Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #15
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 23 Jan 98       Volume 16 : Issue 15

Today's Topics:

      (A) pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8
      (Q) GREP guide?
      8600/300 Label
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
      [Q] Need help with Desktop DB
      Anarchie & Fetch (A)
      Booting from a Network
      Desktop file visible
      Double folder sizes
      FWB CD-ROM Toolkit -- where can 1 get it?
      hooking up a PM 7500 to a AS400 network
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #13
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #13
      Kensington Trackball and Adesso Keyboard touch screen
      Mac 0s8 Internet connection Problem
      Need advice on locking file/folder/drive names...
      Need help. (A)
      Networking (just) Macs
      Now Tabs window-definition resource question...
      Online Bible
      OS 8.1 Printing
      PPP Problems (R) 
      Printer Question (R)
      Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.
      SCSI drives for 6100
      SCSI to PP (R)
      shut down screens?
      Software and Hardware Questions
      Student Priced Fortran
      Subject: Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci
      Windows 95 longer file names
      Windows 95 longer file names
      Windows 95 longer file names
      wireless system

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 09:32:06 +0000 (GMT)
From: Rachel Ganz <>

Connecting modems.

If you are using hardware flow control rather than software flow control,
the modem may be expecting sigfnals which are not being provided by the
other end, or aren't provided by your cable. If you can set CTS (clear to
send) high, using dipswitches, that sometimes sorts this out.

With respect


(Word of the day: urticate
Definition: to flog with nettles)


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:02:37 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: (A) pre OS 8 utilities for OS 8

At 16:35 -0500 01/09/98, Ken Laskey wittily wrote:

> Is there a list of which utilities commonly used under System 7.x still
> work or do not work under OS 8?  Recent discussion indicates Now Utilities
> do not (I've heard rumors that someone is taking over Now Utilities and
> plans an update -- any truth to this?).  Does SCSI Probe 4.3?
> Ken Laskey

Now Software was bought by Qualcomm and now it is a part of their Eudora
division. Qualcomm has announced that Now Superboomerang, Now WYSIWYG
Menus, and Now Scrapbook will be updated for OS 8.0. This information is
from their Web page.

No idea as to SCSI Probe 4.3, you might look into a new utility called Mt.
Everything 1.1.1, it is available on the Info-Mac mirrors and I think it is
worth checking out.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer
to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs."

Blessings, Denny


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:59:50 -0800
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: (Q) GREP guide?

Does anybody know of an elementary guide for beginners for using GREP with
BBEdit? BareBones answers individual queries, but provides no over-all
help. The guides to GREP on the Web I have found seem aimed at UNIX hackers
who just need to be reminded of expressions, with little or no explanation.

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:39:38 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: 8600/300 Label

Stefano Stefani <> wrote

> Anyone know where is possible to buy the little, rectangular label that
> is in the front bellow of the PowerMac 8600/9600.

When I upgraded my Mac II vi to a Centris 650, I got a new mainboard and
a replacement label. So it seems that these labels are around somewhere.

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:32:28 -0800
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8

(A copy of this message has also been posted to the following newsgroups:

Aladdin's StuffIt SpaceSaver (part of the StuffIt Deluxe 4.5 package) is
the functional equivalent of Disk Doubler. It works under MacOS 8 and up.

If you don't have a brand new Mac requiring ManOS 8 then you could always
go to MacOS 7.6.1 which is compatible with DiskDoubler/AutoDoubler.

Disk compression software is not as popular as it was just 3 or 4 years ago
because hard disk space is cheap. 6 years ago a 100 meg drive cost upwards
of $750 (US) but now a 3 Gig drive can be had for about $300 (US) or less.
Real disk space is always preferable to disk compression schemes.

Caryn Roberts

In article <6a0d84$eba$>, wrote:

> Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:05:25 +0000
> From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
> Subject: [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
> I am sure that I cannot be the only one struggling with this problem. As I
> understand it, the Disk Doubler package (or part of it) will not function
> under OS8 and (I can't imagine why) no upgrade is planned by the
> manufacturers.  The only feature that I absolutely need is to be able to
> select the top folder of a complex array of folders, subfolders and
> documents and compress the entire contents *while preserving the
> hierarchical structure* so that the compressed array remains searchable by
> subfolder or document name. I purchased the Stuffit Deluxe package under
> the impression that it would fill the bill - but after much Ring of TFM I
> gather that I was mistaken. In my hands SD will only compress multiple
> items into separate archives if they are all in the same folder. To do this
> to my complex array would be hugely time-consuming as I would have to
> operate separately on the contents of - at least - several hundred folders.
> The Stuffit SpaceSaver module *will* do what I want - but if I then copy
> the compressed array to another disk for backup the files arrive in a
> decompressed state. True, I *could* copy first and then compress with SSS -
> but that prevents me from backing up to a disk that would accommodate the
> compressed files but has not enough room for the full size array.
> Suggestions anyone? By the by I did contact the Aladdin e-mail support
> address - but answer came there none.
> TIA -
> Fergus

visit me at: <URL:>


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:42:36 -0800
From: Maurice Mike McNeil <>
Subject: [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8

Perhaps you should contact Terry Morse directly...


Fill it out, then fax or mail it in by January 31st. We'll even pick up
the shipping costs for US delivery.

Terry Morse Myrmidon turns any Mac file into a web page with a single
click. It's Mac-only software created by me, Terry Morse (maker of
DiskDoubler, AutoDoubler, CopyDoubler). Thanks to Myrmidon's exclusive
Wizzy-Web[tm] technology, a converted web page looks virtually identical
to the original document. Turn your Windows-using friends green with envy
when they see how easy it is to make web pages with Myrmidon (be sure to
remind them it's Mac-only software).



Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 21:32:17 -0800
From: (Caryn Roberts)
Subject: [A] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8

Aladdin's StuffIt SpaceSaver (part of the StuffIt Deluxe 4.5 package) is
the functional equivalent of Disk Doubler. It works under MacOS 8 and up.

If you don't have a brand new Mac requiring ManOS 8 then you could always
go to MacOS 7.6.1 which is compatible with DiskDoubler/AutoDoubler.

Disk compression software is not as popular as it was just 3 or 4 years ago
because hard disk space is cheap. 6 years ago a 100 meg drive cost upwards
of $750 (US) but now a 3 Gig drive can be had for about $300 (US) or less.
Real disk space is always preferable to disk compression schemes.

Caryn Roberts

In article <6a0d84$eba$>, wrote:

> Date: Sat, 17 Jan 1998 19:05:25 +0000
> From: Mephistophilis <stch8002@BUREAU.UCC.IE>
> Subject: [Q] HELP! Need replacement for Disk Doubler under OS8
> I am sure that I cannot be the only one struggling with this problem. As I
> understand it, the Disk Doubler package (or part of it) will not function
> under OS8 and (I can't imagine why) no upgrade is planned by the
> manufacturers.  The only feature that I absolutely need is to be able to
> select the top folder of a complex array of folders, subfolders and
> documents and compress the entire contents *while preserving the
> hierarchical structure* so that the compressed array remains searchable by
> subfolder or document name. I purchased the Stuffit Deluxe package under
> the impression that it would fill the bill - but after much Ring of TFM I
> gather that I was mistaken. In my hands SD will only compress multiple
> items into separate archives if they are all in the same folder. To do this
> to my complex array would be hugely time-consuming as I would have to
> operate separately on the contents of - at least - several hundred folders.
> The Stuffit SpaceSaver module *will* do what I want - but if I then copy
> the compressed array to another disk for backup the files arrive in a
> decompressed state. True, I *could* copy first and then compress with SSS -
> but that prevents me from backing up to a disk that would accommodate the
> compressed files but has not enough room for the full size array.
> Suggestions anyone? By the by I did contact the Aladdin e-mail support
> address - but answer came there none.
> TIA -
> Fergus

visit me at: <URL:>


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:25:41 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: [Q] Need help with Desktop DB

At 12:36 -0800 01/10/98, Esther Michaels wittily wrote:

> My father, a rank beginner, is using my Mac (an LCxxx -- can't remember
> the xxx) for email while I live overseas.  It seems that recently he felt
> adventurous and decided to explore a file he'd just noticed in a dialog
> box.  That file was called Desktop DB.  Sigh.
> Unfortunately he can't remember exactly what he did, but it seems that he
> now has a file sitting on his desktop, called Desktop DB.  HOW he got it
> there is anybody's guess!  He can't remember.
> My question is this: isn't this just the file that the Finder maintains,
> and writes a new one each time we do a desktop rebuild?  Would it be safe
> to simply trash it (the one on the desktop), then restart and rebuild the
> desktop, then restart again and try to empty the trash?  Since he's used
> the computer several times since he did whatever-it-is-he-did, I'm
> assuming that the Mac has made a new file by now anyway.
> In case it makes a difference, he's on sys 7.5.3.
> Any input/advice gratefully received.
> Esther Michaels

