Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #182 MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="Info-Mac-Digest" --Info-Mac-Digest Info-Mac Digest Mon, 05 Oct 98 Volume 16 : Issue 182 Today's Topics: "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word" (A) LaserJet 6P printer (A) system update from MS Office CD (A) Type 10 crashes (Q) Extension Folder organization >>>'s >>>'s [Q] Fonts and monitor resolution [Q] OT vs. MacTCP (was OT/PPP vs. MacPPP) [Q] Scripting additions [Q] Sticky Cursor for sys7? [Q] Sunrise/sunset times Ancient Manuscript Backgrounds Bad BBox Caution about Norton Utils 8.0 Corrupted Desktop Icon Disk Problems on G3s? From 7.5 directly to 7.5.5 FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem Fwd: >>>'s Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged G3 Hard Drive partitions? Info-Mac Digest V16 #178 Info-Mac Digest V16 #178 LOST TALKING ALERTS AND VOICES Macintosh SE Fish Tank MacPlus and Zip Micropoils hard drive PCText 1.5 Problem PPT graphics filter PREFERENCES FOLDER Printing Webpages Q: Japanese WWW sites with US MacOS 8.1? Q:Netscape 4.06 and bus error Start Up Subject: >>>'s SuperBoomerang like shareware Suppress RAM Disk warning? Suppress RAM Disk warning? System Update Disks Techtools Pro 2 Virtual Reality Viruses: Mac & IBM The Info-Mac Network is a volunteer organization that publishes the Info-Mac Digest and operates the Info-Mac Archive, a large network of FTP sites containing gigabytes of freely distributable Macintosh software. Email Addresses and Instructions: * To submit articles to the digest, email <>. * To subscribe, send email to <> with subscribe in the Subject line. <> * To unsubscribe, send email to <> with unsubscribe in the Subject line. <> * To change your address, unsubscribe from the old address, then subscribe from the new address. If that fails, try using the list maintenance form at <> before contacting us. * Please send administrative queries to <>. * To submit files for the archive, email the binhexed file with a description to <>. Submissions must be made by the author or with permission of the author. It may take up to a week to process; check mirror sites for the status of new uploads. FTP and Web Addresses and Instructions: * To submit files larger than 800K, email a description to <> and then use an FTP client to upload the binhexed file to, using the userid "macgifts and the password "macgifts". Or, click <>. * A full list of Info-Mac mirror sites is available at the URL below: <> * Search the archive at <>. Info-Mac volunteers include Gordon Watts, Adam C. Engst, Demitri Muna, Michael Bean, Liam Breck, Hugh Lewis, Tom Coradeschi, and Shawn Bunn. The Info-Mac Digest is sponsored in part by StarNine Technologies, developers of Internet server software for the Macintosh, including Web and email publishing systems. <> We'd also like to thank AOL for the main Info-Mac machine. <> ---------------------------------------------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest Content-Type: multipart/digest; boundary="----------------------------" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="Info-Mac Digest V16 #182" ------------------------------ Date: 03 Oct 98 12:14:51 -0500 From: WJ Shack <> Subject: "Insufficient System Memory to Run Word" There is a problem with Word 5.1 on PowerMacs. You will get this message no matter how much memory you have on your Mac. You need FixWordSystemMemory 2.1 which should be available (for free) on any Info-Mac mirror. FixWordSystemMemory is a system extension that tries to fix a problem where Microsoft Word 5.1 (and perhaps 5.0 as well) refuses to startup, complaining that there is a lack of system memory. This usually happens if you try to launch Word immediately after rebooting your computer; running another application before Word will often solve the problem. The problem is that Word refuses to run unless there is a minimum amount of free space in the Macintosh system heap. In my experience it is a complete fix for the problem ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 98 19:04:12 -0400 From: "Scott Beach" <> Subject: (A) LaserJet 6P printer <SMALLER><SMALLER><FIXED>"Gino J. Piazza" <<> writes: >Hi, can you use the LaserJet 6 printer on a Macintosh? I know you can if >you use Infowave's PowerPrint, however does one NEED to purchase PowerPrint? >In other words, can the LaserJet 6 printer be used as is with a Mac (I'll be >using it on a Quadra 800, no network). By the way, if I were to use a >package like PowerPrint, would the LaserJet 6P printer give me good output? >Do you think I should also consider