Editor's note:  These minutes have not been edited.

HARTS Working Group Minutes
December 11, 1997
San Jose, CA, USA
Janet Max (jlm@rainfarm.com)
Scott Stoner (stoner@artsedge.kennedy-center.org)

The meeting proceded through introductions of those present and into a
review of the working group document,
"Humanities and Arts: Sharing Center Stage on the Internet" 

We began with an overview of the documents history and purpose in
order to assess our progress in reaching our goals.  Since the
previous meeting we have taken a 14 page document to 30 pages, and
have compiled quite a bit of useful information for the arts and
humanities communities.  We decided we were on track, but needed to
renew our efforts to make it an enclusive document.  We then proceeded
to go through the document section by section.

Section 1.3 "What is the World Wide Web?" needs a volunteer to compose
a few defining paragraphs, including an overview of the web, along
with definitions of html, http, and url which are referenced often
later in the document.

Section 2.1 "Access to the Global Community" needs a paragraph on
communication style (as a prior supplement to the section on Netiquette)
introducing lingo, certain communication styles, and warning the new
user who may be "easily intimidated".

Section 3 "Forums" needs alot of input.  We have voluneers for much of
it, including cuseeme, and altavista, but more input couldn't hurt as
this is one of the more important sections in giving the artist an
overview of the Internet.  We also need to add information on
point-to-point Internet Phone, interactive shared space, cooltalk, and
commercial proprietary options.

Section 4.1 "Getting Started" needs more places to find information to
help get started, such as trade magazines in the arts and humanities.

Section 4.2 "Internet service providers" needs pointers to local
libraries, city/town halls, schools, stop-gap solutions, AOL,
freebees, bookstores and coffee shop machines.

Section 4.4 needs to be revisited with respect to its confusing
position between "surfing and viewing tools" and "content creation

Section 5.1 "When you need assistance:" is missing "ask around.
Friends, relatives, etc."

To Section 6 "Issues and Challanges" which should include an overview
of copywrite as well as free speech, we added the WIPO treaty, and ITU,
International Copyright Laws.

We still need to go over the document with regard to appropriate use
of copyright and trademarks as per the Poised docs 2026/2027.

We still intend to include references to related IETF documents
(rfc's, fyi's, etc) in the appropriate places in the HARTS document,
including the Site Security Handbook, and the Internet User's Glossary
among others, and we need a great many more references for the

We plan to continue working on the Internet-Draft over email, and hope
to submit it for FYI RFC after the meeting in Memphis, April 1997.

The working group concluded with a renewed determination to solicit
assistance from the arts and humanities communities.  We urge everyone
to print the document out and hand it to all artists and humanists who
are the intended audience for this document and return their
impressions to the list.  harts@isi.edu.

The working copy of the document is available at

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