SNMPconf - December 14, 2000 13:00 - 15:00, and
December 15, 2000 09:00 - 11:30
Chairs: Jon Saperia ( and David Partain (
Agenda was published as,  and the only changes made were re-arrangements of topics due to time constraints.
The note takers for the sessions were Rob Frye (,
Russell Dietz (, and Steve Moulton (

David Partain opened the meeting, Blue attendance sheets were circulated.  Jon Saperia indicated what the current drafts are, how to join the mailing list, and displayed the agenda.

The first day of the meeting had presentation and discussion of the Policy Management MIB with some related discussions about accessors and language features, and the presentation of status on the Configuring Networks and Devices with SNMP BCP.  Day two had more accessor and language discussion and a presentation of issues that have arisen in the DiffServ Policy MIB.  The text of these meeting notes have been re-arranged to keep the accessor and language items together.

Session One: December 14, 2000 13:00 - 15:00
The first document discussed was the Policy Management MIB (draft-ietf-snmpconf-pm-04.txt), presented by Steve Waldbusser.  There was much work done on the current version; 5 slides of changes were presented.  Some of the significant highlights are:
- Scratchpad functions were extended and include scoping, examples of scoping were given.
- Parameter tokens $1 through $9 were increased to allow $01 thru $99, and these parameters are available in local variables.
- Text was changed to use const" in the document for built-in constants,

rather than "#define".
- A gap was added in numbering between data types & error codes to allow enough room for future data type expansion.
- Added pmPolicyAbnormalTerminations, which counts the number of times that policy execution has failed.
- Minimal varbind list length was changed to 32 variables (from 60) for each Policy instance.
- Added 64-bit "long long int" integers, getint() modified to return "long int".
- Added array derefencing; the contents of octet string objects in strings can now be returned and a way was needed to access binary data in octet strings.
- Added support for Strings.
- Filter scripts execute immediately when network elements are discovered; action scripts execute immediately when its related Filter evaluates TRUE.
- A script code table was added for scripts that are larger than the MTU; multiple SNMP sets will be needed to build the script, then reference it in the other MIBs to trigger its execution.
- Added newCapability & newRole notifications, add registration table for managers to receive these notifications.
- A description of the handling of SNMP errors was added.
- New BNF was defined to account for the various changes made; there may be some discussion of the BNF on the mailing list.
- ISO C, not ANSI C (X3J11), will be used as the standard language definition; with the addition of String support, there was some discussion about making C++ the standard language definition though conclusion was reached that C should continue

to be the standard reference, due to concerns about needing to make it simple so implementation on embedded platforms would be possible.  This may not be relevant, as the BNF describes a subset of C or C++ anyway.
- A question was raised about whether this language definition & SMING should be combined, or at least use the SMIng functions in the SNMPconf language.  However, SMING is data definition oriented, whereas the SNMPconf policy language is operator oriented, which makes SMING inappropriate at present for the SNMPconf expression language.  Furthermore, because of the state of SMING,
it is not yet possible for SNMPconf drafts to make reference to SMING documents, other than as "works in progress".  Therefore, between the C/C++ issues and SMING issues, we should stick with the C reference and then add the items we need from C++.  There may be further discussion on the list about this, if anyone disagrees with this approach.

There was a question on the example given of pmPolicyAbnormalTerminations that led to the conclusion that more clarifying text is needed.

There was some discussion about the notification registration table, as to whether it is like RFC 2573's trapFilterTable & trapForwardingTable [correction: snmpNotifyFilterTable and snmpNotifyTable, respectively].
Although there are similarities, the RFC 2573 tables are not appropriate, as the snmpNotifyFilterTable is based on an information bus model; all traps from all sources go thru that table.  This did not reach satisfactory conclusion and will be considered & discussed further on the mailing list.  Similar discussion was related to the code table vs VACM in SNMPv3.  No satisfactory conclusion was reached and this topic will be considered & discussed further on the mailing list.

Some Security issues were discussed and will be added into the draft.  In particular, dealing with SNMP actions in scripts - how security parameters are to the SNMP calls and Mid-level manager inherited access writes - how to decide which security parameters to use.

