Service in the PSTN/IN Requesting Internet Service WG (spirits)

Monday, July 31 at 0900-1130

CHAIRS: Steve Bellovin <>
        Alec Brusilovsky <> 


1. Agenda bashing and goals of the session
    - Alec Brusilovsky - 5 minutes;
2. Progress of Implementation RFC
    - Hui-Lan Lu - 10 minutes;
3. SPIRITS progress in ITU-T
    - Hui-Lan Lu - 5 minutes;
4. Discussion on the proposed SPIRITS Architecture
    - Lev Slutsman - 25 minutes;
5. Discussion on the SPIRITS Protocol Requirements, including:
            a. Building blocks  - and how they define requirements
                for the Protocol - Lawrence Conroy - 15 minutes
            b. IN and PINT related SPIRITS Protocol Requirements
                - Igor Faynberg - 15 minutes;
            c. SPIRITS Protocol Requirements leading to the Protocol
                selection - Jörgen Björkner - 15 minutes;
6. Wrap-up - 5 minutes.