Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #146
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Info-Mac Digest             Fri, 31 Jul 98       Volume 16 : Issue 146

Today's Topics:

      [*]     RGB Calculator III v3.3 (update replaces all prior)
      [*]  Wapp Pro 1.1
      [*] "Styles" Blue Glass, enhanced for K2 update
      [*] "Styles" Bravado  K2 color scheme
      [*] "Styles" Ceremond, enhanced for K2
      [*] "Styles" Textura K2 color scheme
      [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland, enhanced for K2
      [*] ][2Mac v1.2.1
      [*] Alphie 1.3.1 (update - replaces all prior)
      [*] Avalonia MailRouter 1.10 trial
      [*] Batik Kaleidoscope scheme
      [*] BibGene, freeware BibTeX-compatible bibliographic database
      [*] Bookends Plus 4.1 Demo
      [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.0J
      [*] Combadge 1.1
      [*] Condorito Icons
      [*] CyberSense Search Center 3.0
      [*] DarkLight X2
      [*] DieBlo 1.2, cheater for MacDiablo
      [*] Diet Something 1.1.0
      [*] Florentine Kaleidoscope 2.1 scheme
      [*] Fractal Studio 2.1.2
      [*] Gaps 2.1
      [*] Griff's Icon Set12.sit
      [*] GrooveMaker Demo
      [*] Hebrew FontConverter 1.0.4a.
      [*] Help to Icon 1.1
      [*] iMac System Icons 2
      [*] Izmena! TCP
      [*] MacFont 3.01 (FR)
      [*] Mt. Everything 1.5.0a1
      [*] MultiMode 0.9.2
      [*] Odd Icons Vol. 1
      [*] Program Switcher v4.5.1
      [*] Rotate1.0-68kPatch
      [*] SelectiKines StarterSet - ANIMATED Icons for use with Kineticon
      [*] Sunset Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme
      [*] SwitchRes 1.4 (german version)
      [*] TFSounds 1.0.1
      [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 68k
      [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 PPC
      [*] Web Devil 3.5
      [*] WebChecker 1.2.0
      [*] Windows of San Francisco Kal. 2.0 scheme
      [*] WormScanner 2.0.1 (an AutoStart worm remover)

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites
containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. For more
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Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:49 -0700
From: (Mike Bean)
Subject: [*]     RGB Calculator III v3.3 (update replaces all prior)

Sent:        7/22/98 3:54 PM
Received:    7/22/98 3:32 PM
From:        warren,
To:          macgifts@SMI.Stanford.EDU
Enclosure:   RGBcalc3_v3.3.sit

This version includes a deinstaller.

*  Create, compare and tweak any two colors.
*  Duplicate (sample/eyedrop) any screen color.
*  Create web-safe colors.
*  Clip HEX/DEC/WEB/percent values or color swatches and paste them into your
*  Paste HEX/DEC/WEB/percent values into RGB III and immediately see the
*  A tuck-away option shrinks RGB III and keeps it handy while retaining most
   clipboard functions.
*  Online CUES help you get started and keep you informed.

A great tool for webmasters, developers, digital artists and home-pagers.

Shareware US$19

Warren Furman/WRFdigitals

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/rgb-calc-3-33.hqx; 305K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:20 -0700
Subject: [*]  Wapp Pro 1.1

With Wapp pro, have an easy access to every applications' windows. Just a
click and here it is.
But you can also switch to, hide, or quit other applications... or quit
them all, or hide them all....

Requirements :
  OS 8 or more.

v1.1 changes :
  new control panel
  some new options : "Hide", "Hide all", "Hide others"
  switching method improved
  some bugs fixed

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/wapppro-110.hqx; 71K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:23 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Blue Glass, enhanced for K2 update

Blue Glass has a glassy look, with completely redesigned windows
and scrollbars, with disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility
pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor,
all written in, along with custom folders and trash.
A separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the
scheme.  It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/blue-glass.hqx; 124K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:24 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Bravado  K2 color scheme

Bravado is a soft blue textured scheme, with K2 windows,disclosure
triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile,
tabbed pop-up windows,  patterned menubar, menu, finder header, and
window background, and also a new cursor, all written in, along with
custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is also
included with the scheme.  It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/bravado.hqx; 264K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:26 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Ceremond, enhanced for K2

Ceremond is a greyscale scheme with accent colors and a splash of color.
It has disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade
soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along
with custom folders and trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is
also included with the scheme.  It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/ceremond-25.hqx; 114K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:31 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Textura K2 color scheme

Textura is a muted  dark green,  highly-textured scheme, with K2
windows, disclosure triangles, desktop pattern, utility pattern,
windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up windows,  patterned menubar,
menu, finder header, and window background, and also a new cursor,
 all written in, along with custom folders and trash.  A separate folder
of desktop patterns is also included with the scheme.  It can only be
used in K2.  Shareware.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/textura.hqx; 186K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:34 -0700
Subject: [*] "Styles" Winter Wonderland, enhanced for K2

Winter Wonderland is a snowy landscape scheme, with disclosure triangles,
desktop pattern, utility pattern, windowshade soundfile, tabbed pop-up
windows, and a new cursor, all written in, along with custom folders and
trash.  A separate folder of desktop patterns is also included with the
scheme.  It can only be used in K2.  Shareware.

