Minutes EDIINT Workgroup Meeting
IETF Minneapolis, MN
March 16, 1999

Background: The workgroup has four drafts ready for submittal to IESG for
Informational Standards. Three of these are based on S/MIME and have been
completed for over 16 months. Because of the S/MIME references they are
waiting on the completion of the IETF CMS (S/MIME) workgroup before
proceeding for submittal as RFCs.

- A few open "CMS alignment" issues continue to crop up on the three
finished documents. As the CMS workgroup makes adjustments to S/MIME the
EDIINT workgroup must make adjustments to their documents to reflect these
changes. Changes to the Requirements, Applicability Statement #1 and the HL7
document are required to reflect changes to the CMS draft documents. Chuck
Shih of Gardner Group is aligning both the requirements and the AS#1
document with the CMS drafts. These changes are focused on the CMS REQUIRED
encryption, signing and hashing algorithms.

- Most of the meeting was spent discussing AS#2, which is EDI based on HTTP
as the transport. Dale Moberg lead the discussions. His slides are attached.

- Issue number 1: AS#2 was thought to be created by just changing the
transport protocols from SMTP as defined in AS#1 to HTTP for AS#2. Now after
the meeting, it seems that it may not be possible to do this as easily as we
first thought. The reason being that AS#1 uses MDN's created for email as
the receipt, which may require email addresses. If the AS#1 functionality is
just transferred over to AS#2 .we can't require email addresses, which means
that MDN's may not work in HTTP transports. Dale will research this and let
the group know the alternatives.

- Issue number 2: At this time there are two standards, both industry level,
that use HTTP to move secure EDI over Internet. They are the Auto Industry's
E5 and the Oil and Gas Industry's GISB standards. The discussion centered on
how we product AS#2 in a manner which would allow both E5 and GISB standards
to use it as a basis for their future work. This would give all of us a much
closer alignment for EDI standards over Internet. Rik will schedule a
two-day face to face meeting in April or May with the key player to hammer
this out. The results will be presented to the workgroup listserv for
discussion and approval.

Todo: Redo the Charter to explicitly say HTTP. At this time it just says
"point-to-point" transport protocols which was to cover the HTTP protocol
when it was written. Done - Rik Drummond.

The target date for submittal of the workgroup's finished drafts as RFC's is
shortly after the submittal of the CMS drafts for consideration as RFC's.

Submitted by Rik Drummond
March 31, 1999