Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

IETF, 6/28/96 Reported by
Bernard Aboba (bernarda@microsoft.com)
and Hong Chen (hchen@aimnet.net)
Edited by Glen Zorn (glennz@microsoft.com) 

The IETF Dial-Up Roaming Requirement BOF was initiated by Glen 
Zorn of Microsoft and held in Montreal on June 28th, 1996. Between 50-
70 people attended the meeting.

Why Are You Here?
The group was asked what interested them about the problem. Several 
opinions were expressed, including:

- an interest in seeing small ISPs being able to offer wider service, 
and compete with national and international service providers 

- the desirability of standardized, interoperable implementations 

- an interest in the use of Virtual Private Networks, based upon 
generic internet service

Strawman Framework
Bernard Aboba of Microsoft presented a strawman framework for 
describing the problem. This framework included discussion of phone 
presentation, phone number exchange, phone book compilation, phone 
book update,
connection management, authentication, NAS 
configuration/authorization, security,
routing and accounting.

Working Group Formation
Consensus was reached that the formation of a new working group was 
appropriate. The proposed WG will be called "roamops". The mailing 
list will be at roamops@nsmx.rutgers.edu. In addtion, there will be a 
WWW-accessible archive of relevant documents created (also at 
Rutgers) to support the initial work of the group (see "Goals and 
Milestones", below). The WG charter will be produced using the BOF 
minutes as a guide.

Scope of Work
The following items were agreed to be within the initial scope of the 
proposed Working Group:
- Description of existing roaming implementations - Mechanisms for 
phone book presentation, compilation, update, 
and exchange
- Authentication mechanisms
- Cooperation with the NASREQ-NG, Mobile IP and other IETF 
working groups to identify the issues which need to be addressed by the 
roamops group (as opposed to issues being worked by other groups)
- Interoperability among NAS accounting protocols (probably 
through a standardized file format).

All business issues regarding the operation of an ISP roaming network 
(such as settlement and billing methods) are specifically NOT in the 
scope of the roamops WG and will not be discussed. 

Goals and Milestones
The group agreed to the following milestones: - a charter ready for 
submission by 8/1/96. The charter will be 
created using the minutes for guidance, and will focus on the ISP 
roaming problem rather than ancillary issues such as integration 
with tunneling
- an Internet-Draft of an Informational RFC describing existing 
roaming implementations by 9/1/96. Editors for the initial document 
will be Bernard Aboba (bernarda@microsoft.com), Hong Chen 
(hchen@aimnet.net), and Alex Latzko (latzko@hardees.rutgers.edu)

There were 4 volunteers to (co-)chair the new WG (presupposing it is 
- Glen Zorn (glennz@microsoft.com)
- Pat Calhoun (pcalhoun@usr.com)
- Kathy Royce (kroyce@baynetworks.com)
- Barry Greene (barry@singnet.com.sg)