> On 26/03/2016 02:06, TJ Edmister wrote:
>> Here is a utility for adjusting speed/voltage settings on K8 CPUs (eg.
>> Athlon 64, Turion 64). It won't work on K10/Phenom-based CPUs which use
>> a
>> different scheme.
>> http://www.hyakushiki.net/misc/powernow.zip
>> Running the program with no argument shows the contents of the status
>> register, including the default and current settings (in hexadecimal).
>> New
>> values to set can be specified on the command line. The CPU itself will
>> not let you set excessively high voltage or speeds (unless it is an
>> unlocked Black Edition CPU). However you can set too low of a voltage,
>> leading to a crash. Making a large change of both voltage and multiplier
>> at the same time will likely lead to a crash as well. The voltage should
>> be raised before raising the multiplier, and the multiplier should be
>> lowered before also lowering the voltage.
>> A value of 0 for voltage translates to 1.550V. The voltage decreases in
>> .025V steps from there. So 10h translates to 1.150V
>> A value of 0 for multiplier is 4x (800MHz). It increases in half steps
>>   from there. So 10h translates to 12x (2400MHz)