Reported by Jennifer Sellers, NASA IITA/Sterling Software

Minutes of the Internet School Networking Working Group (ISN)

We discovered at the beginning of the meeting, as we were waiting for  
more of a crowd to show, that the ISN meeting had been listed in the 
Tel-Ed program as "by invitation only"!  This was a big disappointment 
and  probably accounted for the poor turn-out.

We followed the agenda for the entire meeting.  The first item was for  
participants to introduce themselves and tell briefly what their 
interest in attending ISN was.

User Services Area Director Joyce Reynolds gave an overview of the 
IETF and the User Services Area and answered questions from the 

ISN Co-chair Jennifer Sellers described the ISN repository and invited 
people to email their submissions to the list, then she spoke briefly 
about the update of FYI22 and asked for people to review the Internet-
Draft themselves and solicit reviews from others.

The final discussion was around the question, "How can ISN help 
educators within the IETF framework?"  The clearest answer was to 
publish all the good work that is being done and make sure it is widely 
disseminated.  The general consensus was that ISN's work is little-
known by the community it targets.  Two specific suggestions were to get 
articles printed in educational (print) journals, newsletters, and 
magazines; and to hand out information, including ISN documents, at 
education conferences such as Tel-Ed.  It was also noted that better use 
could be made of announcing ISN documents and the ISN repository on 
educational mail lists.

There was no other business, so the meeting was adjourned.


Reported by 	Jodi-Ann Ito, University of Hawaii

Minutes of the Internet School Networking Working Group (ISN)

The ISN Working Group was convened at 1pm by Jodi Ito, co-chair.  
Jennifer Sellers, co-chair, held an interim meeting at Tel-Ed in Ft. 
Lauderdale the previous week and was unable to attend this IETF.  
There were no changes to the published agenda so introductions were 
the first order of business.  

The revised ISN charter was reviewed and the date for the FYI RFC 
describing the document repository was set for Mar. 96.

There was some discussion regarding how to better disseminate the 
work of the ISN and User Services area of the IETF.  Some suggestions 
were to have them located in Compuserv's forum, Cisco's education 
archives, and ISOC's K-12 page.

Next the FYI 22 update was discussed and several attendees had some 

o  explain the differences between on-line services like AOL and 
Compuserv and the Internet
o  talk about some of the technical security considerations like 
firewalls;  talk about security policy issues such as access control 
management and password revocations; maybe give some examples 
of security policies
o  include questions to ask ISPs like how many modems do you have, 
what is your user to modem ratio?, what are your "tech 
support/help desk" hours? What kind of connection do you have to 
the Internet?

The document will be submitted to the IESG soon for publication as an 

The ISN document repository will be moving to Merit and the new 
location and move details will be posted to the mailing list.  The FYI 
document describing the repository will be done by March 1996.

The directory of educational projects idea was re-visited and 
revitalized.  Rough consensus was reached on the basic fields of the 
directory and the general scope of the project.  Richard Perlman 
volunteered to design the prototype.  The data elements will be posted 
to the list for discussion.  After substantial discussion among the group, 
it was agreed that it would be a 3 month experimental project.  April 
Marine vounteered that someone from NASA would monitor the 
submission during the experimental period.  A status report would be 
provided to the group in March and the final analysis done in June.

Sepi Boroumand continued the discussion on her idea for a "how to 
create a help desk" paper.  The attendees had many suggestions and 
comments and Sepi will continue the discussion on-line.

The meeting finally adjourned at 3:10pm