Enclosed is a tape containing the NOS 2.2 code for Kermit you requested.
The tape is written as 1600 CPI, SI format, VSN=KERMIT.  We had to compile at
OPT=0 on our FTN5 compiler because OPT=1 and OPT=2 caused errors (we are
running FTN5 Level 538).  If at all possible, OPT=2 should be used.  The error
we ran into was a question mark followed by a carriage return at the
"Kermit-170>" prompt would cause the program to exit after listing the options.

     Enclosed on this tape are the following files:

               File Contents
               1    KERMIT oldpl
               2    AZLIB oldpl
               3    8/12 ASCII KERMIT help file
               4    DISPLAY CODE (UT 63 character set) KERMIT help file
               5    8/12 ASCII Commercial use document
               6    DISPLAY CODE (UT 63 character set) Commercial use document
               7    8/12 ASCII KERMIT user document
               8    DISPLAY CODE (UT 63 character set) KERMIT user document
               9    8/12 ASCII KERMIT protocol document
               10   DISPLAY CODE (UT 63 character set) KERMIT protocol document

Notes and Cautions

     The character code for the DISPLAY CODE files is a hybrid 63 character set
used only at the University of Texas.  The FORTRAN source code has been set up
so that the differences are minimized.  The character set translation tables
use octal values for characters that differ between the UT 63, NOS 63 and NOS
64 character sets.  A character set pocket reference card for the University of
Texas has been included to aid in the translation to your character set.

     File number 2 on the tape contains an UPDATE program library used to pro-
duce AZLIB.  These routines are supplied by the Univeristy of Arizona in
Tuscon.  The routines contained in the program library are only those necessary
to build Kermit.  Some may not be needed if your site has equivalent routines.

     There is some concern that an ASCII colon might get lost in a line
termina- tor if it was the last character in a line from the micro in a 64
character set environment.  Subroutine EDL could be taught to append a space
after a colon at EOL if necessary.

     Subroutine ECHOPLX (called by STTY) can be shot in the head at normal
(Half-Duplex) NOS/BE sites.  NOS 2.2 sites will not use subroutine ECHOPLX.
Half-Duplex sites will also need to change the BLOCK DATA value for duplex from

     Full Duplex NOS/BE sites will need to insert their own magic in place of
ECHOPLX, or get the PP routine UUI from the University of Arizona.  However,
since UUI depends on communication front end mods which others probably have
not done, it was not included.  If you want a copy, contact:

                    Mr. Ric Anderson
                    University of Arizona
                    University Computer Center
                    Tuscon, Arizona  85721
                    (602) 621-6701

     The FTN5LIB routine "SYSERR." is omitted from the load in the OVCAP
version as it drags in about 3000B words of junk KERMIT does not need.  This
keeps KERMIT's size down, which is vital given INTERCOMs penchant for swapping
things.  I get about 58 CPS throughput at 1200 baud or above on an otherwise
idle Cyber-175.  SET RDELAY has been setup to help by placing Kermit in RECALL
for a while before issuing a read function.  If data becomes available before
the read function is issued, then it will not be swapped out.  This has
improved through- put to 61 CPS at 1200 baud and 78 CPS at 2400 baud on a
moderately loaded system (88 users).  For NOS 2.2 sites running at level 602 or
above, the input buffer is queried for characters until some arrive.

Sample OVCAP Build

---EDITLIB or CATALOG goes here---

     If you have any questions or problems, feel free to call me at (512)
471-3241.  If you have problems with the NOS 2.2 version, contact Bill Russell
first at:

                    Bill Russell
                    New York University
                    Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences
                    251 Mercer Street
                    New York, New York  10012


                                        Jim Knutson
                                        User Services, Computer Center
                                        U of Texas at Austin

Enclosures:  Tape
             Itemized Listing
             UT Character Set Reference Card