Thanks much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/winter-wonderland.hqx; 163K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:22 -0700
Subject: [*] ][2Mac v1.2.1

][2Mac is a set of 3 applications, 1 for the Mac and 2 for the Apple-][,
that allow you to backup and restore Apple-][ floppies to/from a Mac.
The floppy-image is stored on the Mac in a format that is recognized by
IIe, the Apple //e emulator for the Mac, written by Victor and Vincent Tan

One of the users of ][2Mac even reported, that he has successfully
transferred DOS 3.3-, ProDOS- as well as Pascal-formatted disks from
his Apple //e to his Mac, and that he is using the diskimages now
in the IIgs emulator called 'Bernie ][ the Rescue'

Also... ][2Mac enables you to use a Macintosh to send out and receive
Apple-][-disks to and from your friends over the internet...

This version obsoletes all previous versions that have been made available in
the Info-Mac archives (
under the name 'ii2mac'.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/ii2mac-121.hqx; 141K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:59 -0700
Subject: [*] Alphie 1.3.1 (update - replaces all prior)

A fun way to teach kids/adults to write or print the alphabet. Includes
four editable fonts (tracers) which may be copied or traced and three pads:
Main,Big and Legal. Drawings may be recorded in real time, stored and
played back. Also includes a simple game complete with stars, ribbons,
medals, rockets, fireballs, etc, a timer/alarm, and the Director for
choosing between various sets of graphics and sounds. Extensive online HELP
and the Quick-start Tour gets you hummin' fast.

Shareware US$29

Warren Furman/WRFdigitals

[Archived as /info-mac/edu/alphie-131.hqx; 7318K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Avalonia MailRouter 1.10 trial

Name of software:   Avalonia MailRouter
Version:            1.10 (trial version)
Author:             Bo Holst-Christensen, Cutisan Laboratorium A/S
Category:           Internet software, server extension
Function:           Extension to Apples Internet Mail Server.
                    Used for forwarding and redirecting electronic mail.
License payment:    1 copy - US$30, 1 site - US$75, world wide - US$150.


The Avalonia MailRouter is an extension to mail servers such as Apples
Internet Mail Server (AIMS), Eudora Internet Mail Server (EIMS) or
Stalker Internet Mail Server (SIMS). It is supposed to be running in
the background on the same machine as the mail server, without taking
more of the CPU and memory than absolutely needed.

By using Avalonia the mail server is extended with functionality to handle
many domains on one single machine. Apart from assigning mailboxes to each
user on the different domains, MailRouter can also redirect mail based on
account or domain names, handle subdomains, divide users on a big domain
to a set of servers and handle unregistered addresses.

This package contains a trial version of the application that will allow
you to try out all features. To obtain a full version of the Avalonia
MailRouter a license fee must be payed:

- To run a single copy of MailRouter on a single machine, the fee is US$30.
- To run an unlimited amount of copies of MailRouter on machines placed at
  a single physical location, the fee is US$75.
- To run an unlimited amount of copies of MailRouter on machines inside the
  same organisation, placed anywhere in the world, the fee is US$150.

To run MailRouter, you need a copy of AIMS (preferably version 1.1.1 or
newer), EIMS or SIMS running on a machine with at least a 68030 or a
PowerPC. For best results the machine should be running MacOS System 7.5.5
or newer.
Memory usage, depending on the amount of addresses handled: 110-500 KB.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/mail-router-110t.hqx; 208K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:21 -0700
Subject: [*] Batik Kaleidoscope scheme

Please post Batik Kal. scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/batik-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 295K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:02 -0700
Subject: [*] BibGene, freeware BibTeX-compatible bibliographic database

BibGene is a BibTeX-compatible
Macintosh application for maintaining databases of references to scientific
papers.  BibGene was designed with two purposes:

- To maintain BibTeX information in a cross-linked object-oriented
  format which makes it easier to detect and correct common mistakes
  such as multiple spellings of an author's or journal's name.