Stylescript? Gino:</FIXED></SMALLER></SMALLER><X-FONTSIZE><PARAM>12</PARAM><FONTFAMI= LY><PARAM>Geneva</PARAM> Sorry, the model that's Mac compatible is the 6MP ("M" for - you guessed it). That model has a ROM SIMM that makes it Mac useable and PostScript to boot. However, HP sells that SIMM as an upgrade, (at least they did a few months back) so you can turn your 6P into a 6MP. If you're going to get PowerPrint and want to be able to print any PostScript output (like illustrator files etc.) then you probably will want a PS emulator like StyleScript. However, you may find that the ROM upgrade from HP is cheaper than the combination of PowerPrint & StyleScript. If you ever plan on switching to another non-Mac-compatible printer then that may still be the better choice because they can print to hundreds of different printers. Not only that but Infowave is a good Canadian company from beautiful Burnaby British Columbia! (doesn't that make you want to buy a 6 pack?) - Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apple's Macintosh is great any time BUT Ontario grown MacIntosh Apples are at their peak just about now. Enjoy them while they're in season!</FONTFAMILY></X-FONTSIZE> ------------------------------ Date: 5 Oct 98 06:50:30 -0400 From: "Scott Beach" <> Subject: (A) system update from MS Office CD <SMALLER><SMALLER><FIXED> writes: >I think I need to upgrade my (german) system 7.5 at least to 7.5.3, to avoid >some of these "bomb error 11" messages. To do so I took the respective "System >7.5 Update 2.0" which I occasional found on my Microsoft Mac Office 98. There >are all the folders, with the correct names of the original floppies (which in >fact I do not have). > >I tried a lot (direct install, create a folder " install"), but every >single approach lead to the messeage "please insert disk ... 1", which means >to me that the cd-alization of these floppies went wrong. > >Does anybody know whether there is a chance to utilize this copy of the system >update? Modify the installer's script? Patch creation/modify time stamps of >folders/files? Or do I really have to download (gee, what a lot of cups of >coffee) the stuff? Kai:</FIXED></SMALLER></SMALLER><X-FONTSIZE><PARAM>12</PARAM><FONTFAMIL= Y><PARAM>Geneva</PARAM> Yes, that's a lot a coffee. It could be that when someone made the MS Office disk they didn't get the installer just right. If all the install files are there but the installer and script haven't been duplicated one directory level up from the "disk 1" folder then the installer will stall looking for "disk 1" every time. You can fool the installer by either mounting a copy of the "disk 1" or a an image of it. You have to be sure that the name/title of the disk is exactly like that first installer folder. This way when the installer script checks to see if the disk in the drive is disk one it should find it and carry on its merry way. Try that. Hope I'm on the right track. - Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apple's Macintosh is great any time BUT Ontario grown MacIntosh Apples are at their peak just about now. Enjoy them while they're in season!</FONTFAMILY></X-FONTSIZE> ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 11:23:15 +0000 From: abrody <> Subject: (A) Type 10 crashes Dear Digest readers, Much belated, but I think I have stumbled across one of the causes of Type 10 errors that has not been mentioned before. Apple's Launcher 3.1 (part of MacOS 8.0) when combined with Kaleidoscope 2.1's antique scheme will crash with a Type 10 error when you close all windows with the macro command-option-W. Disable Kaleidoscope, and command-option-W with Apple's Launcher loaded and no crash. I have reproduced this several times without fail. The sequence of events to reproduce the crash: 1. Load with Launcher at Startup (from the General Controls control panel) 2. Load with Kaleidoscope 2.1 active on the Antique scheme. 3. Have more windows than just the Launcher open 4. Close all windows by hitting these three keys command (sometimes Apple or cloverleaf) - option - W. It doesn't matter how many applications are open at the time. It reproduces itself faithfuly on MacOS 8.0 and a PowerMac 7200/75. Anybody else seen behavior like this? Sincrely, ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 19:48:28 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: (Q) Extension Folder organization >One of the prime features of the Mac OS is the way the system software is >elegantly handled through control panels and extensions... I think we are all in agreement here :-) quiz: What does 'msftint.dll' do? don't know? ok, What does 'Microsoft Internet