Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #101
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 05 May 98       Volume 16 : Issue 101

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#428/04-May-98
      (A) Web-site catalog/search
      (Q) Fixing Open Transport
      (Q) NetCaster Missing
      *** READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms
      [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter (Rynd)
      [Q] can't FTP from Netscape
      [Q] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word
      A - Ofc 98
      A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents
      CD-Sunrise v.2.2c and Zip disks
      Clariwroks 5.0 v2 updater
      Converting huge document
      Decoding an .icl file?
      empty trash warning
      Findit Problem
      HD chirps in time with cursor
      How to transfer files?
      improving the source code
      Info-Mac Data Detector
      Jazz Help!
      Job:  Macintosh Game Developer
      Memory settings
      paper feed problems on StyleWriter 2200
      SMS messages to GSM cellular phones and back
      UnReal Audio
      weird printer behavior
      weird printer behavior 2

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 21:53:34 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#428/04-May-98


Worm Alert! Don't miss this week's coverage of Autostart-9805, a
data-destroying worm to watch out for. Also, Adam looks at the sorry state
of software documentation and offers suggestions for improvements. Plus, we
note an update to Eudora Internet Mail Server, the new Apple/HP agreement
on Mac printers, Dantz's Retrospect Driver 1.4, MindVision's free Installer
VISE license for freeware and shareware developers, and ludicrous ZipPlus

    "Autostart" Worm Breaks Mac Malware Silence
    The Death of Documentation


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-428.etx; 29K]


Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 15:35:17 +0200
From: (Vittorio Barabino)
Subject: (A) Web-site catalog/search

 Kate and Jack <> wrote:

> We have a small business with a website <> and we 
> would like to put up our entire catalog (56 pages) which is currently
> done in PageMaker (5, I think - not my program). 
> Is there a quick way to convert from PM to html?

I recommend Myrmidon:

> Does PM do html?

Quite badly. 

Ciao,        \+----------+  "La risposta e' dentro di te...
   Vittorio --| : )    o |      ...MA E' SBAGLIATA!!!"
Enciclopedia d.Fantascienza:


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:07:20 -0700
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: (Q) Fixing Open Transport

Last night in the process of trying to install Microsoft Office 98 on my
hard disk at home I somehow managed to screw up my Internet connection. I
use Open Transport with System 8.1. Nobody around here supports this
configuration with a modem. It was working fine until yesterday, and I
don't look forward to troubleshooting it. Is there a good website or
document that makes clear exactly what pieces have to be functioning in
what ways to make this combo work?

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 22:47:38 -0400
Subject: (Q) NetCaster Missing

Dear Digest readers,
I run Netscape Communicator 4.0.5 at work on an NT (boo!), but there is one
thing it has that the Mac version of the same name doesn't.   A program
Progressive Networks Pointcast called Netcaster is on the NT version but
not the Mac version.   No mention of Netcaster exists on the Mac version.
Where is it?   Pointcast is nice, but there are too few channels that
really interest me.

By the way, on Windows NT 3.5.1, NetCaster crashes quite often.

Is it available for the Mac yet, and if so, what web/ftp page can I go to,
to get it?

Thank you.



Date: 30 Apr 98 01:29:00 -0500
From: "Fred McCann H.H.S.S." <>
Subject: *** READ THIS. Rhapsody: A Call to Arms

Please forgive me for the horrendous cross-posting, but I have a concern
about Rhapsody that may affect anyone who might ever use it. I don't know
if anyone's been to the Apple site lately (, but
they've had the same screen shots of Rhapsody for some time now, and I find
the interface to be a bit disturbing.

Anyone who's a fan of Mac can tell you why they like it- it's the best
interface around. Well check out the shots of Rhapsody. There's a file
browser, file extensions, and an overall sense of non-Mac ugliness to it.
Frankly, it bears a nasty resemblance to X-Windows (for those of you who
don't know it, it's a GUI that sits on top of UNIX).

Well I say we shouldn't stand for it! If enough people write to Apple
Computer and demand a better GUI, then perhaps that's what we'll get.
Before you agree or disagree with me, check out the current shots at the
apple site (

If you aren't bothered by the lackluster interface, then please forgive my
intrusion. If you feel as I do, that we deserve better, then join me in
contacting Apple (by going to

Granted that Rhapsody is supposedly for the high end and server market, but
believe me people, it affects all of us end users eventually.