- To provide a way to store information that does not fit well into
  the BibTeX framework, such as citations from one paper to another,
  pointers to online preprints, and author addresses.

BibGene is freeware, and may be freely distributed and included on CD-ROMs.
This version is for Power PC only; for a 68k version see
David Eppstein		UC Irvine Dept. of Information & Computer Science

[Archived as /info-mac/data/bibgene-ppc.hqx; 423K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:12 -0700
Subject: [*] Bookends Plus 4.1 Demo

Bookends Plus is the leading reference management/bibliography generation
application created exclusively for the Macintosh. As a Mac-first and
Mac-only product, Bookends has long been a leader in adopting MacOS
technologies, including AppleEvents, QuickTime, and Apple Guide on-line
help. Bookends is also the only Macintosh product of its kind that can
serve its contents on the Web in real-time, allowing multiple users to
share, and even add or edit, information with users around the world on any

The latest version of Bookends is even more tightly integrated with the Web
than its predecessors, and will take advantage of the latest in Apple's
QuickTime technology to expand the boundaries of reference management. The
ability of Bookends to display any QuickTime-compatible graphic and to open
any document for viewing or editing in the application that created it
makes it a powerful tool for virtually any kind of information management.

 Among the recent improvements to Bookends Plus are:

* Bookmark web sites in Bookends and go to them directly from a Bookends

* Import references directly from the clipboard (makes importing references
from the web a snap).

* The ability to format a footnote differently depending on whether it is
being cited for the first time or after an initial citation. This is
particularly useful for footnotes or bibliographies using styles for the

* Expanded graphics support. You can view any type of document supported by
QuickTime 3 (available at no cost from Apple Computer). In conjunction with
the Attach feature, this means that you can examine virtually any kind of
graphic (diagram, picture, plasmid map, chemical structure, even video)
from within Bookends.

* Web users can edit references in a Bookends database via the web (with a
password protection option).

This is a free evaluation copy of Bookends Plus which can also be
downloaded from the Sonny Software web site ( All
features are enabled in the evaluation copy except that databases are
limited to a maximum of 15 references. Once purchased, Sonny Software will
supply a registration number that will "unlock" the evaluation version and
remove this restriction.

This new release of Bookends Plus supersedes all other versions of Bookends.

[Archived as /info-mac/text/bookends-plus-41.hqx; 1964K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:18 -0700
Subject: [*] Clean-Install Assistant 1.0J

This is the Japanese version of Clean-Install Assistant.

Upgrading a System Folder to a new version of Mac OS often takes a lot of
time, because you need to figure out which files to move to the new system
and which ones to leave behind (extensions, control panels, printer drivers,
application-specific items, special folders, etc ).

Clean-Install Assistant makes this process easier and faster because it does
the sorting and moving automatically (using its list of factory-issue Mac OS
files). It'll carefully collect your additions and move them to a separate
folder while you update the System Folder, then move them back to the right
places inside the new one with a single click!  Clean-Install
Assistant also
allows the following uses:

*Save space and backup your valuable additions and preference files only,
instead of the whole System Folder!

*Install the same set of additions on multiple Macs: just copy the 'System
Folder Additions' folder to each Mac and click 'Add Back'.

*Remove extra files and folders from your System Folder to restore it to a
previous state: you can take a 'snapshot' of the System Folder and have
Clean-Install Assistant extract any items added since.

Clean-Install Assistant is free for personal and educational use. Business
pricing is as follows:

*Businesses with 3 Macs or less: Free

*Consultants and businesses with 4 to 10 Macs: $50

*Site License (all Macs within a 100 miles radius of your site): $500

*World-Wide License (all locations for your organization): $1000


Christopher Li
Bridge 1 Software
English/Japanese Japanese/English
Software Localization and Management

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/clean-install-assist-10-jp.hqx; 849K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:16 -0700
Subject: [*] Combadge 1.1

Combadge is a real time email companion, perhaps best described as a cross
between a talk, chat and email.  Combadge will let you chat in real time
with other Combadge users without needing to know where they are - you
simply use their email address and Combadge finds them.  If they are not
running Combadge, then Combadge will send your message to them using email
so you do not even need to know if they have Combadge.

Version 1.1 uses your email client to send offline messages instead of
handling email sending internally.


* Easy User Interface.
* Real time chatting if both parties have Combadge.
* Email messages if they do not have Combadge.
* Connect using email address.
* Log conversations to email.
* Automatic configuration.
* Answering machine facility.

Combadge requires a Macintosh with Internet connectivity.

Combadge is US$25 shareware.  Site and organisation-wide licenses are also
available for US$500 and US$2000 respectively.

