Next Steps in Signaling (nsis)

 Last Modified: 2011-02-07

 Current Status: Active Working Group

     Martin Stiemerling  <>
     Jukka Manner  <>

 Transport Area Director(s):
     David Harrington  <>
     Lars Eggert  <>
     Wesley Eddy  <>

 Transport Area Advisor:
     Lars Eggert  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       (un)subscribe

Description of Working Group:

The Next Steps in Signaling Working Group is responsible for
standardizing an IP signaling protocol with QoS signaling as the first
use case.  This working group will concentrate on a two-layer
signaling paradigm.  The intention is to re-use, where appropriate,
the protocol mechanisms of RSVP, while at the same time simplifying it
and applying a more general signaling model.

The existing work on the requirements, the framework and analysis of
existing protocols will be completed and used as input for the
protocol work.

NSIS will develop a transport layer signaling protocol for the
transport of upper layer signaling. In order to support a toolbox or
building block approach, the two-layer model will be used to separate
the transport of the signaling from the application signaling.  This
allows for a more general signaling protocol to be developed to
support signaling for different services or resources, such as NAT &
firewall traversal and QoS resources.  The initial NSIS application
will be an optimized RSVP QoS signaling protocol.  The second
application will be a middle box traversal protocol.  An informational
document detailing how Differentiated Services can be signaled
with the QoS Signaling protocol will be made.

Security is a very important concern for NSIS. The working group will
study and analyze the threats and security requirements for
signaling.  Compatibility with authentication and authorization
mechanisms such as those of Diameter, COPS for RSVP (RFC 2749) and
RSVP Session Authorization (RFC 3250), will be addressed.

It is a non-goal of the working group to develop new resource
allocation protocols. Traffic engineering is out of scope of this
WG. Additionally, third party signaling is out of scope of this WG.
New mobility and AAA protocols are out of scope of the WG.
However, the work produced in this Working Group should work with 
existing IETF mobility and AAA protocols, including (but not limited 
Mobile IP, Seanoby Context Transfer, etc.  An applicability statement
will be written to discuss the applicability of NSIS protocols in 

NSIS also welcomes participation and expression of requirements
requirements from non-IETF standards organization members, for
instance 3GPP, 3GPP2 and ITU-T.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         Submit 'Signaling Requirements' to IESG for publication as an 
                Informational RFC. 

   Done         Submit 'Next Steps in Signaling: Framework' to IESG for 
                publication as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'Analysis of Existing Signaling Protocols' to IESG as 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'RSVP Security Properties' to IESG as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS Threats' to IESG as Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS Transport Protocol' to IESG for publication as 
                Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS QoS Specification Template' to IESG for 
                publication as an Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS QoS Application Protocol' to IESG for publication 
                as Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS Middle Box Signaling Application Protocol' to IESG 
                for publication as Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit 'Y.1541 QoS Model' to the IESG for publication as an 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'Applicability Statement of NSIS Protocols in Mobile 
                Environments' to the IESG as an Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'RMD-QOSM - The Resource Management in Diffserv QOS 
                Model' to the IESG for publication as an Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'GIST State Machine' to the IESG for publication as an 
                Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS Extensibility Model' to the IESG for publication 
                as an Informational RFC 

   Done         Submit 'SCTP transport for GIST' to the IESG for publication as 
                an Experimental RFC 

   Done         Submit 'NSIS Operation Over IP Tunnels' to the IESG for 
                publication as an Informational RFC 


Posted Revised         I-D Title   <Filename>
------ ------- --------------------------------------------
Jun 2006 Jul 2010   <draft-ietf-nsis-tunnel-13.txt>
                NSIS Operation Over IP Tunnels 

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC3583 I    Sep 2003    Requirements of a Quality of Service (QoS)Solution for 
                       Mobile IP 

RFC3726 I    Apr 2004    Requirements for Signaling Protocols 

RFC4094 I    May 2005    Analysis of Existing Quality of Service Signaling 

RFC4080 I    Jun 2005    Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS): Framework 

RFC4081 I    Jun 2005    Security Threats for Next Steps in Signaling (NSIS) 

RFC4230 I    Dec 2005    RSVP Security Properties 

RFC5977 E    Oct 2010    RMD-QOSM: The NSIS Quality-of-Service Model for Resource 
                       Management in Diffserv 

RFC5978 I    Oct 2010    Using and Extending the NSIS Protocol Family 

RFC5976 E    Oct 2010    Y.1541-QOSM -- Model for Networks Using Y.1541 QoS 

RFC5975 E    Oct 2010    QSPEC Template for the Quality-of-Service NSIS Signaling 
                       Layer Protocol (NSLP) 

RFC5974 E    Oct 2010    NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP) for 
                       Quality-of-Service Signaling 

RFC5973 E    Oct 2010    NAT/Firewall NSIS Signaling Layer Protocol (NSLP) 

RFC5972 I    Oct 2010    General Internet Signaling Transport (GIST) State 

RFC5971 E    Oct 2010    GIST: General Internet Signalling Transport 

RFC6084 E    Jan 2011    General Internet Signaling Transport (GIST) over Stream 
                       Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP) and Datagram 
                       Transport Layer Security (DTLS) 

RFC5981 E    Feb 2011    Authorization for NSIS Signaling Layer Protocols 

RFC5980 I    Mar 2011    NSIS Protocols Operation in Mobile Environments