Library' do? still don't know. but you probably get the picture. The way the Mac handles inits and libraries is literally light-years ahead of anything Microsoft is shovelling out. but still... >For other mac tasks, this is easly handled by the creative use of nested >folders. But you can't do this with the extensions folder... >With all the creative stuff out there, is there an >existing solution? Anyone want to get creative and generate one? I use Apple's Extension manager set to display by package. This groups items by the application that installed them (if the programmer was thoughtfull enough to label them). Confict Catcher may have simular a feature. But hey, extension manager is free. Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 15:37:26 -0500 From: Lanny Chambers <> Subject: >>>'s On 10/2/98 14:32, "Norman R. Friedman" <>wrote: >Subject: >>>'s > >Someone had once replied how to eliminate those dreadful >>>'s at the start >of each line when forwarding an email message. Does anyone know of a way >except by pasting to word processing an erasing each line?? Go to: and download the free SpellTools. In addition to spell checking, it has some very useful specialized editing features, including what you want. Every online Mac needs this little app. Lanny Chambers ( St. Louis, USA Visit the Hummingbird Page: <> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 18:50:07 -0400 From: Len Kaufman <> Subject: >>>'s On 10/2/98 15:32, Info-Mac, wrote: >From: "Norman R. Friedman" <> >Subject: >>>'s > > >Someone had once replied how to eliminate those dreadful >>>'s at the start >of each line when forwarding an email message. Does anyone know of a way >except by pasting to word processing an erasing each line?? >Thanks in advance and you can send to > Norman, Try a great little utility called textSOAP. It will not only get rid of the >>>'s, but just about anything else you want to eliminate in email text. Download a copy at: <> Len _______oOOo________oOOo__________________________________________________ Len Kaufman, President North Florida Macintosh Users Group Own one and you'll understand - Choose Macintosh! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 12:32:13 -0400 From: "Howard M. Fried" <> Subject: [Q] Fonts and monitor resolution Two things I understand least. Under Sys 7.5 (maybe earlier) the Views control panel lets one select any of the fonts in the Fonts folder as the font displayed by the Finder for icons. No such choice under Sys 8.x? Any idea why? Why are PowerBook 12 inch displays (STN or TFT) limited to 800 X 600 while the 13 and 14 inch models can display at 1024 X 768? Is this a hardware limitation? Many thanks, Howard Fried ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 20:44:50 -0400 From: Karen Wheless <> Subject: [Q] OT vs. MacTCP (was OT/PPP vs. MacPPP) >I gave up a good stable Internet connection with average connect >speeds around 48K bps(with MacTCP and FreePPP) for a nightmare >of instability and average connect speeds of 19,600 (with OT and >either FreePPP or OT/PPP). In my experience, the problem with OT/PPP isn't Open Transport itself, but the badly written modem scripts that rarely work the way they are supposed to. When I upgraded to a USR x2 modem, I had the same problems, constant disconnections, low connect speeds, stalls and timeouts, even though I was using the newest modem script downloaded from USR. I added some additional commands to the file, and, through a lot of trial and error, ended up with a workable modem script that gives me fast and stable connections with my system. I don't know why the modem scripts provided by Apple and the modem manufacturers are so unworkable, but that may be the source of the problems. Karen Wheless _________________________________ Karen Wheless "Science may have found a cure for most evils, but it has found no remedy for the worst of them all -- the apathy of human beings.' Helen Keller ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 19:30:48 -0500 From: Marlon Deason <> Subject: [Q] Scripting additions Thanks to Mac OS 8 I now have a groovy 'Scripting Additions' folder in the system folder with a custom icon. Unfortunately, some apps still look for the 'Scripting Additions' folder in the extensions folder. I tried putting an alias to the 'Scripting Additions' in the extensions folder, but no joy. It is really getting to be a pain managing my OSAX and add-ins in two folders. Will OS 8.5 or a future version of AppleScript fix this? Thanks Marlon Deason ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 16:07:43 -0400 From: Jason Rainbows <> Subject: [Q] Sticky Cursor for