Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #134
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Info-Mac Digest             Tue, 07 Jul 98       Volume 16 : Issue 134

Today's Topics:

      [*] TidBITS#437/06-Jul-98
       [A} Zip drive failure, please help
      (C) Poor service from MacPowerHouse and OrangeMicro
      [A]Internet "connection keeper"
      bigger harddisk for LCIII
      Bigger HD for LC III.
      Files in reverse order by alphabet
      Flashing Icon
      freezes with 1,44 Mb discs
      Getting the #%&*@ Get QuickTime Pro
      Hypercard Player 2.4 not running
      Hypercard Player 2.4 not running (R)
      Info-Mac Digest V16 #133
      keyboard selection of menu items
      MacOS 8.5
      No RAM jumpers for IIci!!
      OrangeMicro Alternative
      Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410
      video editing, hmtl pics

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Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 22:00:00 -0700
From: TidBITS Editors <>
Subject: [*] TidBITS#437/06-Jul-98


Worried about the major new security problem with Microsoft Office 98?
Guess what - it's neither new nor limited to Office. Geoff Duncan explores
this long-standing security issue and explains how to work around it. Also
this week, Jerry Kindall reports on the astonishing feats at this year's
MacHack, and we have news about new installer tools, The Tilery 4.0, ACTION
Files 1.1, an important update for Norton AntiVirus 5.0, and finding
TidBITS staff at Macworld Expo.

    Moof on the Hoof: MacHack '98
    Oil of OLE: Document Security and You


[Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-437.etx; 29K]


Date: Tue, 7 Jul 98 08:43:19 +0100
From: Richard Platt <>
Subject:  [A} Zip drive failure, please help

My Zip went the same way. Iomega UK replaced it and all my discs, no 
questions asked, even though it was out of warranty. I've heard it called 
the "click of death", and I believe there's something on the Iomega web 
suite about the problem.

Peter wrote 
>all of sudden my Zip drive and all my cartridges are caput. The drive
>itself is 2 years old. When I try to insert the cartridge into drive, there
>is a noise of shtrang-shtrang-shtrang and so for some 5 min, then a message
>comes out telling me that this disk is unreadable and do I want to
>initialize it. I don't.

Richard Platt   Telephone: (44) 1892 890741  Fax: (44) 1892 890951
The Old Squash Court, Bayham Abbey, Lamberhurst, Kent, United Kingdom


Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 10:40:42 -0400
From: "james f. palmer" <>

David,  you should upgrade to netscape 4.  it is more stable and will
require less memory.  Jim Palmer


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 19:33:26 -0600
From: James Atkinson <>
Subject: (C) Poor service from MacPowerHouse and OrangeMicro

On 07/03/1998 03:32 PM abrody said:

>I would like to use the built in ethernet card of my Mac to talk over a
>TCP/IP network on cable internet using the OrangePC Windows 95 software.  
>Unfortunately time and again it recognizes either the wrong network card, or
>installs a driver that conflicts with my monitor driver.  What a mess!
>This is an OrangePC 620 running a PowerMac 7200/75. 
>What's more is that in spite of the fact the OrangePC card having 16MB of
>RAM installed on it, my game software such as Douglas Adams Starship Titanic
>says I don't have 16MB of RAM.  The System info says I only have 15MB of
>RAM.  I go into the IRQ settings and find that 1MB is eaten up by the
>display driver.  I can decrease it to 0.5MB, but that causes more problems
>than it is worth.  Is there anyway to put the entire display driver in
>virtual memory?

Hello again A. Brody:

Out of curiosity, what driver does your monitor use whilst Windows is 
running?  There is an Orange driver that should be active (grrr...the 
manual and the machine are at the lab and I can't remember the driver's 
name).  Anyway, we found on our Orange-ized G3s that having the Orange 
video driver solved many a problem.  

Also, on our NT setups we found that using IPX protocols rather than 
straight TCP/IP seemed sometimes to work less problematically, especially 
when printing to a network printer over IP (rather than through a server 
queue).  Seems like Win95 didn't have this particular problem on our 
network, but every network is different, eh?

Are you using the new 32 bit Orange driver?