For more information, see our web site at <>.

Hope it proves useful,
   Peter & Andrew.

Combadge v1.1 Copyright 1998 Stairways Software, written by Andrew Tomazos

<>   <>

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/mail/combadge-11.hqx; 1266K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:36 -0700
Subject: [*] Condorito Icons

Nueva colecci=F3n de iconos con personajes latinoamericanos.
Esta vez es Condorito. De peque=F1o pasaban por mis manos las revistas de
Condorito. Hoy, Condorito a perdurado con el paso de los a=F1os. Y es un
s=EDmbolo que identifica a los chilenos. Especialmente para ellos  va esta
He incluido los personaje sm=B4s importantes de la revista como: Con=E9,
Yayita, Gargante de lata, Don Cuasimodo, Huevoduro, Pepe Cortisona, Matias,
Washington, Comegato, Ungenio Gonzalez y Don Chuma.
Espero sugerencias y comentarios de esta colecci=F3n y para nuevos iconos.
Estos =EDconos son, por supuesto, totalmente gratuitos.

CONDORITO is a old Comic magazine, of Chile.
These icons are freeware. I like receive your e-mail.


Viva Iconos:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/condorito-icons.hqx; 82K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:08 -0700
Subject: [*] CyberSense Search Center 3.0

CyberSense Search Center gives you centralized, one-click access to more
than a dozen
search engines, letting you quickly and easily search the Internet. Since
search forms for all
the popular search engines are integrated into one package that works from
within your
web browser, you don't have to waste time visiting dozens of search engines
or loading a
separate "search" program just to find what you are looking for. You can
simply load your
browser, bring up the Search Center, and get right to work. It's fast, easy
and effective. The
Search Center is freeware and requires at least Navigator 3.0 or Internet
Explorer 4.0.


[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/search-center.hqx; 79K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:27 -0700
Subject: [*] DarkLight X2

DarkLight X21.0 for Kaleidoscope 2 is a re-working (not an update) of my
DarkLight scheme. This new edition features a new menu, new buttons and tabs,
plus the integration of folders, icon labels, finder windows and text, desktop
pattern and windows around a silver and lavender theme. An even more classic
design for apple lovers! See "About This Scheme" in the K2 control panel for
settings info. Freeware.

Steve Sulzer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/darklight-x2-10.hqx; 78K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:50 -0700
Subject: [*] DieBlo 1.2, cheater for MacDiablo

DieBlo 1.2
(C) Michel "BusError" Pollet, 1998

This application allows you to cheat with MacDiablo(TM) 1.04.

I made this program as one more step in my personal quest to eradicate
all Virtual Evil from the known universe. After a lot of philosophical
thinking, I realized that not only Virtual Evil was Bad, but also any
program that would create it from nothing, even to entertain some
unsuspecting user!
So, allowing you to cheat in MacDiablo(TM) will make the game so boring
that you'll end up either not cheating, or even better not playing, thus
decreasing the amount of Virtual Evil from the universe!

Release Notes
Version 1.0.1
+ Will find your character even if you did'nt create the game.
Version 1.0.2
+ Have less problem locking uppon your character...
+ Added a couble more options.
Version 1.1
+ Added the inventory store (see below).
+ Changed the interface a bit to prevent blinking.
Version 1.2
+ Don't have to enter your character name! DieBlo will find it itself.
+ The popup shows the other players as well. If you select another
player, you'll be able to peek at his inventory. Your player should be
underlined and selected by default (that one don't work all the time, for
some reason)=8A
+ Displays the locations of the other players in the dungeon along with
+ DieBlo window is no longer moved when changing between full screen and
window mode.
+ Mana can't be greater than 2000 (it's MacDiablo(TM) clipping limit).
+ Don't execute the 'auto' tasks when players are in town.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/dieblo-12.hqx; 305K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:04 -0700
Subject: [*] Diet Something 1.1.0

Diet Something 1.1.0:

Diet Something allows you to keep track of what foods you eat each day, and
their nutritional value. For each day, you select the foods you have eaten,
and the number of servings of each. Diet Something will automatically
calculate your caloric intake, fat grams, carbohydrates, fiber, protein,
cholesterol, along with sodium, potassium, and calcium.  You can select
from over 5000 different foods from 21 catagories, including fast food,
lunchmeat, junk food, seafood, and baby food.  In addition to the included
food groups, you can create and edit your own foods in a separate catagory.
You can also create a catagory of favorite foods to quickly access commonly
used foods.

