Late minutes



15 July 2002

Yokohama, Japan

Prepared by Ray Plzak

1) Welcome, scribe, agenda bashing

Ray Plzak volunteered to be scribe.  There were no changes to the agenda.

2) FYI 7

The group was asked if FYI 7 was advanced enough.  There was no response.  There was no discussion from the group in regards to the future of FYI 7.

3)  Directory of Standards as Related to Services

The proposal would be to provide an RFC listing in answer to FAQ type questions.  There was no comment from the group whether the WG should take this on as a project.

4)  Educating the Educators

It has been observed that academia is teaching outmoded concepts such as classful IP.

Should there be an FYI developed for this?  There was no comment from the group.

Should the WG take this on?  There was no comment from the group.

5)  Future of the WG

Is there any more work for the WG to do?  There was no comment from the group.

Should the WG continue?  There was no comment from the group.

6) AOB - None.