Thank you for your time.


Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 16:29:40 -0700
From: Jim Wickman <>
Subject: [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter (Rynd)

>Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 21:09:17 -0500
>From: (Jonathan Rynd)
>Subject: [A] Hard Disk Defragmenter
>All existing freeware/shareware defraggers destroy your hard drive.  STAY
>AWAY from them.

Whbat is the authority for your unqualified derogation of defraggers?

Jim Wickman
Resident Skeptic
Pasco  WA


Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 08:48:00 EDT
Subject: [Q] can't FTP from Netscape

I recently upgraded to Netscape 4.0 from 3.04 and when i did I lost the
ability to download from FTP sites. I can access the site but when I click on
a file to download i get an error message stating that the site lacks a DNS
entry. But when i access the file throught AOL's built in browser I can
download the file with no problems. Even reverting to netscape 3.0 hasn't
resolved the problem.

The rest of my system is: PPC 6100, System 8.1, Internet-Config 1.4, Open
Transport 1.3, OT-PPP, 40 Megs ram, no ram doubler/virtual memory.

I know its something simple/stupid but I'm lost.

John McGibney


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 08:29:54 -0500
From: Eric Rogers <>
Subject: [Q] Cross-platform Graphics Conversion and MS Word

I apologize for posting this to the list, but I don't know where else to 

The problem:

I prepared five complex graphics (well, complex for me, at any rate) 
using ClarisDraw.  The files range in size from 60K to 120K.  I need to 
embed these graphics into a MS Word 7 document on the PC side to do page 
layout for final publication of a professional article.  We have the 
capability of using my Mac-generated images separately as photo-ready 
art, but the process will be greatly simplified if the graphics are 
embedded in the MS Word file.

Thus far, the only thing I've tried is saving the files to .eps format on 
the Mac side, and then inserting the files into my Mac Word 6 file by 
using the Insert >> Graphics command.  When I try to print the file from 
a PC running Word 7, however, the graphics print in pixels.

My tools:

I do not yet have a copy of Office 98 for the Mac.  I have all of Office 
4.x installed, and I have access to PCs with Office 95 (Word 7; I don't 
know the Powerpoint version).  I have the MS-provided converters for the 
Macintosh for Powerpoint files.  Clarisdraw can save into both pict and 
eps formats.  I own the latest copy of MacLink plus.

Please reply directly to me at <> with suggestions for 
making this work or websites that contain helpful information.  I will 
post my solution to the list in a couple of weeks to let you all know how 
I did it.


Eric Rogers <>
Boston University School of Law


Date: Wed, 29 Apr 98 21:49:45 -0500
From: "david reed"<>
Subject: A - Ofc 98

>>I've been watching the Office 98 thread now, but I have yet to see an
>>answer to my question:  can Office 98 run on a slower PPC Mac?
>>The MS specs call for a minimum clock speed of 133 MHz (it might a little
>>higher, but I think this is right).

>I just thought it needed a PPC. I installed it on a 7200/120 604 chip, and
>a 6214cd/75 603 chip, with no problem. Perhaps ignorance is bliss, as they
>are running fine, as are the 3400c and the 20th anniversary mac


I have it running on a 6100-66 and it works very well indeed. Word 7(?) starts 
and runs faster than Word 6. Just watch out if you have to uninstall - it will 
throw your system folder in the trash! Mac Office users have a huge advantage 
over Win95 users when importing graphics into Word - the Win version is unusable 
with 133MHz, 32MB Ram and a couple of screen shots. 


Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 08:56:11 -0500
From: John Norstad <>
Subject: A Curious Behavior Of Disinfectant With Recent Documents

Roger Stafford <> wrote:

>   The excellent anti-virus application, Disinfectant, exhibits a curious
>phenomenon with respect to Apple Menu Items' Recent Documents, which seems
>worth bringing to the attention of readers of Info-Mac Digest for their
>comments, even though it does not appear to possess any threatening aspects
>to users.
>   After any Disinfectant scan is performed, if a file is encountered with
>any one of twenty-three particular names, an icon for that file
>mysteriously appears in Recent Documents.  These twenty-three names are all
>those whose strings can be formed from the string 'disinfectant' as
>contiguous substrings containing either its first or last character -- that
>is, any of the strings "d", "di", "dis", "disi", "disin", ...,
>"disinfectant", as well as "isinfectant", sinfectant", "infectant", ...,
>"ant", "nt", and "t".  Each of them, along with their case changes,
>exhibits the property that a file of that name pops up as an alias in
>Recent Documents whenever scanned, though only for the first such name
>encountered in the alphabetic HFS ordering.  The exceptions are files that
>are aliases and the Disinfectant application itself.
>   Presumably the Macintosh operating system allows files to be opened in
>such a way that they either will or will not be entered into the Recent
>Documents list,

Not to my knowledge.