As far as I am aware the Mac has not made a new file, it sounds like your
father made the normally invisible file "Desktop DB" visible in some way.
that doesn't harm anything that I know of though. The Finder maintains two
files that are part of the Desktop files {Desktop DB and Desktop DF} both
of them are normally invisible with a Finder bit "Invisible" set to ON.
When you rebuild the Desktop, the Finder rebuilds both of them.

I am not sure if you have to trash the Desktop DB file before rebuilding or
not, when the Finder rebuilds the Desktop it should make both of them
invisible. I would just do the rebuild and then see if you have to trash
anything or not. If so then try emptying the trash without restarting
again. Note: any comments you might have included in the Get Info comment
box are lost when rebuilding the Desktop under 7.5.3.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer
to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs."

Blessings, Denny


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:03:06 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: Anarchie & Fetch (A)

At 22:03 +0100 01/10/98, Peter Grundy wittily wrote:

> Have recently upgraded my Mac I am using OS8 but have encountered MAJOR
> problems with Anarchie 2.0.1 freezing and also crashing when trying to
> upload files.
> Here is the text from the Anarchie fault screen message...
> "Anarchie: Failed to startup (-23009 (insufficient resources to perform
> request))"
> Question: is Anarchie compatible with OS8 and if not, any ideas when a new
> version will be available.
> I'm having a similar problem with Fetch 3.0.3. which gives a system bomb!
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Lobo.

The "Anarchie: Failed to startup (-23009 (insufficient resources to perform
reminds me of the error that one gets if you try to start it up without
being connected.
I don't recall if it is the same error number, but the rest of the message
is the same.

Make sure that you are connected and that the DNS, etc. is working, and
giving Anarchie some more memory would be a good thing to try.

As for newer version of Anarchie, there is a beta of Anarchie 3.0d1, this
is not a public beta though and is only available to registered users. I am
not sure when it will be released to the public. This beta version might
work better with OS 8.0, I don't know personally as I am using OS 7.6.1.

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer
to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs."

Blessings, Denny


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 98 20:36:18 +1100
From: Stewart Smith <>
Subject: Booting from a Network

I have heard that it is possible (or has been with older macs) to boot 
them off from a system on a server. If anybody knows how to do this 
(mainly with a Mac Plus, prefereably with system 7) please help me on 

Stewart Smith
Purple Grapefruit


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 07:50:52 -0500
From: "Micah Hoffman" <>
Subject: Desktop file visible (Esther Michaels) wrote:

> My father, a rank beginner, is using my computer for email while I
> overseas.  It seems that recently he felt adventurous and decided to
> explore a file he'd just noticed in a dialog box.  That file was
> Desktop DB.  Sigh.
> Unfortunately he can't remember exactly what he did, but it seems that
> now has a file sitting on his desktop, called Desktop DB.  HOW he got
> there is anybody's guess!  He can't remember.

If you are using system 7.5 or higher, he can do this:

- Drag the Desktop file that is visible on his desktop to the trash.
- Open the Find File program (usually in the Apple Menu)
- Type in "Desktop" for the file names to search for
- Click the More button at the bottom of the window to narrow search
- On the left hand pull-down menu that should say "Contains", Option
click on it and go to the bottom.  You should see the option for
"Visibility" appear.  Select this and then on the left pulldown menu
select "Invisible"
- Start Search
- Once they come up in the found window below, select them all and drag
them to the trash can on the desktop.  This effectively removes these
files from your computer.
- Restart the computer from the Finder and the Desktop files will be
rebuilt automatically.
- Empty the trash when you get the finder back.

Also, you may want to have him download the Techtool (Shareware) util
prog.  This prog also rebuilds that desktop, but also allows the user to
Zap PRAM and stuff.

Hope this helps.