sys7? Some time ago, I remember seeing a Sys.7 extension that emulates System 8's "Sticky Cursor" when selecting from menus. Does anybody know the name of, and/or where I can find this extension? Thanks in advance, -Jason Rainbows "littera scripta manet - non omnis moriar" ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 13:47:09 +0100 From: Nigel Bevan <> Subject: [Q] Sunrise/sunset times Does anyone know of a utility which will calculate sunrise and sunset times worldwide? I have a rather basic utility from 1987 called Al Mu'azzen (intended for Muslim prayer calculations). I was looking for something better, but I can't find anything in the Infomac Archives. Thanks .. Nigel ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 12:41:17 -0400 From: Will Wagers <> Subject: Ancient Manuscript Backgrounds Hello, I am working on a website to contain the texts of various ancient manuscripts. So, I need HTML backgrounds for: granite, sandstone, limestone, papyrus, parchment, bark, palm leaf, leather (scroll), vellum, jaguar skin If you know where to find any of these or if you have any other suggestions, please e-mail me directly. Cheers, Will Wagers "Reality is the best metaphor." ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 17:03:04 -0500 From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: Bad BBox At 2:43 PM -0500 9/30/98, Lawrence Rugolo wrote: >Could someone tell me where I can get a copy of the font "Arial Bold"? This is one of the Microsoft TrueType fonts. It comes with Office and with Internet Explorer, and is also available from somewhere on chazl ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 18:24:43 -0400 From: gene nail <> Subject: Caution about Norton Utils 8.0 Just a day or so ago i read one article about a mac user having problems with the new Norton Utilities. I should have heeded his warning. I got my copy a few days ago and today installed it and used it. Too Bad. It didn't ruin anything, but it did ruin two of my Disk Drive TuneUp partitions (which i had to reinitialize and re-install from backups) and it also damaged to MO disks which required the same treatment. Fortunately, it only ruined one system folder, and it was on the MO disk. I'd recommend anyone attempting to use the new Norton to be certain that everything is backed up and that they have an alternate startup disk (other than the Norton CD). I certainly won't run Norton again until I see some changes and some user recommendations. gene nail ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 17:02:13 -0800 From: Gerry <> Subject: Corrupted Desktop Icon When I run Norton Disk Doctor 3.5.2 (4.0 is on the way). It recently announced that the file "icon" in my Desktop folder has a corrupted resource. I know it's invisible and I I can find it but I'm unsure about simply deleting it. Is this called for? \\\--- Gerry --------------------------------------------------- Wagner's music is better than it sounds. -- Mark Twain ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 10:33:25 -0400 From: "Douglas W. St.Clair" <> Subject: Disk Problems on G3s? We just purchased seven G3s. It was necessary to copy most of the material from the older systems, Centris 650s, to the new system. Since the disks, on the old systems, were small (about 200-500 Mbytes) we simply copied the entire disk over the ethernet to the new systems, removed the old system and finder and ran Nortons on the first four systems. Nortons said all the systems showed problems. Two of these systems were so badly damaged we had to reinitialize them. For these systems and the other three G3s I removed the old disks from the systems and put them in an external drive box and copied over the SCSI bus. 1. What are the limits for a reliable transfer over the ethernet? 2. Are there know problems with the IDE drives? 3. Any other observations would be helpful. I only get my info-mac mail once a week. Please if you respond directly to the list please send a message directly to me too. Thanks in advance END end ************************************************** Douglas W. St.Clair Tir Na Nog 400 Burton Highway Wilton. NH 03086-5022 PH: 603-654-9321 FAX: 603-654-5440 EMAIL: ************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 19:51:02 -0400 From: Louis Bergeron <> Subject: From 7.5 directly to 7.5.5 7.5.5 is definitively better then 7.5.3, because it is an upgrade to an official CD sold by Apple as such. I bought 7.5.3 on CD and upgraded to 7.5.5 and all is fine on a 68030. You can go to 7.6.1 on that machine and after that, nothing more. But 7.5.5 is better, 7.6 being more PPC oriented from what I know. You