Policy Grouping for precedence was discussed, particularly that we ensure that when a policy is no longer valid.
rather than waiting for "max latency" time to expire, when Policy C terminates and "uncovers" Policy B, that B would execute immediately.  To accomplish this, an "on exit" clause was discussed so that policies would go to a "quiescent" state when the policy is no longer in effect,
and use precedence & grouping so that a "normal" policy runs all the time when some higher-priority policy is NOT running.  Error conditions need to be considered, where setting of some variables depend on other settings elsewhere.

Policies run while the schedule indicates the policy is active and are dormant otherwise; some sets of policies are interrelated and these sets of policies should be turned on and off in tandem.  Edge triggered versus level triggered scheduling (with addition of duration) was discussed to accomplish this; using edge-triggered scheduling, pairs of scheduleEntry's would be needed to accomplish one schedule although the addition of duration is not sufficient to provide sufficient level-triggered semantics.  It was agreed that level-triggered scheduling is desired.  There are unreliable semantics regarding when multiple, potential overlapping schedules touch a policy; consensus was that we probably want the semantic that the policy is active if ANY associated schedule is active.  There was some discussion about whether the DisMan ScheduleMIB would provide the needed functionality, or if we could use it and change the meaning of certain objects when used with the Policy management MIB - it was agreed that this could result in confusion.  The difficulty in having one policy clean up from another was discussed, with the possibility of having the scheduler do some cleanup (ie, do more than simple scheduling, such as be a "schedule guardian" or "ober-scheduler").
No matter what happens, the new policy must be able to determine the result.  Based on the concerns outlined by Steve in his presentation,
Jon Saperia presented a new pmSchedTable to the group designed to address these concerns. This will be the basis for another revision of the draft.
Further work is needed in the scheduling (pmSchedTable) area.

Possible future draft changes include adding "pass by reference" and automatic initialization, to be discussed further on the list as needed.

The next document was Configuring Networks and Devices with SNMP (draft-ietf-snmpconf-bcp-03.txt), presented by Wayne Tackabury.  Some highlights of that presentation:
- The scope was clarified, text was thoroughly reorganized, examples were expanded & clarified.  The scope of the draft is to provide guidance on current practices using SNMP for configuration, focusing on using SNMPv3 and to provide the groundwork for policy-based SNMP configuration.  The draft provides guidance for ISP Operators in SNMP deployment practices and configuration change diagnostics, guidance to agent/MIBmodule developers for developing coherent and scalable settable row objects and other features, and guidance to management station developers in implementing transactional semantics.
- A request was made for text to be contributed describing how some agent implementions do a lot of things incorrectly and how management stations can cope with these poor agent implementations.
- The current draft needs WG review and further editing;  particularly security issues discussion.  The plan is to go to WG last call after IETF 50 while avoiding scope creep.  It is intended for Standards-track as BCP.

Session Two: December 15, 2000 09:00 - 11:30
With some examples from the Policy Management MIB, Steve Waldbusser led the discussion of Accessor Functions and Language Issues.

Language and Accessor Function issues included the following.
- In the Accessor Functions discussions (particularly in the first session), several examples were given, both simple (involving simple settings of integers) and complex (setting up RMON2 alMatrix monitoring).

These examples were used to show flaws of certain approaches and the use of the searchColumnEntry or storing the OID/index in the scratchpad between invocations.
- There was some discussion about how resource cleanup would occur,
particularly considering that there is no automatic garbage collection.  No solution was reached in the meeting and may be discussed further on the mailing list.
- It was generally agreed to do "pass by reference" so that "&" is not
needed when passing parameters to accessor functions.
- Automatic, non-default, initialization was added.  This occurs
whenever a script becomes active.
- There was considerable discussion about the need to
support both createAndWait or createAndGo operations.
The group consensus was that both createAndWait and createAndGo should be provided.
- The createAndWait/createAndGo discussion led into a discussion of the staging of building PDUs to send (or parsing/reading received PDUs) - whether by passing of varbinds 1 at a time vs a "varargs" approach.  There was no clear consensus, so a small design team (Steve Waldbusser, Juergen Schoenwalder) will consider the possible approaches for building PDUs, including PDUs as objects with operator overloading.
- The next significant discussion was whether or not to add a "setCli()" function to interact with command line interface mechanisms (analogous to the "system" function call on Unix).  Major concerns are of it being used in heterogeneous environments, it is ugly and goes against standards although is very practical, the numerous security issues (eg: how to map SNMP context to "login" equivalent), etc.  Many reasons were given for doing so (even by those who would prefer not to), and many reasons against it.  No consensus was reached, so we decided that this is to be investigated further - it was agreed that it's a bad thing to do,  That the benefits may not outweigh the bad things.  We will continue discussion on the list.

