Subject: Info-Mac Digest V18 #26
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Info-Mac Digest             Thu, 08 Feb 01       Volume 18 : Issue 26

Today's Topics:

      0S 9.1 on 6100
      9.1 and Function Keys
      9.1 and Function Keys
      9.1 and Function Keys
      [*] QuoEdit 0.7.2r2
      [*] ZEmailLite.cgi v1.0.1
      [*] Zounds! for PalmOS and MacOS 68k
      [guess] software registration codes not retained after rebooting
      Answered: 9.1 and Function Keys
      Automatic Submission of Web Page Names & Passwords
      Finder memory
      Macromedia shockwave & shockwave8
      new v. old G4s
      OS9.1 install on 6100/60?
      Parsing Text

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Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 19:19:30 -0500
From: deborah foss <>
To: <>
Subject: 0S 9.1 on 6100

>  >
>>>   Has anyone figured out how to install the OS9.1 update on a 6100/60?
>>>   claims that it can only be done from the 9.1 CD. Surely someone has
>>>   out how to get around that, no?
>>I think Apple's claim goes something like this: If you have a Power
>>Macintosh 6100, 7100, 8100, or 9150 with a third-party accelerator card
>>increases the speed of your computer, the Installer may not install Mac
>>9.1. And, also, that you cannot perform the update unless you update from
>>Mac OS 8.5 or later. Note that the downloadable OS 9.1 is an updater
>>not a full install.
>>If that is the case, I would suggest removing the accelerator, install
>>update, replace the accelerator, and see if that works. Of course, I
>>keep a backup of the previous system in case that does not work.
>Thanks for the suggestion. I just tried it and got exactly the same
>error msg as when I had the accelerator card installed:-{

I found a method that only works if you have another computer on a 
network. I just transfered the new system folder over from my 
7600/150 to the 8100/80 and then reentered the original control panel 
settings. Works fine. Probably would work if you burned the system 
folder to a cd-rom and then copied it also.


Date: Thu, 8 Feb 2001 08:14:14 -0600
From: "Gib Henry" <>
To: "'David R. Steiner'" <>,
Subject: 9.1 and Function Keys

>Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 17:21:30 -0500
>From: "David R. Steiner" <>
>Subject: 9.1 and Function Keys
>I am using Eudora Pro 4.3.3 and I have always used the function keys
>mapped to the toolbar buttons feature
>[Special->Settings->Toolbar->"Map Function Keys to Buttons"] Recently
>I upgraded my PowerBook to MacOS 9.1. Since that time, the F1-F6
>buttons work fine but the F7-F12 buttons no longer seem to map to
>their respective functions. When I press one of them, I get a dialog
>from the OS telling me that I "can set up the F7 through F15 keys in
>the Keyboard control panel", yada, yada.
>This does not seem to be a problem under MacOS 9.0.4.
>Has anyone else seen this behavior and/or care to offer any
>suggestions. (So far, Qualcomm tech support has not been much help)

Open the Keyboard CP, click "Function Keys," and uncheck the "Use F1
through F15 as Function Keys" box.  This exists in 9.0.4 too, but it
wasn't turned on by default as I recall; who knows why they turned it
on by default in the 9.1 installer, but in any case it's fixable by
this unintuitive technique.  Cheers,
Gib Henry


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 16:34:51 -0500
From: "Michael G. Schabert" <>
To: "David R. Steiner" <>
Subject: 9.1 and Function Keys

>I am using Eudora Pro 4.3.3 and I have always used the function keys
>mapped to the toolbar buttons feature
>[Special->Settings->Toolbar->"Map Function Keys to Buttons"] Recently
>I upgraded my PowerBook to MacOS 9.1. Since that time, the F1-F6
>buttons work fine but the F7-F12 buttons no longer seem to map to
>their respective functions. When I press one of them, I get a dialog
>from the OS telling me that I "can set up the F7 through F15 keys in
>the Keyboard control panel", yada, yada.
>This does not seem to be a problem under MacOS 9.0.4.

Apple changed the Keyboard Control panel. With OS9, you could map the 
function keys to open a file or folder _ON a USB Mac_. Since your 
PowerBook wasn't USB, that feature of the Keyboard Control Panel was 
turned off. With OS9.1, Apple allowed this to work also on ADB Macs. 
This is why you didn't have a problem before, but you do now. Both 
utilities are trying to control the Fkeys. Go to the Keyboard control 
panel. Click the "Function Keys..." button. At the top is a checkbox 
to let the control panel control the function keys. What it says just 
under that checkbox is that you can get the "raw" function keys by 
hitting them with the option key held down.