can check InformInit to know the differences between those systems in details if you are interested. Louis >*** chazzz Mac spazzz: > >>Update from 7.5 to 7.5.3 is a bad move. Go for the Gold and get 7.5.5 >>OR 7.6.1. >>7.5.3 was the most unstable upgrade Apple ever put out for the 7.x OS. > >You obviously never tried 7.5.2 ;-) > >In my opinion, 7.5.3 was not bad and upgrading to it from 7.5 should >definitely be a good move. You don't say on what you base your >opnionon so it's impossible to argue against it but I'm pretty sure >that not many who have made that move would agree with you. > >Anyway, since 7.5.5 is better than 7.5.3, there's not much point in >arguing. Then those who can, would probably benefit to go further to >7.6.1, 8.1, or 8.5. > >Bo > >-- >Bo Bjulen <> Louis Bergeron C.P. 936 Rouyn Rouyn-Noranda Qc Canada J9X 5C8 Telephone-Phone (819) 764-3862 Telecopieur-Fax (819) 764-3758 ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 15:45:00 +0100 From: Daniel Cohen <> Subject: FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem >I don't have any help to offer on your FWB Hard disk toolkit problem, but >I have >one of my own. >I am running MacOS 8.1 on a 7500 powermac and have FWB 2.5.2. installed. I >have an >Iomega JAZ drive and I have installed the FWB drivers on the disks. Do you know about the PC Exchange problem? HD Toolkit and the version of PC exchange that came with system 8.1 are incompatible. Symptons can be (in Norton, for instance) alleged damaged master directory blocks, and related things. My sens is that, if one's not running Norton, it's probably OK to ignore the problem, but you might want to be safe. In that case, delete PC Exchange or replace it with the previous version. Worth trying for your problem. Daniel Cohen ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 20:03:57 -0500 From: Lawrence Rugolo <> Subject: FWB HardDiskToolkit 2.5 problem On this thread, Michel Treisman wrote: > I don't have any help to offer on your FWB Hard disk toolkit problem, but > I have one of my own. > > I am running MacOS 8.1 on a 7500 powermac and have FWB 2.5.2. installed. > I have an Iomega JAZ drive and I have installed the FWB drivers on the > disks. > > One disk is damaged. It failed a surface scan (TechTool Pro). I tried to > reformat it using FWB. I ran Format for a low-level format. FWB tells > me: the disk is damaged, use Test to repair it. I run Test, choosing the > option 'Scan and Reallocate'. FWB now tells me idt needs a low-level > format. How do I get out of this vicious circle so that it will actually > reallocate the damaged blocks? Does anyone know? (I don't get a > relevant answer from FWB). Has anyone encountered this problem before? >> Mike Your problems may be solved by using the Iomega tools rather than FWB tools to reformat and initialize the JAZ disks. Larry -- ......................................................... Lawrence Rugolo, Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri-Columbia VOICE MAIL: 573/882-9438 FAX: 573/884=6807 WWW: ........... EMAIL: ............ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 20:20:24 -0700 From: Daly Jessup <> Subject: Fwd: >>>'s Norm asked, >Someone had once replied how to eliminate those dreadful >>>'s at the start >of each line when forwarding an email message. Does anyone know of a way >except by pasting to word processing an erasing each line?? There are several ways to do it, and I'm sure you'll hear about them. The one I enjoy is a plug-in for Eudora called Add/Strip Quotes. It works admirably and right from within Eudora's menu so it's easy to hand. There's another, called "Quote/Space/Tab". Plus many other little AppleScripts that work with drag and drop. I haven't been able to find the site for these things tonight, but I could certainly send you one or two if you wish. Daly <> Daly Jessup ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 17:09:58 -0500 From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged >When I goto open the SYSTEM file -- to add / delete / copy sound files -- I >get a System damaged error. This is a known problem involving certain versions of the "Appearance" extension, specifically the one installed with Eudora 4. Remove this extension, and the problem will go away. Alternatively, you can work around the problem: 1. Holding down the option key, darag a copy of your System file to the Desktop. 2. add/delete/copy the files to/from that copy of the System File. 3. Rename the System file in your System Folder to "Old System". 4. Drag "Old System" to the Desktop. 5. Drag "System" [the one you modified] into the System Folder. 