Shareware, $20. Evaluation copy allows 30 days of use.
Web URL:
Shortwave Radio, Spy Number Stations, Macintosh Software

[Archived as /info-mac/data/diet-something.hqx; 777K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:29 -0700
Subject: [*] Florentine Kaleidoscope 2.1 scheme

Please post Florentine Kal. 2.0 scheme on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/florentine-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 525K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Fractal Studio 2.1.2

Fractal Studio 2.1.2.
Simply the best fractal generation program.

Replaces any ealier version of Fractals.

The new version has a lot of fixes and improvements.

There is  a comprehensive readme document describing its abilities and
how to operate the various features.

New things include Mulitple layers, Quicktime movies, use of Navigation
Services, Palette window, Layer window, improved tools, juliet window,
contextual menus, more file formats, randomizing formulas, image
effects, transparent areas, masking selections, better threading
performance, better colour handling and fixes for many previous

Palette window:
    Contains a representation of the full palette.
    RGB, CMY, HSL, Grey sliders

Custom create formulas by using a randomizer.
Browse formulas and options quickly.
All operations can be confined to the current selection and unmasked
Effects on individual or all layers.

MacOS 7.5 or later (8.1 preferred)

This program may be included on any CD-ROM provided it is supplied

This program can also be downloaded from :-

    Keiron Liddle
    Aftex Software

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/fs-212.hqx; 8008K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Gaps 2.1

Gaps is a solitiare game (also known as Montana) in which you must try to
arrange the cards in four rows in order from 2 to King, by suit.  Further
details can be found in the help file.

This game was formerly named The Solitaire of Champions.

This game is $5 shareware.


Personal web page:            
Pixel Pen web publishing guide: 
PGP public key:    

A great way to deal with predators is to taste terrible.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/gaps-21.hqx; 575K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:37 -0700
Subject: [*] Griff's Icon Set12.sit

 Griff's  Icons Set 12
 System Requirements: Any Mac
 Size :  20.4 KB

 These 26 icons are for your enjoyment and use.

 These icons are shareware ($10.00) and can be included on any CD as
long as the
 readme file is included and you send me notification of its being

 If you have any questions direct them to:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/griffs-icon-set-12.hqx; 33K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:44 -0700
Subject: [*] GrooveMaker Demo

GrooveMaker+Dancity is actually a combination of two products: the
GrooveMaker software and the Dancity sample collection.
The GrooveMaker is the first groove generator based on a powerful sample
layering engine with huge pre-grouped loop sample libraries  called
"songs." Now it's fast and simple to create instant, hi-quality dance
music. With the GrooveMaker, you can play, mix and randomize your own
grooves on the fly, with  instantaneous control over 8 stereo loop tracks,
in real-time! Separate volume and pan controls, solo and mute buttons are
at your disposal giving you an intuitive environment to create stunning
grooves. And you can even add your own samples! Shift the tempos (+/-20%)
just like a DJ in a live  situation. With the randomization feature, you'll
discover endless loop combinations to keep your sound fresh. Every
combination you hear can be saved on the fly, or marked inside the program
for instant recall.
A Virtual Synth Arpeggiator is also included to give your performance that
rave impact! With 99 sounds and more than 128 presets, a synth snapshot
feature and "smart-notes!"
With the GrooveSequencer you can assemble your marked grooves in a sequence
list with one click. Now you have a  full-length song which you can either
mix to your hard disk (as a complete stereo file) or save as eight
individual stereo tracks for subsequent mixing on your hard disk recording
system. But if you think that's quick and easy, check this out . . .
 . . . the fastest way to make not one, but millions, of different songs is
with the V-Mix. Here a VIRTUAL DJ instantly assembles 4 random mixes with a
simple click. That's it! And every time you click again, another random
song set is generated. Get hours and hours of instant remixes and never
hear the same thing twice. When you hear something you particularly like,
save it, or just let it run and groove for you all night long.
The Dancity sample collection includes... 504 studio-quality remixable loop
samples (from 98 to 180 bpm) pre-grouped in 8 songs, that can  combine to
produce more than 80 million different grooves using the GrooveMaker=AA
soundware engine.  Choose from Techno, House, Progressive, EuroDance,
Jungle, Trash, and more. A  huge variety of instrumental loops including
Bass, Bass-Drum, FX, Loop, Line, Pad and Percussion, plus Vocals, with
incredibly rich sounds created from massive state-of-the-art gear. A 99
sound, 3 octave virtual synth with more than 3,000 sound events is also
included for real-time performances. All samples are available as 22 and
44kHz, 16 bit files. Studio ready, and Royalty  Free! And more loop
collections are just available!

IK Multimedia Production srl
Via Canalino 5
41100 Modena - Italy

fax: (0039) 059 244106
voice: (0039) 059 244190

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/groovemaker-11.hqx; 8734K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Hebrew FontConverter 1.0.4a.

