Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #181
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Info-Mac Digest             Sun, 04 Oct 98       Volume 16 : Issue 181

Today's Topics:

      [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2
      [*] BlackWatch 1.3
      [*] Coffee Break 3.2.1a
      [*] Editcard1.1
      [*] FreeTime 1.2
      [*] Graphics Accelerator.sit.hqx
      [*] Loafer 1.2
      [*] Mortgage Simulator
      [*] Organizer 2.7 for 1999
      [*] Power64 2.1.2 - Commodore C64 Emulator for the PowerMac
      [*] SwitcherSetter 1.0
      [*] terrachrone
      [*] TNT Nag! 1.21
      [*] Venus Oracle
      [*] VideoScript 1.1. Real-time video processing

The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac
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Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:49 -0700
Subject: [*] 

Subject:Oliva 2-1.0.1 for Kaleidoscope 2

Oliva 2 is a complete reworking of my original Oliva scheme, for
Kaleidoscope 2.0 or higher. It features popup window tabs (instead of
traditional full width windows) as its theme on all windows, movable
dialogues and movable alerts. All the tabs and popups in the scheme follow
the popup window design motif, plus: a new menu bar, apple icon and
pull-down menus; new LSF and SSF resources and new OS8 style olive-toned
folders and cursors;the OS8 list view resources;and integrated desktop
pattern, window pattern and finder colors. Version 1.0.1 is "Dr. Pimento"
inspired, tested and approved, and contains several minor changes and fixes.

[Archived as /info-mac/gui/ks/oliva-2-101.hqx; 100K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:44 -0700
Subject: [*] Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2

Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0.2

System Requirements:
- a Power Macintosh computer
- System software 7.5.3 or later
- 32 MB of physical RAM
- 10 MB of available hard disk

- a PowerPC 604 at 120 MHz or higher
- Mac OS 8.0 or later
- 64 MB of physical RAM or more
- a QuickDraw 3D accelerator card

Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 - Publishing & New Media Edition - is the most
versatile tool for rapidly creating 2D and 3D professional-looking
graphics, whether they are static or dynamic.   With a fast interactive 3D
engine, Charts Pro lets you take data from Excel, ClarisWorks or text files
and create shaded charts that you can manipulate in real-time.

A high-end product developed for the Macintosh platform, Adrenaline Charts
Pro 1.0 is both complementary and essential to such musts as QuarkXpress,
PageMaker, Photoshop and Illustrator.  Used alone or with existing
software, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0 integrates QuickTime, QuickDraw 3D,
AppleScript, ColorSync and ObjectTransporter technologies through which it
is possible to replace any element of a graphic with a 3D object.

With a powerful tool like Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0, users can create
spectacular graphics in minutes which would normally require long working
hours.  With its user-friendly interface, 23 different chart types and
built-in support for exporting a number of file formats such as PICT,
Photoshop, JPEG, 3DMF and QuickTime movies, Adrenaline Charts Pro 1.0
complements your existing applications and fits into your publishing and
Web workflow.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/charts-pro-102.hqx; 4887K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:53 -0700
Subject: [*] BlackWatch 1.3

BlackWatch 1.3
A simple Macintosh screen saver.

BlackWatch is a screen saver application that provides the ability to
lock your screen with password protection. It's small, quick, simple,
compatible, and free.

BlackWatch runs on any Macintosh (or compatible) with Color QuickDraw.
This includes pretty much everything except a Macintosh Plus or SE. The
application is distributed as a "fat" binary, with native code for both
68K and PowerPC. It will run in 64K of RAM (128K is recommended).
System 7.0 or later is required.