6. Close, open, then close the System Folder. Make sure it has the correct System Folder icon. 7. Restart your machine. Go to, search for "Appearance" and you should get a bunch more information about the problem. chazl ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 16:14:59 -0400 From: Tom Coradeschi <> Subject: Fwd: Sysytem File: damaged Daly Jessup: >When I goto open the SYSTEM file -- to add / delete / copy sound files -- I >get a System damaged error. > >I've run NORTON utilities and TECH TOOLS PRO -- both give the system a >clean bill of health (and yet I still get the errors) All those tools will tell you is the general health of your hard disk and the file systems on them, rather than the system files. I'd suggest doing a fresh install of the MacOS. tom coradeschi <+> ------------------------------ Date: 3 Oct 98 18:45:18 -0400 From: "Scott Beach" <> Subject: G3 Hard Drive partitions? <SMALLER><SMALLER><FIXED>Neal Lipschutz <<> writes: >I've received much conflicting advise on how I should format my 6 Gig >HD. Should I bother to make two 3 Gig partitions or just leave it as one >giant HD. If I go with two 3 Gigs does it matter where I place my System >folder, Data, Internet applications. Thanks for any help you might give. Neal:</FIXED></SMALLER></SMALLER><X-FONTSIZE><PARAM>12</PARAM><FONTFAMI= LY><PARAM>Geneva</PARAM> If the drive comes formatted as HFS+ then there's no space savings to be had by partitioning as there would be if it were HFS formatted. However, there may be performance considerations that I don't know about. For example. where something gets written on the disk and and how fast the access is to that portion of the disk. Perhaps a more knowledgeable list reader can tell us about that. - Scott ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Apple's Macintosh is great any time BUT Ontario grown MacIntosh Apples are at their peak just about now. Enjoy them while they're in season!</FONTFAMILY></X-FONTSIZE> ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 14:24:56 -0700 From: "R. Stotyn" <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #178 Info-Mac wrote: > Subject: Wtd: Mac friendly service provider > Date: Wed, 23 Sep 1998 23:43:58 -0600 > From: John Hayes <> > > Hello > I am moving to Vancouver BC, Canada soon, and I am looking for a > good internet service provider in the area, would anyone have a > suggestion of who I could try? > Thankyou for your time and effort > John Hayes Uniserve works for me. There appear to be real humans there, and they do have some idea that Macs exist. The only downside is that the main office is in Aldergrove, some distance from Greater Vancouver. I don't know if they have an office in Vancouver. Russ Stotyn ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 13:08:11 -0400 From: rob <> Subject: Info-Mac Digest V16 #178 quoting Info-Mac and possibly previous message abstract: > >Date: Thu, 24 Sep 1998 13:04:21 -0400 >From: "Norman R. Friedman" <> >Subject: >>>'s > > >Someone had once replied how to eliminate those dreadful >>>'s at the start >of each line when forwarding an email message. Does anyone know of a way >except by pasting to word processing an erasing each line?? >Thanks in advance and you can send to > > > >------------------------------ Try MacUser's Scrapboard. This is found at Ziff Davis " Download's on the mac side. Just do a search for MacUser's ScrapBoard. This is a wonderful control strip module. Used in conjucction with Finder Noe 2.1 I can do some real magic. I have eliminated many simpletext readme's and replaced them with much smaller finder notes and clipping files. I also clean up a lot of quoted text with this combo. >........FIRONIRONIRONIRONIRONIRONIRE.......< ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 16:12:22 -0400 From: "Mark H. Bowersox" <> Subject: LOST TALKING ALERTS AND VOICES --------------24475057C54ECADE6CE09BBE Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit FOR SOME REASON AFTER MY SYSTEM CRASH I CAN NOT GET MY TALKING ALERTS AND VOICES TO WORK AS FAR AS I CAN TELL EVERYTHING IS STILL THERE. CAN SOMEONE POINT ME IN THE RIGHT PATH? THANKS, MARK H. BOWERSOX POWERHOUSE OPERATOR/ I&C TECHNICIAN BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY --------------24475057C54ECADE6CE09BBE Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> FOR SOME REASON AFTER MY SYSTEM CRASH I CAN NOT GET MY TALKING ALERTS AND VOICES TO WORK AS FAR AS I CAN TELL EVERYTHING IS STILL THERE. CAN SOMEONE POINT ME IN THE RIGHT PATH? <P>THANKS, <BR><FONT FACE="Apple Chancery"><FONT SIZE=+1>MARK H. BOWERSOX</FONT></FONT> <BR>POWERHOUSE OPERATOR/ I&C TECHNICIAN <BR>BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY</HTML> --------------24475057C54ECADE6CE09BBE-- ------------------------------ Date: 2 Oct 1998 17:03:13 GMT From: (WhitmanPC1) Subject: Macintosh SE Fish Tank Has anyone seen or heard of instructions or a kit for turning a Macintosh SE into a genuine fish tank? I seem to recall there was an article in MacWorld magazine, but I forget!!! Please email me at if you have any information! Thanks! ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 08:58:35 +1000 From: "Stewart Smith" <> Subject: MacPlus and Zip I got it to work on mine with system 6 on a zip but funnily enough System 7 wouldn't boot. Just use the OS installer for System 6 and you should be able to boot off the zip. --------------------------- Stewart Smith Advanced God at Purple Grapefruit web - mail - ICQ - 6734154 ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 18:27:16 -0400 From: "Gino J. Piazza" <> Subject: Micropoils hard drive Hi, I have a Micropoils hard drive that needs repair. I understand that Micropolis filed for bankruptsy, or rather, went out of business. Does anyone know if there is another company who took over for them and repair Micropolis's drives? And, if not, can anyone recommend a good place that repairs hard drives? Please contact me at: ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 10:29:14 -0400 From: Subject: PCText 1.5 Problem I downloaded PCText 1.5 (after seeing it on a recent issue of Info-Mac) and used it to try to convert a small document (>tourist<) I copied from my PC at work to my Mac 6100/66 at home. The progress bar did its thing and the new document, >tourist.conv<, appeared. When I clicked on >tourist.conv<, I got the following message: "Converting file. Document will appear in a new untitled window. 0%." Then....nothing. No document appeared anywhere. When I did a search for >touris.conv<, I only came up with the one document, the one on which I double clicked. When I tried to open >tourist.conv< from within MS/Word 5.1, I got the same "Converting file. Document will appear in a new untitled window. 0%." message. When I dragged and droppped >tourist.conv< onto the alias for Tex-Edit+2.3.3, I got mostly gobbledygook with some text mixed in. When I dragged and dropped it onto the alias for ClarisWorks 4.0v5, it crashed my Mac so badly that even MacsBug could't free it and I had to do a forced restart. Am I missing something? Doing something wrong? Any help/advice would be sincerely appreciated. Thanks, Bob Gerard "If men could get pregnant, abortion would be a sacrament." Flo Kennedy. ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 13:06:51 +0000 From: Leslie Burkholder <> Subject: PPT graphics filter Powerpoint98 will save a presentation as an HTML file. However, the process of saving often dies. In particular, the graphics filter (which is used to convert each slide in the presentation to an image, eg a gif or jpeg image) often crashes when the slides contain graphics. Is this a bug? Is there a work-around (eg, some setting of the quality or size of the image produced) that will help? Thanks Leslie Burkholder (Please send a copy of the reply to ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 04 Oct 1998 16:09:25 -0400 From: "Mark H. Bowersox" <> Subject: PREFERENCES FOLDER --------------FB64791B0D44B333780DC1CB Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii; x-mac-type="54455854"; x-mac-creator="4D4F5353" Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit MY POWER MAC 7300/200 RUNNING MAC 7.6.1 TOOK A DIVING CRASH. I GOT IT UP BUT STILL NEED TO WORK MORE ON IT. THE PREFERENCES FOLDER IS LOADED WITH EMPTY FOLDER FROM ALL THE GAMES THAT THE KIDS PLAY AND ALL THE OTHERS. IS THERE A WAY THAT I CAN FORCE THE SYSTEM TO TRASH THESE OR PUT THEM SOMEWHERE THAT I CAN TRASH THEM WITH THE CLICK OF THE MOUSE? THANKS, MARK H. BOWERSOX POWERHOUSE OPERATOR/ I&C TECHNICIAN BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY --------------FB64791B0D44B333780DC1CB Content-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN"> <HTML> MY POWER MAC 7300/200 RUNNING MAC 7.6.1 TOOK A DIVING CRASH. I GOT IT UP BUT STILL NEED TO WORK MORE ON IT. THE PREFERENCES FOLDER IS LOADED WITH EMPTY FOLDER FROM ALL THE GAMES THAT THE KIDS PLAY AND ALL THE OTHERS. IS THERE A WAY THAT I CAN FORCE THE SYSTEM TO TRASH THESE OR PUT THEM SOMEWHERE THAT I CAN TRASH THEM WITH THE CLICK OF THE MOUSE? <P>THANKS, <BR><FONT FACE="Apple Chancery"><FONT SIZE=+1>MARK H. BOWERSOX</FONT></FONT> <BR>POWERHOUSE OPERATOR/ I&C TECHNICIAN <BR>BUCKNELL UNIVERSITY</HTML> --------------FB64791B0D44B333780DC1CB-- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 