You may find some good advice on the relatively new Orange Micro 
discussion board area, accessible from the Orange web site:


[now that I check I see that the discussion area is temporarily 

Apple's Mac OS Tech Exchange forum occasionally has helpful Orange 
Micro-related threads:


There is also a new Windows/MacOS compatibility email discussion list 
that may prove helpful.  To subscribe, send email to the following 


Rest assured that there *is* a solution floating out there somewhere.  
After the first install the Orange cards get much easier (doesn't help if 
you're doing only one, I know).  Our initial attempts were extremely 
frustrating, but now that we've got it ironed out we couldn't be 
happier...the Orange boards just hum right along.

James Atkinson

PS:  another 16MB of RAM probably woudn't hurt, of course, but isn't that 
always the truth?


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:13:37 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: [A]Internet "connection keeper"

At 7:27 AM -0600 6/12/98, Hannes Hofer wittily wrote:

> I remember seeing a utility that would keep internet connections from
> timing out by sending frequent signals to the server. Does anyone remember
> the name of this application?
> Hannes Hofer

I have found that most ISP's are setting time out limits on their
connections. One easy way around these limits if you use Netscape
Navigator is to set you Mail and News preferences to check for mail
every 1-5 minutes.

This little bit of network activity is just enough to keep your
connection live without creating a drag on your connection speed. If you
use this be sure to log off when you are not using your connection,
otherwise you could stay connected for hours.


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:27:49 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>

>i have found that netscape three is more stable the more ram i give it.
>60meg most of the time this usually manages not to crash more than once >per hour on an otherwise very stable machine.

>david dobedoe

First check that you are using the latest version (3.04) and if not
download it from

Before you install, drag your Netscape preferences from the preferences
folder. Once the install is finished drag your mail, news and plugin
bits back to the folder and set you settings the way you wish. 

Lastly, make sure you give Netscape 12MB + 1MB per plugin. Once your up
and running type about:plugins in your browser window to see what
plugins are installed and which are working.

 I suggest the QuickTime plugin (preferably the one that came with your
version of QuickTime) and the Shockwave plugin and maybe the RealAudio
plugin. More than likely these will do 99% of the stuff to be done on
the web.

Good Luck

Marlon Deason


Date: 7 Jul 98 06:45:28 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: bigger harddisk for LCIII

adrian strack <adrian.strack@IPONET.ES> writes:

>I need more harddisk space for my LCIII and want to replace my internal
>harddisk. There seem to be several things that can cause problems... type
>SCSI, size ??? more???  (System 7.5.5)
>SCSI now functions well with external harddisk, CD, Scanman, 42 MB
>removable, ZIP.

As long as the SCSI drive is addressed to be at 0 (probably through jumpers
on the controller board), isn't some new flavour of SCSI your LCIII can't
cope with (wide, ultra-wide etc.)or isn't too large for your version of OS
(7.1 couldn't read drives larger than 2 or maybe 4 Gb but 7.5.5 should be
fine) then you should be just fine. If you can afford it, buy a fast drive.
A faster spindle (7200rpm vs 5400rpm) speed will feel like a new processor
in terms of file opening times and general performance.
Good luck.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 19:58:05 -0700
From: "Martin S. Zibulsky" <>
Subject: Bigger HD for LC III.

>I need more harddisk space for my LCIII and want to replace my internal
>harddisk. There seem to be several things that can cause problems... type
>SCSI, size ??? more???  (System 7.5.5)
>SCSI now functions well with external harddisk, CD, Scanman, 42 MB
>removable, ZIP.
>Who can give me the right information?
>Adrian Strack

I had a 1 gig, low profile, IBM model, internal HD installed into my 
former LC III and it ran fine, with no problems for the one more year I 
had the LC III.

Being a graphic designer, I did other things to "soup it up" that worked 
fine also. However, couldn't keep up in speed and large graphic files 
volume, so had to move up to PowerMac. Was a learning experience. :-)

Martin Zibulsky

_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ _/

"Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage
to change the things that I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." 


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:35:01 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Files in reverse order by alphabet

> One of my folders is listing all folders in alphabetical order but from
> Z to A.  The rest of my files are listed normally, A to Z.  I don't know
> what I did to create this change nor do I know how to undo it.  Any
> ideas?

Yes, If you are using MacOS 8.0 there is a new little talked about
navigation feature in list displays. In the upper right corner of the
list view is a "V" button clicking it toggles the A-Z and Z-A list

Good Luck

Marlon Deason


Date: Tue, 07 Jul 1998 03:31:51 GMT
From: Michel Guilbault <>
Subject: Flashing Icon

Three weeks ago my apple icon starts to flash in alternance with a 
speaker one who has a red colored one beside it. Start to search for
something wrong and found nothing. Now for the last three days the
red one as been replaced by a two. Is somebody outthere knows what's
happening and can tell me how to shut down this problem.