Summary of changes since version 1.2:
  - Added a Y2K (Year 2000) countdown timer.
  - Added a "Sleep immediately at startup" option.
  - Added a "Bondi blue" option for the Apple Logo style.
  - BlackWatch will now wake up from sleep if a modifier key is pressed.
  - Fixed a crash when the Preferences dialog was opened under Mac OS 8.5.
  - Fixed a bug which caused a crash if you had drawing turned off, then
    cancelled the password dialog when waking up from sleep.
  - Fixed a bug where BlackWatch would occasionally go to sleep while the
    mouse was moving, or during typing.
  - Fixed a bug where BlackWatch would always go to sleep if the mouse
    entered the Sleep Now corner, regardless of whether it remained there.
  - Fixed a bug where moving the mouse into the Sleep Now corner would do
    nothing if BlackWatch was in front.
  - Fixed a small memory leak when displaying the password dialog.

Here's what users are saying about BlackWatch:

  "BlackWatch is excellent, and will very soon be the minimalist
   screensaver of choice for the Mac."

  "I like it because it is simple and functional."

  "Very useful and great!!"

  "The ONLY screensaver I've tried so far that hasn't caused conflicts."

  "Addresses the screensaver bloatware issue with style and grace."

Ken McLeod

[Archived as /info-mac/app/ss/black-watch-13.hqx; 55K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:51 -0700
Subject: [*] Coffee Break 3.2.1a

Coffee Break is a simple, Mac-only application designed to help prevent
Repetitive Stress Injuries. One of the most important things you should
do if you have an RSI or think you're at risk of getting an RSI is to
take frequent breaks from your computer. Coffee Break helps to do this by
forcing you to take breaks. You can set the length of the break and the
amount of time between breaks.

To the keepers of the archive:
This file should replace any older versions of Coffee Break.


Personal web page:       
My shareware:  
Pixel Pen web pub. guide:

A closed mouth gathers no feet.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/coffee-break-321a.hqx; 242K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:56 -0700
Subject: [*] Editcard1.1

This file is  an Hypercard stack with editing function.

I have checked for viruses with Disinfectant 3.6.
I give permission for my program to be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM
and on the Arizona Macintosh User Group CD Rom.
I think this to be included in the directory of Hypercard.



    *  This is a stack that simulates information-card of 5x8 size or B6.
    *  With Hypertext function in it, you can create a mini database.
    *  With text editing functions,stack becomes word-processor like
    *  In spite of its simple outlook,it has many features which will
       you that it is worth made public.
    *  With "Help card" in the body,you can solve questions concerning
       this software easily.
    *  "About Hypercad" in it may help you who do not have "Hypercard
    *  This is an English version of "Kyodaicard" in Japan.
    *  You could write Japanese with Japanese system by choosing 'Osaka' at
       the button 'System' in the 'Preference' card.
    *  For more information,read "Invitation to EditCard" in it first.
    *  System requirement: MacOS7.1 or later,Hypercard lite 2.2 or later.
new *  Palette items are alloted to funktion Keys.
new *  Making card title become more speedy by "Autotile".

Tomokazu Hanafusa

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/card/editcard.hqx; 94K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:48 -0700
Subject: [*] FreeTime 1.2

FreeTime 1.2 is a free utility for Macintosh which will set your system
clock to within one-half of one second of exact universal time.  Unlike
similar programs, FreeTime obtains its data over the Internet directly
from the US Government, and does not require a long distance telephone
call.  FreeTime also features basic functions to determine your system
clock's overall accuracy.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/time/freetime.hqx; 543K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:52 -0700
Subject: [*] Graphics Accelerator.sit.hqx

Enclosed you will find my custom Graphics Accelerator that helps PPC
macs speed graphics programs up that use 68k code. It uses a custom
blitting subroutine, and it should work on PPC apps as well.
Please include it in your Graphics/Utilities directory.
Thank you very much,

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/grf/graphics-accelerator.hqx; 4K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:55 -0700
Subject: [*] Loafer 1.2

Loafer is a Macintosh software developer macro tool.
It provides quick access to macros utilize contextual
menu. The tool comes with C/C++, PowerPlant, Java and
HTML sets of macros.
More details could be found in documentation:

[Archived as /info-mac/dev/loafer-12.hqx; 990K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:47 -0700
Subject: [*] Mortgage Simulator

The aim of Mortgage Simulator is for people to be able to prepare a home budget
in order to help them save money and take out a mortgage.  There are three parts
to the program.