Policy Grouping discussions were next.  The policyGroup & policyPrecedence semantics have not been worked out entirely, although in general lower numbered precedence value gives higher priority within a group, and the highest precedence policy whose filter allows it to run at a given time "wins".  Time-ordering of policies within a group may be critical.  It was agreed that any particular policy (action) should run as an atomic transaction.  An entire policyGroup should be considered as a single logical policy, such that all policies are running at once,  depending on what filters trigger for given elements.

Some discussion was done regarding booting/startup.  Specifically, any policy not in a group can fire immediately, within its schedule, and for those in a group, no Policy can run, except for the highest Precedence policy, until all filters for all policies in the group have been evaluated.  More discussion took place on the issue of what to do on "policy replacement" - what to do when PolicyB trumps PolicyA, B runs, then B terminates.  The conclusion was that it is necessary to immediately re-evaluate A's filter & schedule to determine if PolicyA's actions need to be invoked.  This leads to different windows of evaluating precedence and filters, and deciding appropriate actions.  Filters should be rechecked immediately when precedence changes, new policies are added, or old policies are deleted.  It was agreed that this needs further consideration on the list.

The next draft discussed was The DiffServ Policy MIB (draft-ietf-snmpconf-diffpolicy-03.txt), presented by Harrie Hazewinkel and Bob Moore.  Harrie gave some background of what DiffServ is all about, then used the diffServDataPathTable in DIFFSERV-MIB as a starting point for SNMPconf policy-management discussions.

The DIFFSERV-POLICY-MIB is used to create templates with classifier, meter, actions drop,  mark, and count using the diffPolicyDPCTable.  A Policy example was used for providing gold service,  applying EF marking to packets from certain customers.  Obsoleted entries could be garbage collected, which is not currently defined in standard.  There are further issues related to garbage collection, such as being able to tell if something SHOULD be GC'd.  The conclusion was reached that we need to use template cloning with a single SNMP Set to build the right diffserv policy, although that leads to further problems with RowPointers.

Bob Moore then continued the discussion showing the difficult interactions between Templates & RowPointers.  The advantages of this approach for doing data path parameterization was shown, and it was shown that duplicating Templates does not require duplicating parameterizations.  It was determined to be necessary to identify in Templates what needs a new row (new object to point to) vs re-using the same object as in copied-from row(s).  There is no simple answer to this; an example next-order problem was shown with "fan-out/fan-in" linkages, with the desire to share a new single instance rather than duplicating instances.

The current diffserv MIB has only StaticRowPointers which point "outside" of the template; it doesn't have dynamic RowPointers.  It was suggested that an appropriate approach might be to not focus on the  RowPointers, but on the pointed-to objects via a new kind of TextualConvention, which would have the negative effect of combining 2 distinct operations together: copy & clone vs the value & use of the objects.  There are 2 steps involved: generating (creating the new row & new OID) or reusing (referencing the row by copying the OID), and determining how to plug in the relevant information to referencing tables.

An ID has been submitted into the Management and Operations area with 2 new TCs to handle these template conditions.  However, that draft will likely be modified and re-submitted (on the MIBs list) with just the one TC  that describes new behavior, not currently available with the definition of RowPointer operations.  Meanwhile, the DiffServe WG is moving ahead with their approach in case the generalized ID doesn't become an RFC in time.  It was agreed that between now & the next IETF (IETF 50, March 2001), the diffserv examples will be updated by David Partain.

To wrap up the meeting, Rob Frye agreed to distribute notes to the WG list not later than 12/22/2000 [note:  they are being sent to Chairs on 12/25/2000].  There will be further discussion on the mailing list for at most 2 weeks about the need for an interim meeting before IETF 50 in March to discuss topics such as the "setCLI" function.  We agreed to see how much can be done on list first, then hold an interim  meeting if we do not reach consensus.  The existing charter says that we will conclude our work by IETF 50 in March 2001.