This program is a support utility for my RosettaStone application, which is
a free Java application to tutor the Hebrew language containing around 2500
Hebrew words, and an online tutorial. It can also be used for any non Asian
The full download can be found at
If you don't have java setup, you will need to visit the site for Java
download links.

Thank You

Ben Stitz

[Archived as /info-mac/text/hebrew-font-converter-104.hqx; 15K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:20 -0700
Subject: [*] Help to Icon 1.1

Help to Icon lets you replace the Help menu title by an icon. Now in
version 1.1 you can choose the icon you want between 6 cool icons.

requirements :
  OS 8 or more

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/hti-110.hqx; 70K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:39 -0700
Subject: [*] iMac System Icons 2

More system icons for the cute iMac.
If you liked the first set, you would love this second one which
contains 43 icons.

Icons with style! and other creations!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/imac-system-icons-20.hqx; 82K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:06 -0700
Subject: [*] Izmena! TCP

The goal of Izmena! TCP is to let you see your sweet night dreams while
your computer download/upload large files. Izmena! TCP indicates - is
your TCP/IP connection still available or it's broken (modem hang, PPP
disconnected e.t.c.) When it's happens, Izmena! TCP plays alarm sound so
you can quickly wake up an fix the situation.

Constructed with REALBasic.


Req.: system 7-8 is good, PPC and 68K (sorry, not tested on 68K

Artem Melnikov

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/izmena-tcp-035.hqx; 721K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:55 -0700
Subject: [*] MacFont 3.01 (FR)

MacFont permet d'afficher/imprimer une liste de vos fontes TrueType=99,
PostScript=99 et bitmapped. Contrairement aux autres programmes, MacFont

- d'imprimer les fontes sans qu'elles soient install=E9es!
- de personnaliser vos impression gr=E2ce =E0 des gabarits =E9ditables.

Vous pouvez acc=E9der =E0 la documentation en ligne compl=E8te en
s=E9lectionnant l'article "A propos de MacFont" dans le Menu Pomme. La
version 3.01 fonctionne sur tous les Macs depuis le Macintosh Plus avec
syst=E8me 7.0 ou plus r=E9cent. Cette application est FAT binary et peut
donc =EAtre utilis=E9e sur 68k ou PowerPC.

MacFont est un shareware (60 F), si vous l'utilisez, veuillez vous
Quoi de neuf dans la version 3.01:

- Un probl=E8me de m=E9moire survenant lors du chargement des fontes a =E9t=
- Les noms de fichiers PostScript sont maintenant correctement d=E9cod=E9s.

Bruno Di Gleria
Via Basaldella, 10


[Archived as /info-mac/font/util/mac-font-301-fr.hqx; 200K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:00 -0700
Subject: [*] Mt. Everything 1.5.0a1

Mt. Everything is a Control Panel allows you to get information on all the
devices connected to your Mac's SCSI-Port. It lets you mount volumes found on a
disk drive any time you want, unmount them or even switch the entire drive on or

This release of Mt. Everything is an alpha version. It represents work in
progress and is neither feature complete nor carefully tested.

Please use this version with caution and don't delete your current version
of Mt.
Everything if you have one or get Mt. Everything 1.1.1 which is the latest
"official" release.

Some features of previous releases do not (yet) work in this version.

This copy of Mt. Everything is time-limited. It will expire September 30, 1998.
Until then, there should be a much better version available.

Whats new?

- True support for mutilple SCSI buses (finally) including 3rd party SCSI
buses on extension cards and even Wide SCSI.

- New look and feel (with still room for improvements).

[Archived as /info-mac/disk/mt-everything-150a1.hqx; 73K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:07 -0700
Subject: [*] MultiMode 0.9.2

MultiMode is an application which allows your Macintosh to decode several
different modes of non-voice communication often heard on shortwave.

MultiMode allows you to decode and display morse code, RTTY, fax, and many
other modes on your Mac, without any extra hardware!

In the past, dedicated hardware, often costing hundreds or thousands of
dollars, was necessary to demodulate and decode this transmissions. Today,
you can use the
processing power of your Macintosh to decode and display these modes,
without any hardware.

MultiMode decodes the following signals:

       Morse Code (CW)
       RTTY (Baudot)
       WWVB Time Decode
       Audio Spectrum Display to aid in properly tuning in stations

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/multimode.hqx; 353K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:40 -0700
Subject: [*] Odd Icons Vol. 1

Yep, they're weird! Here are some unusual icons for MacOS by Melinda
Fawver. Enjoy!