First, there is an easy to use window where household spending details are
entered for annual, quarterly, monthly, fortnightly and weekly expenses.  When
this is completed the amount of savings available to put towards a mortgage is

Second, is a window where all the upfront costs involved in purchasing a
home are
entered.  This enables the user to know how much money is needed well before
buying a home should be considered.

Third, comes the most important part.  There is a window which allows the
user to
enter mortgage details (principal, interest rate, repayments, account fees, etc)
and compare different mortgage options in order to find the most competitive one
on the market.

The user can also build up a scenario involving changes over time to the
 such as: interest rate changes, one-off large payments, changes in payment
details, or even determining whether a mortgage would still be viable if there
was a dramatic change in income.

The is a very handy untility for exploring all mortgage options.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/mortgage-simulator-10.hqx; 1279K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:49 -0700
Subject: [*] Organizer 2.7 for 1999

This is a new release  of the Organizer with many updated features. The
Organizer is a combination Calendar, Scheduler, Phonebook, To Do List,
Memo maker. The price $10. The Organizer is designed for the user that
turns their Mac or PowerBook on every morning for updated scheduling
information. The memo maker is now "smart". That is, it will
automatically insert your personal or business address etc. into memoes,
faxes, etc. The Organizer requires HyperCard or HyperCard Player 2.x.

Steve Gandy

[Archived as /info-mac/app/organizer-27.hqx; 131K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:39 -0700
Subject: [*] Power64 2.1.2 - Commodore C64 Emulator for the PowerMac

Visit the Power64 homepage at

- MOS 6510 CPU Emulation (incl. Illegal Opcodes) - VIC (VideoIC)
  Emulation (Scanline-Based, incl. all Video Modes, Sprites,
  Soft-Scrolling, Raster Interrupts, Sprite Collision, Open
  Top/Bottom Borders)
- SID (SoundID) Emulation (incl. Waveforms, Envelopes (ADSR),
  Ring-Modulation, Synchronisation, Samples; excl. Filters)
- CIA Emulation (incl. Timers, Interrupts, Time of Day, Alarm)
- Optional Original C64 Keyboard or Macintosh Keyboard Layout
- Joysticks (both via real ADB Joysticks and Keyboard mapping),
  Paddles and Lightpen emulated
- CPU Level 1541 Floppy Disk Emulation. Can handle most fast-loaders
  and special floppy tricks.
- ROM Level 1541 Disk Drive emulated (*.D64, *.X64 and ZipCode files
  supported) for fast and easy disk access.
- Direct Access to Macintosh File System (both *.C64 and *.P00
  files supported)
- Tape Drive (Datasette) emulated (*.T64 and Lynx files)
- TapeDisk: *.T64 and Lynx files can also be used on disk drives
- Printer Emulation (Text only)

For maximal ease of use, Power64 features:
- Drag & Drop mounting of Disks.
- View the Directory of a Disk or Tape Drive. Load and run games
  with a simple double-click. No more typing BASIC commands.
- Built in Monitor/Debugger for an inside view of C64 code.
- Cut & Paste makes it easy to 'type' long listings into the C64.
- Optional hidden menubar for maximal C64 feeling
- Run several C64's at once
- Balloon Help

[Archived as /info-mac/app/power-20-10.hqx; 536K]


Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:04:38 -0700
Subject: [*] SwitcherSetter 1.0

Included with Mac OS 8.5 is a wonderful feature called the Application
Switcher -- a configurable palette that shows your currently running

Apple enabled the Application Switcher with a ton of different options
but no easy way for the user to set them. That's where SwitcherSetter
comes in (or if you're from Boston, "SwichaSetta").

SwitcherSetter offers an easy-to-use interface to modify all of the
different Application Switcher options and settings. SwitcherSetter is
fully PowerPC-native and Mac OS 8.5-savvy, including Theme support and
even Balloon Help!