>Has anyone else seen this behavior and/or care to offer any
>suggestions. (So far, Qualcomm tech support has not been much help)

Hope this helps,
Michael G. Schabert, Mac Guy
Miranda Graphic Systems, publishers of Graphic Power


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:30:17 -0600
From: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <>
To: "David R. Steiner" <>,
Subject: 9.1 and Function Keys

At 5:21 PM -0500 2/5/01, David R. Steiner wrote:
>When I press one of [F7 - F15], I get a dialog
>from the OS telling me that I "can set up the F7 through F15 keys in
>the Keyboard control panel", yada, yada.

If you open the Keyboard control panel and turn off "Hot Function 
Keys", does that help?

With HFK enabled on my machine, F12 in Eudora 4.3 brought up the 
dialog you mention.  With it disabled, F12 brought up the print 


Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach.
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                            - The Who, Bell Boy
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: 8 Feb 2001
From: Lyomei Sakai <>
Subject: [*] QuoEdit 0.7.2r2

QuoEdit is a text editor for plain (monostyled) text that runs on
System 7 or later.

The archive includes both PowerPC version and 68K version.
    PPC: QuoEdit
    68K: QuoEdit.68K
Before you use, throw the unnecessary version away to the trash.
And rename the 68K version to "QuoEdit" if you are using old Mac.

    Intended to provide quick operations with simple interface.
    Supports AppleScript powerfully;
      also your tasks can be recorded and replayed by the scripting
    Some menus are customizable. Also up to three menus can be added.
    Supports regular expression search as well as multi-file search.
    Multiple levels of undo/redo for each document.
    WorldScript savvy.

This version 0.7.2r2 fixed four bugs and it is (probably) the last
free version.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/quo-edit-072r2.hqx; 881 K]


Date: 8 Feb 2001
From: Wayne Tempro <>
Subject: [*] ZEmailLite.cgi v1.0.1

ZEmailLite.cgi 1.0.1

This is a free little CGI that parses an HTML form and returns the results
to the end user as well as emailing a copy of the results to you.

This program should work well with WebStar, Personal Web Sharing,
QuidProQuo, MacHTTP and other similar Macintosh web servers.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/cgi/z-email-lite-101.hqx; 656 K]


Date: 8 Feb 2001
From: cafe mocha <>
Subject: [*] Zounds! for PalmOS and MacOS 68k

Home Page: [I am the Author]

Scanned: Norton AntiVirus

Readme: (included in all archives)

Zounds 1.0.1 -- "Shakespearean Insult Generator"

"By Christ's Wounds"


	This is my first Freeware or Shareware application ever. I've been too
damn busy working as a real developer all these years, so enjoy!
 	The PRC file is all you need for the Palm (2.x and above) just follow
the install info for your own Palm HotSync.
 	Mac-Users benefit!  The other files in the folder can be used on any
(incl 68k) Mac!
 	Just double click on the Zounds Icon and run your own mini-simulated
Palm Pilot!
 	I still retain all rights to this app and its contents. But it's free
to distribute, for free only!
 	Contact me for any questions :-)

[Archived as /info-mac/game/zounds-101.hqx; 556 K]


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:54:20 -0600
From: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <>
To: Wendy Farkas <>, <>
Subject: [guess] software registration codes not retained after rebooting

At 9:43 AM -0500 2/6/01, Wendy Farkas wrote:
>Since upgrading to OS9.1, when I install new software on my PowerBook G3/400
>and enter the registration code, such info is not retained. When I quit the
>program, reboot and restart the program, it acts as if it's unregistered
>(prompts for a code again).

Are you using Multiple Users now?  Perhaps the software showing the 
problem is having trouble figuring out where to store its preferences 

One thing to try would be to disable Multiple Users and attempt to 
register the program.  If that works, you may be able to move the 
preferences file from the System Folder into the desired User 
preferences folder [<boot disk>:Users:<username>:Preferences:].


Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach.
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                            - The Who, Bell Boy
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 20:39:13 -0500
From: "David R. Steiner" <>
Subject: Answered: 9.1 and Function Keys


Once again this list has come through where the vendor couldn't. 
Thanks to all who answered.

The question [paraphrased]:

Why don't the F7-F12 keys map to the Eudora toolbar buttons under MacOS 9.1?


Seems there are changes to the way the Hot Function Keys work under 
9.1. To fix go to the Keyboard control panel and click on the 
"Function Keys" button. Make sure that "Use F1 through F15 as Hot 
Function Keys" is unchecked.

I still don't understand why this works since the F1-F6 keys (which 
are the ones that worked in Eudora) are the only ones with Hot 
Function Key Assignments in the control panel. Oh, least 
Eudora is working the way I want again.

Thanks again.



Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 06:56:07 -0600
From: "Erica W. Hunter" <>
Subject: Automatic Submission of Web Page Names & Passwords

Is there a freeware or shareware app which will store my different names
and passwords to different web pages, and then recall and submit them
automatically when queried by the browser? It seems like more web pages
than ever are requiring verification, even if they're free, and I get
tired of trying to remember what goes where, and then typing it in over
and over.

I tried keychain, but it's for apps apparently, and doesn't do what I am
trying to describe.

Thanks for any information you can provide.

Sam M. Hunter


Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 12:01:16 -0700
From: Bruce Johnson <>
Subject: Finder memory

 >Date: Mon, 5 Feb 2001 20:03:47 -0800

From: Doug Hardie <>

Subject: Finder memory

How do you increase the memory for finder in OS 9.0

Presumably the same way you did under earlier OS versions, by changing 
the SIZE resource using ResEdit.

obResedit warning: Work on a COPY of the Finder when you do this!

However, I was under the impression that Finder's memory management had 
changed under 9.0, and that it did not need to be increased as it did 
under 8.x.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group


Date: Wed, 07 Feb 2001 18:12:53 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
To: Info-Mac digest <>
Subject: Macromedia shockwave & shockwave8


In my extensions folder there is a Macromedia folder which contains a
shockwave folder and a shockwave8 folder. It seems that the two folders have
the same contents.
Isn't shockwave8 an updated version of shockwave? If so, can I get rid of
the shockwave folder?

> Ezra Nathan 


Date: Thu, 08 Feb 2001 12:07:07 +0000
From: Ezra Nathan <>
To: Info-Mac digest <>
Subject: new v. old G4s

fellow Info-mac readers>

In layman's language, are there many differences between the old G4s and the
new ones at entry level? The old G4 400MHz is now being sold at a reduced
price, which makes it very attractive. The HD size and the amount of RAM
does not bother me as I can easily add to and increase them. Nor does the
MHz speed. But are the RAM chips the same for both Macs?
Also, what speed difference (expressed in time) would I notice between, say,
400MHz and 500 MHz in programmes where MHz speeds really make a difference?

> Ezra Nathan 


Date: Wed, 7 Feb 2001 10:46:13 -0600
From: "Chaz Larson [mailing lists]" <>
To: <>
Subject: OS9.1 install on 6100/60?

At 8:15 PM -0800 2/5/01, Cyrus Roton wrote:
>As far as being able to update only from the CD, I did not find any such

The download page for MacOS 9.1, 
<>, contains 
this statement:
Important Note: The 6100, 7100, and 8100 class Apple computers 
require a Mac OS 9.1 full install CD to upgrade to Mac OS 9.1. For 
more information about these computers please see Other Related 

This Tech Info library document:
says [edited for space]:
A Mac OS 9.1 CD is required to install Mac OS 9.1 on original Power 
Macintosh computers.

Affected computers

6100, 7100, 8100, 8115, Workgroup Servers 6150, 8150, 9150

The downloadable Mac OS 9.1 update available from Apple Software 
Updates ( is not compatible with original 
(NuBus-based) Power Macintosh computers.

That all seems pretty unambiguous.

That market segment is probably relatively small, so I can't imagine 
this is some arbitrary limitation put in place to sell more CDs.  If 
they wanted to do that, they'd be better served to require iMacs to 
update from the CD or somesuch.

>A final note; Apple offers a downloadable AppleScript applet, called, Remove
>Temporary Items, which will eliminate the major reason for wanting to
>upgrade above 9.04.

All the bug fixes and enhancements included with MacOS 9.1 are listed here:

Whether any of them provide a reason to upgrade will depend on the 
individual, but I don't think it's fair to say that 9.1's single most 
important feature or fix is the Temporary Items folder handling.

Some nights I still sleep on the beach ... Remember when stars were in reach.
Then I wander in early to work; spend the day licking boots for my perks.
                                                            - The Who, Bell Boy
Chaz Larson     -    chaz at spamcop dot net    -


Date: 07 Feb 2001 15:01:31 -0500
From: Bill Waits <>
To: "Info-Mac" <>
Subject: Parsing Text

I would like to know if anyone knows of a drag-and-drop utility that will parse text for you (perferably with a preference for the amount of lines)?

Let me explain...I have a list of about 1000 codes (1 code to a row).

I would like to break that up into 100 code (i.e. row) chunks.  I know that I can do copy/paste, and I wouldn't mind once or twice, but I will have about 2 of these a day, and after a while, that will get tedious.

Any ideas would greatly be appreciated!

Bill Waits
Graphics IT Admin
Year One, Inc.



End of Info-Mac Digest