Reported by Nevil Brownlee/University of Auckland

Minutes of the Operational Statistics Working Group (OPSTAT)


   o Introduction
   o 1404 Update Draft
   o Client-Server Draft
   o SNMP User's Guide
   o Other Business

1404 Update

Michael Lambert (PSC) has made the changes discussed at Danvers and on
the mailing list.  These include using full MIB variable names in
examples, and some small editorial corrections.  Mailing list discussion
made it clear that <router-name> and <link-name> can be used in more
general ways, but these haven't required changes to the draft.

The draft was published as draft-ietf-opstat-oper-model-01.txt, and in
PostScript form.  A last call was issued on the OPSTAT mailing list
three weeks ago:  the meeting attendees agreed that the draft should be
published as an Information RFC.

Client-Server Draft

Henry Clark (BBN) has made the changes discussed at Danvers.  These
include provision for authenticated login to the server, and for
three-digit result codes.

The draft was published as draft-ietf-opstat-client-server-03.txt.  A
last call was issued on the OPSTAT mailing list three weeks ago:  the
meeting attendees agreed that the draft should be published as an
Information RFC.

SNMP User's Guide

This document was intended to contain general recommendations and
experiences about how SNMP and the specific MIB variables can be used to
manage a network.  Although various people have offered to contribute
material, only one item has come to hand so far.  With such a low level
of demonstrated support, the group decided to abandon this project.

Other Business

Nevil Brownlee reported that a draft paper on modelling fractal network
traffic is now available (in PostScript) for comment from:

With the publication of the above two RFCs the working group has
completed its charter activities.  The group has therefore completed its
activities and will close down.  However, the OPSTAT mailing list will