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/odd-icons-vol-1.hqx; 54K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:17 -0700
Subject: [*] Program Switcher v4.5.1

I am pleased to announce the release of Program Switcher v4.5.1. This
version is a maintenance release which fixes two bugs:

    - Improper display of memory values on 68K machines
    - Special message strings (such as "Please Register") not being
displayed. Instead, the user would just get a plain white box.

Program Switcher is the premier keyboard-based application management
utility for the MacOS, providing the ability to switch, quit or hide
applications with a simple keystroke. For more information, please visit
the Program Switcher web page at:

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/program-switcher-451.hqx; 339K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:53 -0700
Subject: [*] Rotate1.0-68kPatch

Patch for the game Rotate 1.0 "FAT": fixes bug which caused it to crash on
68k Macs.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/rotate-10-68k-patch.hqx; 24K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:42 -0700
Subject: [*] SelectiKines StarterSet - ANIMATED Icons for use with Kineticon

SelectiKines StarterSet
Jason Rainbows' Magic Theatre Art and Design 1998

SelectiKines Starter Set is a complete collection of Animated Icons
for use with Sherman Uitzetter's amazing "Kineticon" which can be
found at;

Kineticon takes the art of the icon to the next level - animation! - it's
the greatest advancement in icon design and implimentation since the
introduction of the Mac!

But "SelectiKines" are more than just animated icons. These little
jewels are created using our special "SelectIcon" technique that
allows hidden features to appear when selected! These icons appear
just as attractive in their "selected" state as they do in their "normal"
(unselected) mode. No more ugly grayed icons!

Included in this volume;

~ HuggaKineMac - is a nice animation of a person who loves
   his/her Macintosh.

~ KineHello - is another pleasant one. A character sticks his/her
   head out of a monitor and waves hello at set intervals.

~ UpKineDown - A folder flips and drops a character out, who then
   proceeds to right the folder and crawl back in. He/she'll do this
   all day long without food or sleep.

~ KineAlien - It's alive and growing inside that folder. When you
   least expect it - it jumps out and SNARLS at you in a menacing
   manner - just like in the movies. If it were a real monster, it
   would jump out and bite you on the nose!

~ LavaKine - I'm not groovy enough to describe this one to you.
   You'll just have to use your imagination here.

~ AdelaKine - This is me and my friend Adela. Just thought
   you'd like to meet us. She's a certified SpaceCadet too!

~ SmoKine - Perpetual Smoke Break! "Smoke 'em if you gott'em!"
   Note to children: Wait till you're old enough to join the army
   and kill other people before you start smoking cigarettes.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/icon/selectikines-vol-001.hqx; 138K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:30 -0700
Subject: [*] Sunset Kaleidoscope 2.0 scheme

Please post Sunset for Kal. 2.0 on your recent additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/sunset-for-kaleidoscope.hqx; 627K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:18 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitchRes 1.4 (german version)

Joined is the german version of my Control Panel, SwitchRes.
It replaces the version 1.3.2 in the /cfg/ directory. It follows the
french and US version sent last week.
Please look at the 'SwitchRes 1.4 (french version)' message for a


[Archived as /info-mac/gui/switchres-14-de.hqx; 263K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:46 -0700
Subject: [*] TFSounds 1.0.1

By using TFSounds 1.0.1, you could modify and edit sound files, AIFF,
System7 sounds and snd resource in applications which are standard sound
file format for Mac. Also you could manipulate WAVE sound file which is a
standard sound file format for Windows. In addition, you could make, play
and record your own music through QuickTime musical instruments. You could
modify and edit your own recorded sounds. TFSounds could not handle
compression sound file.

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/snd/tf-sounds.hqx; 465K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:10 -0700
Subject: [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 68k

URL Extractor is a Macintosh utility to extract (manually or automatically)
urls as email address, web address and ftp address from text files (web
pages included).
URL Extractor differs from other utilities (which are usually 'drag and
drop tools' more similar to UNIX tools than to Macintosh applications)
thanks to its true Macintosh interface.
URL Extractor is not a port from other platforms, it's a true Mac
application realized using our own Mac code.
URL Extractor can be fully configured using its preference dialog panel, no
code or cryptic instructions to digit, it's a true native Macintosh
You can configure it to have 'full control' of the URL extraction
operations. You can open large files in 'document windows' and URL
Extractor will let you collect URLs one by one
or, if you like, yes, opposite, you can drop a folder on it and have the
URLs collected in all
the files in the folder, also deeply nested inside other folders. You can
save them
automatically inside the file you selected erasing previous saved urls or
appending them to
the file (without erasing the previous data) and, if you like, when the
program has finished
its work can also quit automatically. You can even run it unattended on a
server and it will
do all its work. In short URL Extractor let you extract urls from files in
the way you like,
from a interactive way to a totally automatic way, letting you have full
control of the
operations. It can work using the full power of your Mac or at idle time.
In this way, you
can switch it on the background while it is working and use other programs.
If you want to extract URLs from file to import them in database or use tem
to buld web
pages URL extractor is the utility for you.
Further info at the Tension Software web page at
Available both for ppc and for 68k.
This is the 68k version.
Inclusion in CD-ROM allowed.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/url-extractor-68k.hqx; 436K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:11 -0700
Subject: [*] URL Extractor 1.0.0 PPC

