Minutes of the RFC1006bis/ISO TP over IPv6 BOF (RFC100)

Reported by Robert Watson, DEC

The "RFC1006bis/ISO TP over IPv6" BOF met on Friday 8th December 
1995 at the 34th IETF held in Dallas.

The session was chaired by Keith Sklower, Berkeley. 

This BOF was the second on this subject and was attended by about 15 


o  Status of CLNP Tunnel over IPv6
o  Status of TP4 over IPv6 work
o  Review of ITOT draft (Pouffary & Young)

Status of CLNP Tunnel over IPv6

The chairman reported that CLNP tunneling specification will be 
included in the IPv6 Tunnel specification from the IPNG Working 

No further work on this item will be done in the BOF.

Status of TP4 over IPv6 work

The chairman reported that, as it is not clear who will be 
implementing this, the TP4 over IPv6 will be published as is, and 
moved to Experimental RFC status. 

Action: Keith Sklower/Berkeley.

Review of ITOT draft (Pouffary & Young)

Yanick Pouffary introduced ITOT by explaining that this is the 
abbreviation being given to the ISO Transport over TCP/IP 
specification.  A short summary of the draft was given (see slides) 
highlighting the enhancement since RFC1006.

Transport Class 0 is a direct replacement for the functions of RFC1006, 
and is suitable for all current users of this standard.

Transport Class 2 is being proposed for use by application stacks, some 
of which may not be running over OSI Session, and which require 
additional features, such as independence of Normal and Expedited 
data and graceful Transport disconnect.

Graceful Disconnect

A concern was raised as to whether graceful disconnect could be 
achieved at the transport level by sending a Disconnect-Request 
following the last Data. It was pointed that this draft allows for both 
"Abort" and "Graceful" disconnect, and that the draft details how the 
Disconnect-Request should be handled in each case.

The support for "Graceful" disconnect is needed to allow the 
applicability of this draft to be extended to applications running over 
upper layer stacks other than OSI Session. 

Address Representation

The draft includes a section on Address representation.  The 
applicability of including this text in the draft was discussed.

After some discussion, and based on the view that it was generally 
unhelpful to reproduce large sections of one specification in another, it 
was decided the section in this draft about Network Address Encoding 
will be reduced. 

It will include only specific details of the differences between an ITOT 
NSAPA and one for IPv6.  The definition for NSAPA in IPv6 is 
described in the "IPV6 Addresses inside an NSAPA" experimental 
RFC.  In practice the only difference between the two is the 
specification of an N-Selector in the ITOT draft.  For the other details, 
the above experiemental RFC will be cross-referenced.

Use of X.500

The ITOT draft also contains a section on use of X.500 and interpretation 
of access points. It was the concensus of the BOF that these sections 
should be removed to a separate draft which ITOT will cross reference.

Discussion of Open Issues in ITOT Draft

Protocol Version Number:  The rational for maintaining protocol version 
V3 is given in detail in the draft.  No 
objections have been raised on the 
mailing list, and after some 
discussion in this BOF it was agreed 
that this was the best solution, and 
meets the needs for interoperability 
with older RFC1006 
implementations, and does not 
prevent correct class negotiation.

Example:			  In the case where an 
application specifically requires the 
services of Class 2, and due to lack of 
support for Class 2 or failure to 
negotiate correctly at the responder, 
a Connect-Confirm for Class 0 is 
received, then the source should 
handle this response as defined in 
the ISO spec.

The option of using different port numbers to identify old and new 
implementations was rejected as it would break any old RFC1006 users 
who have chosen not to use Well-Known port 102.

US GOSIP TSAP Format:	  It was agreed that as US GOSIP is no 
longer relevent.  The reference in 
RFC1006 to use of US Gosip complient 
TSAPs should be dropped from ITOT.  
After some investigation, no 
implementation has been found 
which required this condition.

Multiplexing:		 There was a concensus that due 
to performance concerns, Multiplexing 
of multiple ISO Transport connections 
over a single TCP connection should 
not be allowed.

This will be explicitly stated in the ITOT draft. 

Expedited data:		  The history of this issue, as 
raised at the last IETF and further 
discussed on the mailing list was 

A possible solution (resulting from some pre-BOF discussions) was 
presented.  This solution (based on a mechanism borrowed from the ISO 
TP4 specification), allows expedited data to be Acked, when request 
using the "Request for an ACK" bit.

This solution has been detailed on the mailing list and appeared to 
meet all the concerns in this area.

A new issue, relating to the splitting and recombining of the normal and 
expedited data channels in process-context UNIX implementations was 

UNIX Kernel implementations have no problem to allow expedited 
data channels to be established at any time during the life of a 
connection and associated with the existing 'Normal' channel. With 
UNIX process context implementations this would not be possible due to 
difficulties in associating the new 'Expedited' channel with the 
existing 'Normal' channel.

A solution was proposed and discussed. 

In essense, this solution ensures that a second channel, to be used for 
expedited data, is established from the responder back to the initiator 
of an ITOT connection, before the responder confirms the initial 
connection request.  This second channel would be maintained 
throughout the life of the connection and would be used for expediated 
data in both directions.

This proposal will be written up and sent to the list for discussion.

Note: Following the formal close of the BOF, a further short discussion 
on this issue took place which will also be passed onto the list.  The 
discussion was to clarify whether there was a need to always establish 
the second connection at set-up time when expedited data is requested, 
or only that the initiator should be prepared for this eventuality.  In 
the latter case, it would depend on the responder implementation to 
decided if it had to set up the expediated data channel at call setup 
time, or could support this being done later.


The Chairman requested details of what existing implementations use 
expedited data and independence of channels.  It was noted that 
DECnet file copy makes use of this mechanism to carry interrupt data, 
and that DECnet is one of the application stacks, not based on OSI 
Session, which runs over RFC1859 and would plan to use ITOT once 

Yanick Pouffary will revise the ITOT draft in accordance with the 
comments in this BOF and will detail the proposed solution for the new 
issues raised. 

There will be further discussion on the mailing list and every effort 
will be made to reach consensus by the end of January 1996.  At that 
stage the decision on whether to form a working group or finalise the 
draft would be made in time for the next IETF meeting.