Distributed Management WG (disman) Wednesday, December 12 at 1530-1730 ==================================== CHAIR: Randy Presuhn <rpresuhn@dorothy.bmc.com> AGENDA: 1. Administrative matters Working group charter is at http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/disman-charter.html 1.1 introductions 1.2 selection of minute-taker PLEASE read http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html volunteers PRIOR to the meeting greatly appreciated! 1.3 circulation of sign-up sheet 1.4 Review of Agenda 1.5 Allocation of time 2. Status of Current work 2.1 Script MIB: RFC 3165 published, Proposed Standard. (Note also Experimental RFC 3179, NOT a disman WG product) Juergen Schoenwaelder & David Levi (tentative) 2.2 Schedule MIB: RFC 2591 updates, to be Proposed Standard, <draft-ietf-disman-schedule-mib-v2-04.txt> approved by IESG, in RFC editor queue. Juergen Schoenwaelder & David Levi (tentative) 2.3 Remote Operations MIB: RFC 2925 (Proposed Standard) Soliciting implementation/deployment feedback on RFC 2925. Updates to appear in <draft-ietf-disman-remops-mib-v2-00.txt> Kenneth White (tentative) 2.4 Expression MIB: RFC 2982 (Proposed Standard) Soliciting implementation/deployment feedback on RFC 2982. Updates in <draft-ietf-disman-express-mib-v2-00.txt> Ram Kavasseri (tentative) 2.5 Event MIB: RFC 2981 (Proposed Standard) Soliciting implementation/deployment feedback on RFC 2981. Updates in <draft-ietf-disman-event-mib-v2-00.txt> Ram Kavasseri (tentative) 2.6 Notification/Log MIB: RFC 3014 (Proposed Standard) Soliciting implementation/deployment feedback on RFC 3014. Updates to appear in <draft-ietf-disman-notif-log-mib-00.txt> Ram Kavasseri (tentative) 2.7 Alarm work internet-drafts: <draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-03.txt> <draft-ietf-disman-conditionmib-01.txt> 3. Other relevant work 3.1 RmonMib RFC 3144 - do we want to generalize "canned" statistical and monitoring functions? 3.3 SnmpConf - persistance discussions, e.g., issues in RFC 2981 3.4 Eos - bulk data retrieval and log / alarm synchronization? 3.5 DMTF event management in their Interop WG. 4. In-Depth Technical Discussions Please see http://www.ietf.org/instructions/slides.html and contact Randy_Presuhn@bmc.com if you need time for focused discussion of specific drafts or issues. Please post your issues lists to the WG mailing list well in advance of the meeting. 4.1 Active Alarms: <draft-ietf-disman-alarm-mib-03.txt> Sharon Chisholm & Dan Romascanu (tentative) 4.2 Alarm Report Control and Condition MIB: <draft-ietf-disman-conditionmib-01.txt> An-Ni Huynh, Kam Lam, and David Perkins (tentative) 4.3 Alternatives suggested by implementation experience with the RFC 2981, 2982, and 3014 troika. 4.4 Follow-up to mailing list discussions of "A Clustering Architecture for Replicating Managed Objects" <draft-aldri-disman-replication-mib-00.txt> 4.5 Other issues? 5. Charter updates. Please see http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/disman-charter.html 5.1 completed items 5.2 changes to target dates 5.3 Can we go dormant in January? 6. Wrap-up 6.1 review of action items 6.2 reminders to minute-takers and presenters PLEASE read http://www.ietf.org/instructions/minutes.html and http://www.ietf.org/instructions/slides.html, respectively. 6.3 retrieval of sign-up sheet