>and Disinfectant obviously uses the latter of these options
>for most files opened for scanning.  However, any file with one of the
>above twenty-three names is apparently opened in the opposite way.

No, Disinfectant uses the regualar vanilla Mac OS file open call to open
files for scanning.

>question that comes immediately to mind is why any file with a name related
>in this way to Disinfectant's own name should be singled out for such
>special treatment.

Mac OS is doing this for some reason, not Disinfectant. I have no idea why.

>Is it somehow under suspicion as being a fake version
>of Disinfectant?  I have an innocent little file called "Ant" on my hard
>disk that always achieves this kind of notoriety after a Disinfectant run.
>Does anyone have any theories on the matter?

No, this is just paranoia. There's some kind of simple expanation for why
Mac OS does this, I'm sure, but I can't guess what it migh be.

>   This behavior is apparently independent of the particular computer
>model, of the operating system, of the version of Disinfectant involved, or
>even of which control panels and extensions are enabled, except of course
>for the Apple Menu Options control panel which must be active to get
>anything entered into Recent Documents.

Yes. I can easily reproduce this on my system too (Mac OS 8.1).

John Norstad                   <>
Academic Technologies          <>
Northwestern University        <>


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:05:09 -0700
From: "Paul [not \"Brian\"] Brians" <>
Subject: CD-Sunrise v.2.2c and Zip disks

Here's an odd conflict. Trying to mount a stubborn CD, I temporarily
installed the init CD-Sunrise v.2.2c in my 7100 running System 8.1.
Immediately my Zip disks all showed up as _locked_! Removing CD-Sunrise
made the problem go away.

Paul Brians, Department of English,Washington State University
Pullman, WA 99164-5020


Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 11:32:50 -0400 (EDT)
From: Arthur Snoke <>
Subject: Clariwroks 5.0 v2 updater

I have Clarisworks v5.0 which I use on two macs.  I recently heard that
there was an updater v2 out.  Previously I had gone to Claris at or the homepage to download updaters.  I could not find it
anywy\here.  I found a link to with software "forwarded to
apple," and I found updaters for earlier versions and something about disk
3 for cw5.0, but no updaters for 5.0. 

I never heard there was a v1 updater.

I found the claris page hard to find things on regarding clarisworks.
In their ftp section on updaters, they told me to send e-mail to, but the message bounced.

Can anyone help?

Arthur Snoke


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 23:41:29 -0700
Subject: Converting huge document

I have an 80mb PC text document on a CDROM that I need to open and convert
for use in a database.  It's a text document and once I get it converted I
can easily insert it into my db. I've used both Word 5.1 and the DataViz
translator to open it.  It grinds away for about an hour then freezes the
machine. I have a Performa 6200 with 16mb ram and Ram Doubler.  Do I need
more ram?  Any ideas on how I could segment the document and convert it in
Replies either directly or to the list would be appreciated.


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 13:01:17 +1000
From: G.Barker@unsw.EDU.AU (George Barker)
Subject: Decoding an .icl file?

I downloaded some icon files the other day and they turned out to be in
.zip format. I expanded them using UnZip, but to my disappointment the
resulting files carried an .icl suffix. I threw it at everything I had, but
to no avail. My curiosity is aroused - does anyone have a suggestion as to
how these files can be further converted in the direction of Mac-friendly?

George Barker


Date: Sun, 3 May 1998 11:19:31 +0200
From: "Johan W. Elzenga" <>
Subject: empty trash warning

>Melanie Jo Watts <> wrote:
>>>I like to unclick the warn before emptying box in the get info dialog
>>>window for the trash. However, lately on my powerbook 1400 running
>>>system 8.1, I have to unclick this box everytime I boot up. Why is this ?
>Christian F Buser <> replied:
>>Probably an empty battery problem. Does the PB1400 have an extra battery
>>to keep the PRAM, or does it need the Powerbook batteries? Don't know.
>Maybe it is a battery problem, but I would have thought that the problem is
>related to the finder preferences, rather than to the PRAM.
>Anyway, why bother? Just hold the Option key while emptying trash, and
>there will be no warning. To me, this seems much safer. The warning is a
>reminder that you are about to do something that you might regret (like
>accidentally selecting Empty Trash). If you hold the Option key while
>selecting Empty Trash, chances are that the action was not an accident, so it
>would be okay to empty trash without a warning.