19:02:35 -0500 From: Lawrence Rugolo <> Subject: Printing Webpages Re the post in Info-Mac Digest V16 #178: > Date: Sat, 29 Aug 1998 10:18:48 +0100 > From: glaston <> > Subject: Printing Webpages > > This is a silly problem that I have been unable to solve for years. > Perhaps somebody can help. When I print some web pages, they do not > fit on the paper and the overflow portion, often only a letter or two, > prints on another page. This is not only frustrating, it wastes a lot > of paper. I'm using a Personal Laserwriter 320 and LaserWriter 8. I > have tried the US Letter Small as well as US Letter Page Setup settings, > but that does not seem to help. > If I set the font sizes any smaller in Navigator, I can't read the > monitor. > I have looked at the famous manuals and I never seem to be able to find > anything that addresses the problem? > Any serious advice for a silly problem? My response: While your browser is the active application, and assuming that you have a "Page Setup..." command in your File Menu, you should select "Page Attributes" from the dialog box which opens when you click on "Page Setup..."; then change the "Scale" text box from "100%" to some smaller figure. I usually set it to 85% which is still readable but which will fit on the 8.5 x 11" page very well. Incidentally, don't ever choose "US Letter Small" -- that's likely to spill characters over to another page. HTH....Larry ......................................................... Lawrence Rugolo, Prof Emeritus, Univ of Missouri-Columbia VOICE MAIL: 573/882-9438 FAX: 573/884=6807 WWW: ........... EMAIL: ............ ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 14:51:30 -0700 From: ( Subject: Q: Japanese WWW sites with US MacOS 8.1? At 7:50am +0900 9.11.1998, Lewin A.R.W. Edwards wrote: > I want to be able to browse Japanese WWW sites using my MacOS 8.1US > PowerBook 1400. No, I don't have the Japanese WorldScript pack installed > - I do NOT need an input method, I just want to be able to view Japanese > (Shift-JIS) HTML in my WWW browser. I havn't used this service personally, but it may be just what you're looking for. I'll quote the article I read it from (The Japan Journal, Oct/Nov 98, Christopher Sigur) "...You too may have attempted to enter Japanese Internet sites and found the distinctively non-Japanese gibberish text, known as Mojibake, displayed on your monitor. I thought ther had to be a better way to solve the problem than by downloading special browsers or purchasing expensive mediation software. I recently discovered a web site and service that allows users to solve the Mojibake problem for free. It is called the Shodouka Launchpad and is located at The Shodouka Launchpad allows a web user to access any Japanese site and view the Japanese language text without the use of tedious Japanese based browsers or expensive software. For the techies out there, the Shodouka technology renders the double-byte font system of Kanji into standard browser viewable single-byte fonts. For the rest of us, it means you can finally read the Japanese text." ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 03 Oct 1998 13:06:42 -0600 From: Adam Gluckman <> Subject: Q:Netscape 4.06 and bus error Hi- I'm running Netscape 4.06 on a 7300/200, sometimes Netscape crashes.When it does I get a system error message of Bus Error. Any suggestions as to what could be causing this error and any reccommended fixes are appreciated. Thanks, Adam -- Visit my web site ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 20:49:34 -0400 From: Rita Balkin/Al Balkin <> Subject: Start Up Sometimes my Mac and monitor do not converse on start up. The start up chord sounds, but the screen remains gray and I have to shut it down by unplugging and then starting up again. I have a G3 with OS8.1. The machine is 2 months old and it just started doing it this week. Does anyone know what the problem is? ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 07:49:34 +1200 From: Ian Orchard <> Subject: Subject: >>>'s In Info-Mac Digest V16 #178 "Norman R. Friedman" <> asked: >Subject: >>>'s > >Someone had once replied how to eliminate those dreadful >>>'s at the start >of each line when forwarding an email message. Does anyone know of a way >except by pasting to word processing an erasing each line?? >Thanks in advance and you can send to > I use SpellTools, a delightful application from Newer Technology. Among it's collection of utility functions is add and strip ">" from selected text. Along with Spell Checking (on any document by your nominated word manglers), Normalise Returns & Spaces, