This is a rough draft only - Megan 04/07/92


Reported by Gary Malkin/Xylogics and Tracy LaQuey Parker/UTexas


Status Update

Chairpersons		Tracy LaQuey Parker /
			Gary Scott Malkin /

Mailing List		usergloss(-request)
Glossary Archive in directory usergloss

Date of Last meeting	San Diego IETF / March 17, 1992

Date of next meeting	Boston IETF / July 1992

Progress		Usergloss met twice at this IETF.

			Having compiled a very large glossary from many
			sources, we removed those entries which we
			decided were either too general or too esoteric
			for the intended audience of the glossary.

	Boston		Final review of glossary.  The object will be to
			ensure that the entries are catagorized properly
			in the index.

	within month	Submit to RFC editor


     1) Review WG Description, Goals and Milestones
     2) Progress to Date
	     a)	Collected a list of glossaries to use as a base
	     b)	Editorial committee has edited and merged these
     3) Review the document we now have
     4) Weeding-out Process (which definitions should be excluded?)
     5) Refining the indexes/categories
     6) Final format of the document
	     a) review format proposed at last meeting
	     b) what to do about the indexes
     7) Assign New Tasks
	     a) Editing draft
	     b) Writing/researching better definitions
	     c) Searching for definitions we've left out.

We started with some discussion about copyright issues.  We
believe that definitions are not copyrighted (except by the
creater of a word).  We will be giving credit to the sources
of the definitions.

We spent considerable time determining what our audience was
so that we could decide which words were too generic for an
Internet specific glossary and which words were too esoteric
for a general audience.  We sort of decided that the glossary
was not for extreme beginners and that an effort to create
a comprehensive dictionary should be undertaken in the future.

The remainder of the first session, and all of the second
session, was devoted to pruning the glossary.  We removed
351 entries from the original 1247 and added 10.  We still
need to resolve the duplicates (by merging them together).

Agenda items 5-7 will be done over email before the next
IETF meeting in Boston.