Thank in advance for your help.

BTW I run a PPC 7200/90 with MacOS 8.0 french canadian version



Date: 7 Jul 98 06:44:20 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: freezes with 1,44 Mb discs

From: Paolo Bartoli <>writes:

> Working with PMac 8500,7600 and G3's I experienced odd behaviours with
> MacOS 8 (even with earlier 7.6...).
> The problem comes inserting 1,44 Mb HD floppy discs (even with 800Kb and
> Windows 1,44 discs) in the disc driver. If the discs are not formatted
> MacOS locks the computer. To recover I have to restart the Mac with the
> keyboard. On startup the Mac recognizes the unformatted disc, but it take
> while (maybe some minutes...).
> I experienced another similar problem with formatted discs, containig
> As soon as I insert the floppy, the computer freezes.
> Does anybody experienced the same problems? Could this happens because of
> PC Exchange or some other extension?

I had a situation recently with an 8100 hanging immediately when I'd insert
a DOS formatted disk (either floppy or Zip). I thought that this was
obviously a PC Exchange problem but turned out to be a damaged System file.
In the end I had to reinstall the system software.
I hope it's a less time consuming solution for you.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:40:40 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: Getting the #%&*@ Get QuickTime Pro

paul kleeberg wrote:

> I am sure this has been discussed here before but I could not find 
> a way to
> search the discussion archive.  How can I get the "Get QuickTime 
> Pro" Icon
> off of my desktop.  This is incredibly annoying.

I have two solutions to this 'problem'. My own was to get info on the
file that QT3 creates on the desktop with ResEdit and check the
'invisible' box, close save, no more problem.

The other solution is to set your system clock to 2040 and run QT3, get
the file, trash the file, set your clock back. Supposedly, QT3 will not
bother you until 2010. I shy away from 'clock rolling' expliots like
this however, because they create weird/possibly corrupt preferences in
the prefs folder.

Good Luck
Marlon Deason


Date: 7 Jul 98 06:44:56 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: Hypercard Player 2.4 not running

>Today I downloaded HyperCard_Player_2.4.smi.bin from the Apple FTP site.
>It expanded to HyperCard Player 2.4.smi OK. However, my MAC will not run
>It is seen as an unknown document rather than an application. Type/creator
>is reported as APPL/oneb.
>How can I get Hypercard Player to run?

Try rebuilding your desktop database file (hold cmd.-opt. down on restart)
and then running with extensions off (shift on restart) and this may let
the application run to mount the disk image.
I find on various Macs that either Apple Disk Copy or Disk Image Mounter
will crash - but not both. One usually works. Try one of those or Shrink
Wrap. I imagine they'll let you see the disk image file through the .smi
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 23:20:03 +0200
From: Christian F Buser <>
Subject: Hypercard Player 2.4 not running (R) (Gil Hurlbut) wrote:

> It expanded to HyperCard Player 2.4.smi OK. However, my MAC will not run
> it.
> It is seen as an unknown document rather than an application. Type/creator
> is reported as APPL/oneb.
> How can I get Hypercard Player to run?

This is not the application, but a disk image. You need the latest
version of Apple's disk copy application (6.1.3, if I am not

Good luck, Christian.

Christian F. Buser  -  phone (+41-56) 491 0877
Hohle Gasse 6, CH-5507 Mellingen (Switzerland)
Look at <>


Date: Mon, 6 Jul 1998 23:33:16 +0200
From: Matthew Daillie <>
Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #133

>Date: Wed, 1 Jul 1998 21:39:59 +0100
>From: adrian strack <adrian.strack@IPONET.ES>
>Subject: bigger harddisk for LCIII
>I need more harddisk space for my LCIII and want to replace my internal
>harddisk. There seem to be several things that can cause problems... type
>SCSI, size ??? more???  (System 7.5.5)
>SCSI now functions well with external harddisk, CD, Scanman, 42 MB
>removable, ZIP.
>Who can give me the right information?
>Adrian Strack

I replaced the 80 Mo HD on my LCIII with a 2 giga Seagate and it worked 
fine. The only problem is having to use a third party driver if the disk 
is not recognized by the Apple driver. I was warned about the power 
supply being a bit on the feeble side but on the later models there's no 
problems (30 amps is fine). I think the problem only really applies to 
LCs and LCIIs.