Be sure to check out the SwitcherSetter web site at


SwitcherSetter is freeware, actually more specifically, it's beerware. If
you ever run into me at a bar in the Boston area and want to buy me a
beer, I won't turn you down.

[Archived as /info-mac/cfg/switcher-setter.hqx; 391K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:44 -0700
Subject: [*] terrachrone

TERRACHRONE 2.2.0 - for PowerPC computers produces a continually updating
graphical representation of the daylight and nighttime regions of the Earth
projected on a map of the world. In addition to the shaded night time regions,
TERRACHRONE indicates the sub-solar and sub-vernal equinoctal points with the
usual astronomical symbols. The longitude which corresponds to 0 hours siderial
time is also indicated on the graphic and displayed in a text region. In
addition, the text region presents the current Universal Time and the local
siderial time for an observer at a specific location on the Earth.

[Archived as /info-mac/app/terrachrone-220-ppc.hqx; 472K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:46 -0700
Subject: [*] TNT Nag! 1.21

This is the fourth version of "TNT Nag!" to be sent to your site. The
previous versions are entitled "TNT Nag! 1.0", "TNT Nag! 1.1" and "TNT
Nag! 1.2" and should now be removed if still present.
I believe there is already a program called "Nag" on your site. This
piece of software, "TNT Nag!" should not be confused with it as they are
very different and totally unrelated. Please bear this in mind when
uploading this and future updates of both "TNT Nag!" and "Nag".

I have checked this program for viruses using Disinfectant.
I give permission for my program to be included on any CD-ROM and on any
other shareware site or BBS.


TNT Nag! 1.21
by Mark Tully & TNT Software

TNT Nag! is a quick & very easy to use reminder utility for the
Macintosh with many features found in commercial products.
Appointments can be set which you do not wish to forget about and Nag!
will remind you of them at the proper time. Custom sounds and pictures
can be chosen to appear with your message and messages can be grouped
and edited with ease and set to reoccur regularly; you will never miss
your favourite TV program again!
Nag! has a very small memory footprint and runs in the continuously in
the background. It is an application so it does not cause any extension
conflicts like some time managment products and whenever you need an
extra 200k of ram you can quit it.
As part of the Nag! package there is also a control panel called "Quick
Nag!". You can use this to set up hot keys for creating messages from
inside any application, making Nag! even quicker to use. Quick Nag! is
NOT required for Nag! to function.

System Requirements:
=95 System 7 or greater
=95 250k free ram

=46or more information see the enclosed manuals.

Mark Tully
TNT Software

[Archived as /info-mac/app/tnt-nag-121.hqx; 719K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:54 -0700
Subject: [*] Venus Oracle

Description for Venus Oracle:
Venus Oracle is an original HyperCard "deity-deck" that includes history and
myth, games and the oracle generator. HyperCard enthusiasts will like the
scripting and ease of use, and if you need a little love-luck, you've got to
try it! Venus Oracle is eclectic and fun -- a cute stack.

[Archived as /info-mac/game/venus.hqx; 1699K]


Date: Fri, 25 Sep 1998 15:36:50 -0700
Subject: [*] VideoScript 1.1. Real-time video processing

VideoScript is a powerful tool which harnesses the multimedia capabilities
of QuickTime(tm) to provide, for the first time, an integrated easy-to-use
environment for working with digital video in real-time.

With a single VideoScript program, you can detect movement at home, take a
photograph and email the image to your office. The power of VideoScript
lies in
its ability to manipulate images with the ease that normal programming
languages manipulate numbers. Because of this, VideoScript is also ideal
for creating unique special effects.

VideoScript requires QuickTime 3.0, PowerPC and System 7.5.5 or later.

File uploaded to
Tim Molteno,
Lead Developer,
VideoScript Inc.
Fax: (781) 658 2053

[Archived as /info-mac/gst/mov/videoscript-11-personal.hqx; 1796K]



End of Info-Mac Digest