Micah Hoffman
NIH/NCI, Network Support Center


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 10:42:54 -0600
From: Gene Huebner <>
Subject: Double folder sizes

I am running a StarMax 5000/225 with System 7.6. Always back up
documents each shutdown with a small application called "SimpleBackup".

Recently, I was getting error messages telling me I was out of disk
space on the backup Zip drive. After lots of checking, I find that the
size of my document folder (as well as each folder within the document
folder) is just about exactly twice the size of the actual when I
compare it to the same folder copied onto a zip drive.

I have rebuilt the desktop, Disk Doctor tells me things are fine, and
have copied the folder back from the zip to the main drive. The folder
size is 62.4 megs on the Zip; after it is copied back onto the main
drive, the size is 134.8 megs.

Any suggestions??

Gene Huebner


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 98 21:12:23 -0400
From: sjwright <>
Subject: FWB CD-ROM Toolkit -- where can 1 get it?


I'm in the market for a used CD-ROM drive for my IICX and I'm reading in 
the newsgroups more than enough about the benefits and shortcomings of 
FWB CR-ROM Toolkit. I know that in the used market, driver software 
accompanying drives is going to be quite rare.  I want to have an 
alternative to that and from what I've been reading, the Toolkit may be 
just what I need.  Where does one find it?

Steve Wright 

because you can't eat an IBM (whatever that is)
and who wants to deal with DOS anyhow?!


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 00:32:15 +0000
From: rob vugs <>
Subject: hooking up a PM 7500 to a AS400 network

I'm told that it is possible to hook a Mac to a AS400 network. But the
clien software is expensive and not really great. Furthermore the server
needs an extra card in order to connect the client-Mac to the network.
Is there anyway surpassing this (at least the softwareproblem) by using
Softwindows 3.0 (which is really cheap right now) and some kind of
adapter to enable the mac to access AS400?
Please help me.  

Rob Vugs


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:49:08 -0600
From: buddy blake <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #13

Software & Hardware question
If you have the Apple Video System board you can capture video images on
your Mac .  The board comes with some very simple software that allows
you to take pictures of each video frame and you dont need any other


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 18:48:50 +0000
From: Peter Grundy <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #13

A copy of this has been sent to the info-mac digest.

Hi Mike

In article <6a0d84$eba$>
(Info-Mac Digest V16 #13), you write:

As far as an init string is concerned you may wish to look at...

or contact them at...

email     or

I hope this helps and wish you well.



Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 13:53:25 -0700
From: Neil Fiertel <>
Subject: Kensington Trackball and Adesso Keyboard touch screen

	Anybody know the hander I.D. for the Adesso touch screen keyboard
or its touchscreen?  Kensington trackball controls are incompatible with
this ADB device and it was suggested by Kensington  to disable its
Mouseworks actions with the Adesso device by simply telling the Kensington
control panel to ignore this handler I.D. but I am unable to locate the
I.D. number. In the current state, touching either the screen or the click
buttons on the keyboard disables the computer for 10 seconds. I tried to
contact the Adesso Company but they do not answer their Email requests,
have no support and only a distributor (Avanti).  Any help would be

"Just three rusty strands of barbed wire from the North Pole"

		Professor Neil Fiertel
		Department of Art and Design
		University of Alberta
		Edmonton, Alberta
		Canada T6G-2C9


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 21:26:49 -0500
From: Mike Sullivan <>
Subject: Mac 0s8 Internet connection Problem

I have been going nuts trying to solve two separate, but perhaps
related, internet connection problems.
Case 1
Motorla Power PC Clone 
160 MHz 604e
512k L2 cache
32 mB
2mB video
1.2 GB CStart Max hard drive
8X cdrom drive
Supra Express 33.6

Oner upgraded to 8.0 from working 7.5.3 os with internet connection kit
installed internet connection WORKING with local isp. (PPP with RARP)

Once upgraded owner no longer to pass the authentication with ISP. Modem
ansers, appears to hookup, but the internet dialer reports waitnign for
authentication (or words to that effect....)

Case 2

Another clone, trying to get some more details.

Apple in texas reports there are "issues" with the clones. Is this an
admission of some problem with the clones and post 7.5.3 os?

Help please


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 20:24:55 GMT
From: (Stacy McCurdy)
Subject: Need advice on locking file/folder/drive names...