Hope this helps.

Matthew Daillie


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:48:08 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: keyboard selection of menu items

On June 24, Robert Sekuler wrote:

>Just got a new PowerBook and wonder if there is a utility that allows
>keyboard selection of menu items.  My model (ideal) is the feature that
>was available in the old Connectix Powerbook Utilities: CPU would
>underline letters in menu items, indicating what key stroke would select
>each of the items (in combination with some enabing keys such as SHIFT

Connectix has bundled this code into the new SpeedDoubler 8.0/8.1. I
don't believe it is available separately, but SD8 is definitely worth
the price even without the PowerKeys thingy (I immediately turned it
off, off, off it looked too much like Win95) 

But the key macros feature of SD8 is awesome! I now use evey function
key! No dust up there anymore! Also the copying, moving and deleting are
lightning fast.

Good Luck
Marlon Deason


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 17:55:26 +0000
From: Marlon Deason <>
Subject: MacOS 8.5

>Has Apple yet committed to a date for release of MacOS 8.5?  Or are they
>still saying sometime in the fall of '98?

As far as I have heard they are still very much on track for Sept 98.
And everyone says the Alphas/Betas run smoothly and very quick. Most
feature and extras will now be PPC native, for better or worse.

RISC is good!
Marlon Deason


Date: 7 Jul 98 07:08:09 -0400
From: "D. Scott Beach" <>
Subject: No RAM jumpers for IIci!!

> I have a donated Mac IIci I am putting back into shape for a group I do
> volunteer work for.  It says it has 5 MB of RAM, and I have some surplus
> MB SIMMs.  I want to upgrade to 8 MB.
> Is there a jumper that has to be moved to tell the Mac it has more
> Perhaps the SIMMs I thought were 1 MB are actually 256K.  How can I tell?

The IIci has 8 slots. You've got 4x1Mb + 4x256Kb SIMMS right now. You can
pull the 4x256Kb SIMMS and replace them with another 4x1Mb to get 8Mb
total. No jumper to worry about on these. The ICs on a 256Kb SIMM are a lot
smaller than on a 1Mb SIMM and in the finely printed numbers on the ICs
themselves you should be able to discern a 1000 or a 256 amongst the final
A great and flexible Mac, the IIci. Pat in on the case for me.
- Scott

D. Scott Beach,
A rabid Mac dude in Toronto.


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 22:20:58 -0600
From: gluck1 <>
Subject: OrangeMicro Alternative

I'm considering getting the OrangeMicro PC 620. I'd be interested to
hear any pros an dcons about it. Also does anyone know if there are any
other companies that make PC cards for the Mac?



Date: Tue, 7 Jul 1998 11:39:30 +0200
From: Willem Nijenhuis <>
Subject: Printing PDF-files on a QMS-410

Dear Readers,

Is there anybody out there who has succesfully printed pdf-files on a
QMS-410 postscript 1 printer with any version of the Acrobat Reader?

I allways get:

ERROR: typecheck


{4 {--pop-- } --repeat-- --pop-- true --exit--}
{$$$FONTNAMESTR (_)--search-- {--exch-- --pop-- --exch-- --pop-- --cvn--
--dup--  findfont /FontName --get-- --eq--}{--pop-- false}--ifelse--}

System: 7.6.1
Mac: IIci


Willem Nijenhuis <>


Date: Mon, 06 Jul 1998 18:08:59 +0000
From: "gene nail" <>
Subject: video editing, hmtl pics

As i post this request, i'd like to thank all of you out there who read and respond to info mac
digest.  usually, when i have a problem, if i wait long enough, someone else out there will
offer help, but not in these two cases so far:  
(1) can anyone suggest shareware or relatively inexpensive software that's capable of editing
out a frame at a time from a quicktime movie.  This is just for fun, so i'm really not
interested in spending $800 for a professional video editing program.  just something to remove
frames one at a time.
(2) can anyone tell me how, for example, when a photo is displayed on a web page and i can
download it, what software do i need to remove that photo from the web page and turn the photo
(or artwork) into a startup screen or desktop picture.

thanks in advance to all who help.

Praise God from whom all blessing flow.
gene nail



End of Info-Mac Digest