Reported by Marshall Rose/Dover Beach Consulting

Minutes of the NM Area Directorate BOF (NMAREA)

The area director announced that an open meeting for the Network
Management Area would be a regular event at each meeting of the IETF.
These meetings will consist of an area status report and
presentations/discussion on a specific topic of interest to the

The area status report is attached.  However, two items require specific

  1. Due to a lack of senior technical resources in the Network
     Management Area, the area director is imposing a moratorium on new
     working groups for the remainder of calendar year 1993.  At the
     beginning of next year, the area director will evaluate whether the
     resources exist to allow the formation of new working groups.
     Although there is much interest in the Network Management Area, the
     number of volunteers with senior experience in SNMP philosophy and
     design is quite limited.  Many of these volunteers are overloaded
     in terms of working group chair or working group consultant
     positions.  As such, the area director is unable to allocate
     resources for new working groups---indeed, some existing working
     groups are suffering as a result.

  2. E-mail to the area director should be addressed as in order to distinguish between the
     non-area director and area director roles held by the area
     director.  In other words, people wanting to talk to the area
     director should send e-mail to mrose.iesg; people wanting to talk
     to Marshall Rose (Theorist, Implementor, and Agent Provacateur)
     should send mail to mrose.

Area Status Report

The topic for this open meeting of the Network Management Area was
``SNMPv2 implementation and deployment issues.''

Keith McCloghrie made a presentation on his Internet-Draft ``Algorithms
for Automating Administration in SNMPv2 Managers,'' which reports on one
possible implementation strategy.

Steve Waldbusser discussed the current work on the SNMP implementation:
an implementation strategy for an ultra-fast MIB compiler, and a
TCL-based API for SNMP management applications.  He also asked if there
would be interest in a CMU-hosted SNMPv2 interoperability testing event


during either September or October.  Some interest was expressed.

Jeff Case reported on SNMPv2 and RMON demonstrations at ISINM 1993, held
in April.  Seven vendors demonstrated interoperability of a variety of
SNMPv2 features including manager-to-manager.  Of particular interest
was the performance boost when using get-bulk.  He also discussed
implementation experience with the automatic clock synchronization
facilities for multi-threaded management applications.

Dave Perkins reported informal research experience with SNMPv2 with
respect to size and performance.

Finally, there was general discussion on get-bulk performance and
caching strategy.

The area director concluded the meeting by asking the attendees to be
ever mindful of SNMPv2 implementation and deployment experiences so that
they can contribute to the SNMPv2 evaluation process.