Advising people to ingnore problems doesn't sound like good advice to me.
The empty trash warning problem is indeed undoubtedly caused by corrupt
Finder preferences, something that seems to be rather common in OS8 (but
much less in 8.1 in my experience). Even though I have never experienced
this problem to be more than just a nuisance, corrupt Finder preferences
potentially could cause the whole system to crash at startup because the
Finder cannot load.


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 10:39:57 -0400
From: Laurence Hawkins <>
Subject: Findit Problem

I have used the Iomega packaged software of Disk Direct/Findit to back up
an external APS HD with a IIsi quite successfully, but now have a problem
with backing up the IDE HD on my Power Mac 6500, as it seems the Findit
application does not see this drive when called upon to automatically
catalog the HD contents on shutdown. I downloaded the latest Zip Tools from
Iomega, but this has no update for Findit. In fact, I can find no reference
to Findit on the Iomega home page.

At present, I have to go through a lengthy cataloging of every Zip disk,
whenever I attempt to perform a back-up. It works, but not as it did with
the old APS SCSI HD.

Any solution?

Laurence Hawkins


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 10:21:22 -0400
From: Michael Blair <>
Subject: HD chirps in time with cursor

Dear Info-Mac Readers:

I have something funny (funny annoying, not funny haha) happening with 
Claris Emailer 2.0v3. Occasionally when I am composing a message, either 
an original message or a reply, my hard disk "chirps" briefly in time 
with the blinking of the cursor. It happens only when the cursor is 
somewhere other than at the left margin. 

I've upped the Emailer memory allocation to 4 MB to no avail. 

It isn't consistent. It seems to happen most often when Word 98 is also 
running (lurking in the background). It isn't doing it now because Word 
isn't running...

I've just started Word. Naturally, it still isn't happening. 

Open a document in Word? Nope. Still isn't happening. Rats. Don't you 
just love these kinds of problems. 

Perhaps it depends on the order in which things are loaded. I'll save 
this and quit Emailer... start it again... and -- damn! Still no 
chirping. I give up...

It's not a serious problem, and I don't expect an easy answer, but if 
anyone else is experiencing something similiar, below is an edited 
version of Apple System Profiler Report Generated: Fri, May 1, 1998 at 
10:07 AM 

System Overview
Machine:  Power Macintosh 7200 series
Machine ID:  108
Finder:  v8.1
System:  v8.1 US
Processor:  PowerPC 601 at 120 MHz
Active Enabler:  n/a
OpenDoc:  None
Memory Installed:  64 MB
Virtual Memory:  is on
Total Memory:  65 MB
Disk Cache:  is on, 4096K
Startup Device:  SCSI Bus 0, ID: 0, Macintosh HD

Control Panel Information
	=80 Conflict Catcher=81 (4.1.1)
	=80 Program Switcher (4.4.3)
	=80 QuickShelf (1.0) -- Microsoft BookShelf 94
	=80 SCSIProbe 4.3 (4.3)
	=80 Sleeper (3.0.2)
	=80 Speed Doubler=81 8 (8.1)
	=80 TelePort (2.6.2)
	=80 Touch=E9 TouchPad (0.01)
	=80 ~ATM=81 ( 4.0.2)

Extension Information
	=80 Conflict Extension=81 (4.1.1)
	=80 Disinfectant INIT (3.7.1)
	=80 Aladdin Transaction Engine (1.1.1)
	=80 Global Village Toolbox (2.6.2)
	=80 GlobalFax (2.6.2)
	=80 GV Address Book Engine (2.6.2)
	=80 ICeTEe (1.2b4)
	=80 Internet Config Extension (1.4)
	=80 Retro.Startup (2.0i)
	=80 Speed Doubler=81 8 Extension (8.1)
	=80 StuffIt Engine=81 (4.0)

End of report...

