This is a rough draft only - Megan 04/06/92

The x25mib working group met Monday March 16 and Wednesday March 
18 to review the LAPB, X25 Packet, and IP over X.25 MIB drafts.  The 
group suggested and approved many changes to all the documents.  

While there were many changes approved for the LAPB and X.25 MIBs, 
the group felt the documents were becoming stable.  As such the 
group plans to review the revised documents when they are released 
and attempt to propose advancement on the mailing list.  

The IP over X.25 MIB was changed to the Multiprotocol Interconnect 
over X.25 MIB to match the RFC coming from the IPLPDN working 
group.  There were many changes to this MIB and the working group 
will meet again to review the revised document.  

	Editorial changes common to all MIBs

All Reference comments will be changed to Reference Fields.  

A new type, named PositiveInteger, will be defined with range 
0..0x7fffffff for use as common integer values.  

All timers types will be changed to PositiveInteger to remove any 
artificial time limits.  

The type of all table index objects that match an ifIndex value 
will be changed to PositiveInteger with a comment in the 
description saying the maximum value depends on ifNumber.  

A Defval value will be added for all read-write objects.  Fred 
Baker offered to supply initial values for LAPB.  

	Editorial changes for the LAPB MIB

A comment will be added to the overview section saying the MIB 
terminology follows the terminology and conventions found in ISO 
7776.  Especially with the use of the DCE/Remote DTE terminology.  

A comment will be added to the overview section saying the 
creation and deletion of tables depends on the implementation 
method for creating and deleting LAPB interfaces.  

The type of lapbParmTransmitN1FrameSize and 
lapbParmReceiveN1FrameSize will be changed to PositiveInteger.  

Objects in the the lapbParmTable and lapbDefTable will be 
redestributed to create a lapbOperTable, a lapbAdmnTable, and a 
lapbXidTable.  The lapbParmTable and lapbDefTable will be deleted.  
The lapbAdmnTable will contain read-write objects for the 
configuration parameters of a LAPB interface.  The lapbOperTable 
will contain read-only objects for the current operational values 
used in the LAPB interface.  Setting an object in the lapbAdmnTable 
may not change the current operating value immediately; 
implementations may change the value immediately or wait until the 
interface is shutdown and restarted.  The lapbXidTable will be an 
optional table containing the objects needed to support LAPB XID 
negotiation.  Implementations that support Xid will start the 
negotiation using the objects in the lapbAdmnTable and the 
lapbXidTable.  The results of the negotiation will be the parameters 
found in the lapbOperTable.  Objects will be included in the Admn 
table for t3 and t4.  The ActionInit and ActionRecvDm objects will 
be in the Admn table.  

An object identifier will be added to the LAPB MIB to identify the 
protocol version; versions to identify will be collected over the 
mailing list.  

A comment will be added saying that a FRMR causes linkup/down 

	Editorial changes for the X.25 MIB

The x25PleTable will be split into a number of tables.  The split 
will separate configuration parameters from operational statistics 
to reduce the size of internal structures needed to implement the 
MIB.  The read-only objects will become a x25PleStatisticsTable and 
the read-write objects will become two tables, the x25PleOperTable, 
and the x25PleAdmnTable.  

The timer and counter objects from the x25CallParmTable will be 
moved to a per PLE table.  This includes:

	call timer
	reset timer
	clear timer
	interrupt timer
	window timer
	reject timer
	data rxmt timer
	reset count
	clear count
	data rxmt count
	reject count

The called and calling extension character set will be extended to 
include a-f and A-F as well as 0-9 

A count of the number of PVCs will be added on the PLE 

Explicit values will be added to the x25CircuitStatus to cause 
circuit clearing and PVCresetting.  

A value will be added to X25CircuitDirection for PVC.

A NULL object identifier will be allowed for X25CircuitCallParmId 
for PVC or a circuit that uses all the PLE default parameters.  

The description will be changed to allow zero length called, 
calling, and originally called X.121 Addresses to be specified for 

The length of an X.25Address will be changed to 0..15.

The x25ClearedCircuitTable will include the time the circuit was 
established, the number of PDUs received, and the number of PDUs 

Traps will be defined for circuit reset, and PLE restart.  

A status object will be added to the x25CallParamTable ala the 
rmon status object to create, lock, and delete entries.  

The x25CircuitName object will be changed to x25CircuitDescr and 
the description expanded with an example of use.  

The ACCESS of the x25CircuitCallParamId object will be change to 

The X25ClearedCircuitCodes object will be deleted and two objects
added.  One object will contain the clear code and the other will 
contain the diagnostics code.  Both objects will be type integer 

The range of the X.25ClearedCircuitIndex will be changed to 
0..0x7fffffff.  The index will start at 0x7fffffff and decrease.  
When the index reaches 1, all entries will be deleted and the index 
will reset to 0x7fffffff.  

	Changes to the IP over X.25 MIB.

Because the name of the MIB will be changed to the MultiProtocol 
Interconnect over X.25 MIB, the prefix will change from iox to 

The x25Address object will renamed miox121Address.  

The ioxConTable will be changed to the mioxPeerTable.  

The ioxConIpAddress object must change to handle multiprotocol 
use.  The IP address will become an OCTET STRING.  The octet string 
will contain the encapsulation type and the associated information 
as used in the encapsulation.  Thus an IP address would be CC 
followed by the IP address.  A snap encapsulation would be 80 
followed by the snap header.  

The IP to X.25 address translation failures must be changed to 
handle more than just IP.  They must handle all type of lookup 

Object(s) will be add to keep a list of encapsulation types to use 
with a peer.  When answering a call, the list specifies allowable 
types; if the proposed encapsulation isn't in the list, the call is 
cleared.  When calling, the list specifies the type of encapsulation 
to use to call the peer; the list will be ordered and the first 
entry in the list will be tried first.  

An object will be added to determine if a connection will be 
accepted from an address not in the peer table.  This will be done 
by not specifing any encapsulation types in the default parameters 
for an interface.  

An object will added to the peer table to record the total amount 
of connect time to a peer.  

An object will be added to the peer table to cause connection 
calling or clearing.  This will allow control over connections in 
bridges that don't have any IP to address translation tables.  

An object will be added to the peer table for the maximum number 
of simultaneous connections to that peer.  

An object will be added in mioxPeerTable to count the number of 
clears caused by seeing a Q-bit from the peer.  

An object will be added in the mioxPeerTable to identify the 
interface to use to call, it will include a don't care value; the 
type will be an integer with the index of an ifEntry.  

A status object will be added to the PeerTable for creating, 
deleting, and locking entries.  

An object will be added for peer description similar to the 
x25CircuitDescr object.