Security Issues in Network Event Logging WG (syslog)

Tuesday, November 19 at 1415-1515

CHAIR: Chris Lonvick <>

Agenda Bashing
    No changes.
    Marshall Rose to take minutes.
Review of Charter and Status Update
    Reminder: the goal is *not* about defining/changing the content of syslog messages.

    RFCs so far:
    RFC 3164 - "The BSD syslog Protocol"
    RFC 3195 - "Reliable Delivery for syslog"

Review of draft-ietf-syslog-sign-07.txt (kelsey)
    Basic idea: insert extra messages into a log stream along with a sliding window.
    Document status: finalizing for RFC submission
    Two changes: renaming one of the "PRI" fields to "Signature Pri" to avoid confusion; and, transport agnosticism
Plea for New Author of draft-ietf-syslog-device-mib-01.txt
    two folks are interested in helping out on the syslog mib.
Wrap Up                                      

    we know of two implementations of syslog-reliable.