
_/                                                                      _/