I work for the composing department of a large metropolitan newspaper.  
In this department we have an operating network of approx. 40 Mac 
PowerPCs.  However, we are having a problem with drives & directories 
being accidentally (intentionally) renamed.

We have had no luck with our in-house tech support "experts", and are 
nearing desperation trying to find a way to solve this problem.  Any 
advice would be deeply appreciated.

Please e-mail or post your response as preferred.

Thank you, 

S. McCurdy


Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 13:03:23 -0600
From: "Dennis L. Davis" <>
Subject: Need help. (A)

At 7:19 +0200 01/10/98, wittily wrote:

> >From where can I download a program that wil enable me to down load a
> whole site and then browse through it when I'm not connected ?
> Thanks.

Explorer 4.0 will download a web page for offline browsing and it includes
everything in the file download. I like it and use Explorer all of the
time. I think you would have to download each page at a time though.

An alternate method is to use Web Devil 3.0 it is shareware and available
on Info-Mac and the places, it will download an entire site plus the links
if you set to do so, it will download everything there at whatever URL you
give it. It is more automated than Explorer and I like this one also. You
end up with a folder with the contents of the URL you set Web Devil 3.0 to

"People are more violently opposed to fur than leather because it's safer
to harass rich women than motorcycle gangs."

Blessings, Denny


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:10:38 -0500
From: "Edward W. Ver Hoef" <>
Subject: Networking (just) Macs

I've been trying to help a misionary group that has a number of (about 7 or
8) Macintosh and clone computers in a rather small office (no great
distance between any two computers). They use one of the computers with a
very large hard drive as a file server. This past summer someone networked
all the computers together in a daisy chain and they can communicate using
filesharing, I believe. The person who built the network is no longer
available to answer questions. I know very little about hardware and even
less about networking and I don't even know enough to be able to tell you
what sort of network it is except that I know it is not ethernet. The wire
connecting the computers together seems to be nothing more than simple
telephone wire.

They have asked me if I can help them improve their network. Their
motivation is that things seem to take a very long time when the network is
involved. For example, one of the people recently found it took something
like 7 minutes to print a single-page text document using a printer on
another computer on the net. Their printers typically are laser printers,
Stylewriters, and HP ink jets. They think that perhaps they should go to
ethernet because of the higher bandwidth it appears to offer.

With this admitedly very sketchy information, can any of you Mac gurus
advise me as to the advantages and disadvantages of the various networking
techniques? What, if any, special hardware and/or software would we need
with each of the choices? Would it be advisable to move printers from
individual computers and have them directly on the network? If so, what
would that entail in terms of special hardware and/or software? Should they
go from a daisy chain to some other form of network such as a star with the
file server as the center?

As you can see, I'm a very weak reed for them to lean on but, in the land
of the blind, a one-eyed man is king. I barely have one eye when it comes
to this topic. Therefore anything you can tell me would be very much

Ed Ver Hoef


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 13:24:56 -0500 (EST)
From: Mark Fiske <>
Subject: Now Tabs window-definition resource question...

I am looking for a developer's help in writing a replacement
window-definition resource for Now Tabs that more closely resembles Mac OS
8's "Pop-up Windows."  Please send private e-mail to me if you can help.



Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:53:32 -0600
From: buddy blake <>
Subject: Online Bible

I am a seminary professor who uses the Online bible.  I have been asked
to teach a course on the electronic bible to pastors and need so
tutorial materials for the Online bible and any other similar type
software.  If you can help email

George Blake


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:36:37 -0800 (PST)
From: (Doug Hardie)
Subject: OS 8.1 Printing

I pulled down the OS 8.1 update.  It took forever, but it installed nicely.
The readme implies it will lose your PPP connections, but mine were still
there when the update finished.  However, it show a new feature to be able
to print to an Adobe Acrobat file.  I find the option for setting that
format in the save as a file parameters, but that one is gray.  I could not
figure out how to make it usable.  Has anyone figured out how to make it
work?  Thanks,

-- Doug


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:39:42 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: PPP Problems (R) 

Mike Sisson <> wrote:

> 1.) A CCL script for the Hayes Accura 56k if anybody has one. Hayes
> apparently doesn't and doesn't support Macs worth a %&*#.

Have you looked in the internet?

> 3.) Any other suggestions that might stabilize things. Should I be using
> FreePPP instead of OT/PPP? Is one more reliable than another?