Michael Blair
Blair Technical Communications                      Tel: (514) 989-8713
106 - 3500 Atwater Avenue                           Fax: (514) 989-7521
Montreal, Quebec CANADA H3H 1Y5                Email:


Date: Sat, 02 May 1998 12:14:34 -0400
From: "Robert Kelly" <>
Subject: How to transfer files?

files from his 5300 to the new machine.  What is the best way to connect the
two machines together to transfer the files?  I forget.  Thanks for your

Bob Kelly


Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 00:35:18 -0400
From: Rob Pluta <>
Subject: improving the source code

>But Netscape has chosen a much nobler path,
>make the source code free. Who better to improve a program than the
>people who use it? I hope more developers choose the Netscape path over
>the Quicken one.

Which leads me to question:

I heard on NPR today (US radio, 1 May 1998), a discussion about Netscape
releasing the source code to its web browser. When will we hear from the
folks who are working this code? Is this something that only programmers
will be privvy to or is this something that will bring a good Netscape
browser to the Mac community at large? Can we also expect the Netscape
browser to fully support CSS with input from the programmer community? I'd
think this would also impact upon the development of the Opera browser.

I've been a Mac user for 4.5 years and these developments seem inviting!
Will we also be able to hear of developments with EasyView?



Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 11:08:24 -0400
From: Ben Cox <>
Subject: Info-Mac Data Detector

"Peter J. Paul" <> writes:
> I recently downloaded the above (from the Info-Mac archives) and get the
> following dialog box whenever I try to use it: "Couldn't download the file:
> <<constant ICpfhifm>> doesn't understand the <<event ICscgetP>> message."
> Anyone have any idea what might be wrong. BTW-the author's email address is
> invalid.

I don't know why you say my email address is invalid; it's been working
fine for me for quite some time, and several users have sent me email at
that address.

Anyway, the problem is most likely that you have selected Netscape as your
FTP helper in Internet Config, but have not checked the "Use Internet
Config" checkbox in the Netscape preferences.

Ben Cox


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 11:46:13 -0400
From: (Mike Nolet)
Subject: Jazz Help!

Hello all,

I have a refurbished jazz drive (my first one broke :() which has started
to show strange behavior.  The following is what it does:  (my system is a
powerbook 180 running system 7.1)

1.  Starting up with the jazz drive plugged in and with a disk in it will
not cause a little "1 GB DISK" icon to appear on your desktop.

2.  Running Red Line Cache Control shows that under SCSI ID 4 (the jazz)
there is something of vendor: areega (notice resemblance to iomega)
product: bat 1 GB

3.  Ejecting the disk and inserting another one and rerunning Red Line
causes Red Line to crash.  (Just times out,  force quitting finder fixes

4.  Restarting with no Jazz disk in the drive will cause a little flashy
mac with a question mark in it at startup.

5.  If one,  at the little "Can't find System" thingy inserts a Jazz disk
WITHOUT a System Folder on it,  nothing changes.  On the other hand,
inserting a Jazz disk WITH a System Folder on it causes the computer to
boot off the internal hard drive.

6.  Iomega Tools will not run saying that either the driver is missing or
there are no Jazz drives present.

Any ideas?  Do I need the Iomega driver??  I always survived without it
before (it gave extension conflicts).




Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 17:34:01 -0500
From: Wade Williams <>
Subject: Job:  Macintosh Game Developer

I'm posting this job announcement in an effort to help iMagic Online find a
programmer.  Warbirds is the best online flight sim available for the
Macintosh and iMOL is in desperate need of a full-time Mac developer.  

The Mac community really needs to step up and help iMOL find the right
person.  Show them what the Mac community is capable of - post this job
announcement to all appropriate forums.

(Disclaimer:  I am not a staff member of iMOL, but was asked to assist them
in spreading the word)


Job:  Macintosh Developer
Industry:  Gaming
Location:  Dallas, TX
Company:  iMagic Online, Inc.
Opening:  Immediate

iMagic Online, developer of WarBirds(tm), is looking to add a full-time
Macintosh programmer immediately.  Warbirds is the most advanced online
World-War II flight simulator on the market and offers both Macintosh and
PC versions.

The position involves the ongoing, fast-paced development of WarBirds and
possibly new projects.  

The successful candidate will have experience in C, C++ and have experience
in porting PC code.  Experience programming 3D applications and
OpenTransport networking is necessary.  Experience programming
hardware-accelerated API's such as Glide or OpenGL is highly desired.