URL Extractor is a Macintosh utility to extract (manually or automatically) urls
as email address, web address and ftp address from text files (web pages
included). URL Extractor differs from other utilities (which are usually 'drag
and drop tools' more similar to UNIX tools than to Macintosh applications)
to its true Macintosh interface. URL Extractor is not a port from other
platforms, it's a true Mac application realized using our own Mac code. URL
Extractor can be fully configured using its preference dialog panel, no code or
cryptic instructions to digit, it's a true native Macintosh program. You can
configure it to have 'full control' of the URL extraction operations. You can
open large files in 'document windows' and URL Extractor will let you collect
URLs one by one or, if you like, yes, opposite, you can drop a folder on it and
have the URLs collected in all the files in the folder, also deeply nested
other folders. You can save them automatically inside the file you selected
erasing previous saved urls or appending them to the file (without erasing the
previous data) and, if you like, when the program has finished its work can also
quit automatically. You can even run it unattended on a server and it will
do all
its work. In short URL Extractor let you extract urls from files in the way you
like, from a interactive way to a totally automatic way, letting you have full
control of the operations. It can work using the full power of your Mac or at
idle time. In this way, you can switch it on the background while it is working
and use other programs. If you want to extract URLs from file to import them in
database or use tem to buld web
pages URL extractor is the utility for you.
Further info at the Tension Software web page at
Available both for ppc and for 68k.
This is the PPC version.
Inclusion in CD-ROM allowed.

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/url-extractor-ppc.hqx; 491K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:14 -0700
Subject: [*] Web Devil 3.5

Web Devil is a tool for downloading web pages and their associated
images, textures, and links quickly and easily. Give it a URL and it will
download all the items on that web page. It has an easy to use interface,
is scriptable and recordable, and is fully multi-threaded so it won't hog
the CPU. It does recursive downloads, saves the URL in the Finder
comments, and optionally creates the entire folder hierarchy of a site.
And more...

Version 3.5 adds a bookmark management system, per-window download
preferences, improves stability and performance, and fixes problems with

$10 Shareware. For more information, check out our web site at

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-devil-35.hqx; 676K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:43:13 -0700
Subject: [*] WebChecker 1.2.0

Author's email address:

Do you have web pages you check frequently?  WebChecker will help you!

WebChecker is a utility program designed to help you manage web pages you
check frequently. It will check to see if a web page has been modified, and
will notify you - or even automatically launch your favorite web browser -
when it detects any changes.

WebChecker then monitors the web pages you visit with your browser, and
marks them as "Visited" if they're part of WebChecker's list.

WebChecker requires Netscape Navigator or Microsoft Internet Explorer and
an internet connection using either Open Transport or "Classic" Mac TCP/IP.

Version 1.2.0 has the following changes:

- Fixed crashing bug when parsing very large web pages.
- Fixed importing of bookmarks from previous versions.
- Added extended checking option to better check pages with advertising

Shareware; $15 registration fee suggested.  It can be downloaded from

[Archived as /info-mac/comm/inet/web/web-checker-120.hqx; 864K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:33 -0700
Subject: [*] Windows of San Francisco Kal. 2.0 scheme

Please post "Windows of San Francisco" for Kaleidoscope on your recent
additions page.
-Martha Royer

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/windows-of-san-francisco.hqx; 737K]


Date: Thu, 30 Jul 1998 11:42:11 -0700
Subject: [*] WormScanner 2.0.1 (an AutoStart worm remover)

This program scans your local drives for the AutoStart 9805 worm variants,
and will also alert you to unknown files with suspiciously similar
properties. It is based on published descriptions of the activities of
these worms. I have not
personally tested it on real worms.

Worms may lurk inside disk image files, but unless the disk image is
mounted, WormScanner will not be able to look inside.

WormScanner requires Color QuickDraw, meaning that it will not run on
machines that use the original 68000 processor.
-- James W. Walker  <>

[Archived as /info-mac/vir/worm-scanner-201.hqx; 186K]



End of Info-Mac Digest