Network Training Materials (trainmat)

 Last Modified: 04/07/1998

 Current Status: Concluded Working Group

     Jill Foster  <>
     Mark Prior  <>
     Margaret Isaacs  <>

 User Services Area Director(s):
     April Marine  <>

 User Services Area Advisor:
     April Marine  <>

 Mailing Lists: 
     To Subscribe:
         In Body:       subscribe network-training-tf firstname lastna

Description of Working Group:

Note: Working Group concluded on 10/14/96

Widespread familiarity with global network services and competence in
using them brings benefit to individual users, enriches the information
skills and resources of the community and optimizes the return in
investment in networked services.

The Network Training Materials Working Group is chartered to enable the
research community to make better use of the networked services.
Towards this end, the working group will work to provide a mix of
training materials for the broad academic community which will:
(1) enable user support staff to train users to use the networked 
and (2) provide users with self-paced learning material.  In the first
instance, it will not deal with operational training.

This working group is the IETF component of a joint TERENA/IETF group
working on network training materials.

The working group will create a catalogue of existing network training
materials (using the IAFA style Data Elements where appropriate),
identify the gaps in network training materials and work to identify
the problems associated with hands on training workshops using
networked services providing a real service.

 Goals and Milestones:

   Done         First working group meeting. Review and approve the charter 
                with a review of documents and materials to be written. 

   Done         Post the catalogue of training materials as an 

   MAR 96       Submit the catalogue of training materials for review and 
                publication as an Informational RFC. 


  No Current Internet-Drafts.

 Request For Comments:

  RFC   Stat Published     Title
------- -- ----------- ------------------------------------
RFC2007 I    OCT 96    Catalogue of Network Training Materials