I use OpenTransport in combination with FreePPP (I think v2.52 or 2.53).
This works great with any non-standard modem, no CCL-scripts needed. My
hardware is a Centris 650 with POPC upgrade card, 40 MB RAM, running
7.6.1; and a Powerbook 540c, 36 MB RAM, also system 7.6.1. My wife uses
a Powerbook 150, 16 MB RAM, System 7.5. 

FreePPP comes with a "telephone icon" in the upper right of the menu bar
(next to the "Help" menu and the clock). I feel this is enough to
control it, although there are Control Strip modules around. 

Best wishes, Christian.
Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:39:52 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: Printer Question (R) wrote:

> Does anyone know of a portable printer Mac or PC that can print out
> carboned forms. I need one that I can use in an auto that can print
> recipts about the size of a typical business envelope. Obviously a
> typical inkjet can't be used.

You need to use a matrix printer or a daisy wheel printer. However,
daisy wheel printers tend to be clumsy only because of the size of the
print wheel. I can't remember a name/brand/model of a small matrix
printer, but I am confident there are/were some available. 

Best wishes, Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 19:50:18 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Screen-saver, screen-dimmer clash; repairing the damage.

jc wrote this about a solution to his own problem. Now it has reminded me
of a long-term question of my own: I used to have, I think, a control panel
called "Gamma" and I would use it sometimes to adjust my monitor's display.
I no longer have the control panel, and in Monitors and Sound control panel
I see only the default Gamma settings.

Does anyone know where I got that Gamma control panel? I assume it came
with some software package or other, but I have no idea which, and I'd
really like to have it back! Duh!


>	LESSON 3:  What *did* work was to go into the "Monitors & Sound"
>control panel, switching to another Gamma setting, and then switching
>back.  It apparently cleared out whatever gunk was in the system.
>	-jc


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 14:10:08 -0600
From: "Michael M. Thomas" <>
Subject: SCSI drives for 6100

Which of the varieties of SCSI drives will work in a 6100?

SCSI 2,3

Fast, Wide, ultra, SCA, pins


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 23:39:25 +0100
From: (Christian F Buser)
Subject: SCSI to PP (R)

"Daniel F. Castelhano" <> wrote:
> Parallel port on a PC?  I know Iomega's new ZIP plus allows you to connect
> it to a SCSI and parallel port, and I wanted to know if there is an
> adapter that accomplishes the same thing for other drives.

Parallel-to-SCSI converters are around for the PC (to use SCSI devices)
are around for some time. But I do not know of anything which makes a
SCSI-port on the Mac behave like a PC Parallel port.  

Best wishes. Christian.

Christian F. Buser - phone (+41-56) 426 64 86
Obere Kirchzelg 12, CH-5430 Wettingen (Switzerland)      
Look at <>


Date: Wed, 21 Jan 1998 20:42:16 -0500
From: "Steven Colucci, Ph.D." <>
Subject: shut down screens?

When linking into the internet I usually tap into a second phone line 
as my business line is too costly. However, due to my forgetful 
nature, I often forget to switch back when I'm done and shut down the 
system. Is there a way to create a file that will put a mesage on the 
screen when I shut down to remind me to switch back, as well as maybe 
some other reminders? I'm using a performa 6205 system 7.1

Thanks for any assistance.


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 19:56:05 -0800
From: Daly Jessup <>
Subject: Software and Hardware Questions

Glaston wrote:

>2) My office has required me to use a PC. It hasn't been delivered yet, but
>I'm expecting some sort of Pentium powered clone that will connect to a
>token ring network, a jukebox, which may be on some sort of separate
>network, and a modem. They want me to be able to access the the jukebox
>from my Mac at home through the PC. The obvious problem aside- my Mac is
>connected to an ISDN line and the office phones are analog- what software
>will allow me to dial up a PC and control a program that word searches CDs
>on the Jukebox? I'm prepared to install a modem at home for those occasions
>when such access is necessary.

I think that Timbuktu should do you just fine. You can run it on both
machines, and dial in to the office through it and then run applications on
the remote machine, while they display on your own screen. Pretty nifty!



Date: Thu, 22 Jan 1998 09:59:31 CST
From: "Tom Kirke (312) 413-5539" <U33515@UICVM.UIC.EDU>
Subject: Student Priced Fortran


Does anybody know of a Fortran compiler that is student priced ( < $100 )?

