-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: CRON19.ZIP Date: Tue, 1 Nov 2005 07:00:01 +0100 From: Tron Hvaring <tron@gar.no> To: Robert Riebisch <rr@bttr-software.de> Reply to the message of Friday October 28, 2005 09:50 +0100 ----------------------------------------------------------------- Statement --------- I hereby declare to whom it might concern that the CRON 1.9 software for MS-DOS, released by me in November 1994, is donated to the public domain as of today. Registration is no longer required. This also means that use of the product is the responsibility of whoever uses it: I will accept no responsibility and will offer no warranty or support whatsoever regarding the product. Oslo, November 1st, 2005 Tron Hvaring PS: Robert: I don't have any source at all, sorry. Regards, // tron