Interested candidates should email Joe Mannes at or
phone him at 817-424-5638.


Date: Fri, 01 May 1998 11:46:38 -0400
From: Cathy Hubbs <>
Subject: Memory settings

I am a novice Mac user. One of our users is having intermittent printing
problems from Netscape. The error message says something about not
enough memory. He has 32RAM. I clicked on the Netscape 3.0  icon and did
a ctrl-i. In this window at the bottom it has 3 fields with memory
settings I was hoping I could directly edit (increase) those fields (the
bottom 2 anyway). I can't get the cursor below the "comments" field. Is
there a simple solution? He is NOT using virtual memory.




Date: Sat, 2 May 1998 13:50:43 -0500
From: Marc Bizer <>
Subject: paper feed problems on StyleWriter 2200

Hi everyone,

A friend of mine has generous offered to lend me his portable Stylewriter
2200 for a trip to France. The problem is this: I've been testing it with
the Color Stylewriter 2500 driver, and I'm unable to get it to pull paper
in. The paper wheels "churn," but nothing happens. Admittedly, I don't have
a cartridge installed (my friend didn't leave one in), but there's no
reason why the lack of cartridge would affect paper transport, is there?
I'm hesitant to pay $30 for a new cartridge if there's something wrong with
this printer.




Date: Mon, 4 May 1998 16:55:12 +0200
From: Paolo Bartoli <>
Subject: SMS messages to GSM cellular phones and back

I know it's possible to send free-of-charge SMS messages to GSM cellular

Does anybody knows if it's possible to send SMS messages _from_ GSM phones
to an email address? I saw phones like the Nokia 9000 that has  the
possibility to link to the Internet. What I'm looking for is a way for
normal GSM phones (without internet capabilities) to send messages to email

BTW where on planet earth is the best place to buy a GSM phone (I'm
thinkin' about mail order )

TIA, Paolo

**   Arch. Paolo Bartoli


Date: Thu, 30 Apr 1998 22:25:20 -0400 (EDT)
From: David Roche <>
Subject: UnReal Audio

Well, I'm not impressed.

Why is version 5.0 of RealPlayer (the RealAudio player) so imperfect? Even
when I change preferences so that it buffers as much as 60 seconds into
memory, it just decides to activate as soon as I click on a RealAudio site.
There's about a 4 second delay, and then it's herky-jerky old, unlistenable
quality sound...

The preference makes no change! Help!

I've allocated more memory to the program, with no luck.

I'm using a PowerBook 1400, running OS 8.1, I have 48 megs of real RAM (no
Ram Double), and I'm using a 33.6 modem. Oh, and I'm using Netscape
Navigator 4.04.

Can anyone offer a solution?



Date: Wed, 29 Apr 1998 22:56:51 -0500
Subject: weird printer behavior

hi all,

i have a laserwriter pro 630 that behaved weirdly today.

yesterday it worked fine. i left it on all night. this morning i went to
print a document - the appropriate noise was made and out came a perfectly
blank sheet of paper. i tried a few other apps same result. restarted the
printer, tried a test page - same result. well i had to rush off, so i
turned off the printer and figured i'd deal with it tonite. turn on
printer, print same doc as this morning and voila out it comes perfect as
can be.

(the computer i should point out - a centris 650 running 7.1 thank you very
much was running straight from yesterday through this evening so that aint
a factor)

any explanations?

tia again as ever


Date: Fri, 1 May 1998 07:40:46 -0500
Subject: weird printer behavior 2

hi again,

guess it really is one of those lifetimes.

the laserwriter 630's weird behavior that i described yesterday, is back
again today.

it was off all night. when i turned it on this morning to print instead of
printing text i got  a wide horizontal band of seemingly random noise thru
the center of the page. the rest of the page is blank.

on the next print i got another blank page. it seems to go back and forth
between blank and random noise bands.

what it is not - it is not the settings on the printer. i checked and then
reset the number to 0 and 2 with the same results.  it is not the wiring. i
tried printing from a different computer that's wired seperately - same
results. it is not the appletalk box - i replaced it with a spare i know
works, same results.

any thoughts?

finally does anyone have any reccommendations for professional servicing of
this printer here in chicago. if it is a hardware problem i am best off
having someone else do it. any ideas who is good around here (reliable and

tia as always



End of Info-Mac Digest