Thank you,

tom  <>


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 18:51:35 -0800
Subject: Subject: Feedback re Nort Util B Tree errors on Mac IIci

Bob Galbreath Wrote:

>Recently, in this forum, I asked for advice about recurring notices from
>Doctor Norton's utility program that my B-Tree was incorrect. Virtually
>all respondents pointed the finger at older versions of Netscape
>Navigator as the culprit. I find this telling since I didn't mention
>which browser I was using . . . NN 2.02.
>I have switched (two days ago) to 3.04 and, so far, haven't heard any
>alarms from Peter's direction. Thanks very much to all who responded.

I am sorry to say, that I get these errors as well, on a mac IIci, whether
I run Netscape 2.02, or 3.0. I would love to know why these errors *really*

Jarome Matthew
Pro Soul Production / Dimension Arc media


Date: Tue, 20 Jan 98 11:41:46 -0500
From: Chris Gervais <>
Subject: Windows 95 longer file names

>You need a floppy mounting utility which does support the Windows95 long
>filenames. I know that Apple's PC Exchange doesn't, even not in the
>latest version. You need to spend some extra cash for it.


The latest version of Apple's PC Exchange that ships with Mac OS 8.1 has 
much better support for Windows 95 and NT. Not only can you read/write 
long file names, you can access FAT32 volumes and get at DOS-formatted 
Zip/Jaz carts much easier.



Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 15:31:52 -0500
From: Rick VanDerveer <>
Subject: Windows 95 longer file names

At 5:54 PM -0500 1/16/98, Christian F Buser wrote:
>Todd Mogilner <> wrote:
>> I want to thank you very much for all the answers about hooking a mac up
>> to a Novell Network. I appreciate the time everyone took.
>> I am now running into a problem where PC disks are coming and instead of
>> saying there file name I am getting 7 characters and then a ~.
>You need a floppy mounting utility which does support the Windows95 long
>filenames. I know that Apple's PC Exchange doesn't, even not in the
>latest version. You need to spend some extra cash for it.
>I use "DOS Mounter 95" from Software Architects; great stuff
>Best wishes, Christian.

Actually, the *new* PC Exchange 2.2 included with MacOS 4.1 (released
today) supports long file names and DOS hard drives larger than 1Gb!!!


'Networkable Mac Games' -- Your source for multiplayer gaming on the Mac.


Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 22:55:02 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: Windows 95 longer file names

>Date: Mon, 19 Jan 1998 22:52:48 -0600
>To: (Christian F Buser)
>From: James Atkinson <>
>Subject: Re: Windows 95 longer file names
>>Todd Mogilner <> wrote:
>>> I want to thank you very much for all the answers about hooking a mac up
>>> to a Novell Network. I appreciate the time everyone took.
>>> I am now running into a problem where PC disks are coming and instead of
>>> saying there file name I am getting 7 characters and then a ~.
>>You need a floppy mounting utility which does support the Windows95 long
>>filenames. I know that Apple's PC Exchange doesn't, even not in the
>>latest version. You need to spend some extra cash for it.
>>I use "DOS Mounter 95" from Software Architects; great stuff

The version of PC Exchange included in the forthcoming (next month) Mac OS
8.1 will recognize W95 long file names properly.  There is still a catch,
however.  Windows still allows file names that are longer than the Mac's
longest file name (something like 520 characters vs 256 characters), so if
you encounter a *really* long file name, which in my experience is rather
rare, the new PC Exchange will recognize it and truncate it to maximum Mac
>James Atkinson


Date: 21 Jan 1998 23:19:35 GMT
From: "martin" <>
Subject: wireless system

Wireless System,
Help!  I serve as an assistant principal at a very large elementary school.
We have several trailers that serve as classrooms for our school.   Our
main building has just been wired for the Internet but the county did not
send the wire out to the trailers.  As part of a test program, a contractor
was hired to setup a wireless system for us.  The system is in place but
there is one problem.  The contractor is telling us that the transmitter
cards are only available as an ISA card for an IBM compatible computer. 
Unfortunately the best computes in the trailers are Macintosh 6500.  Does
anyone know if there is someone who makes a transmitter card for the
macintosh and where we can find it?  Our county tech person said he didn’t

Doug Martin 



End of Info-Mac Digest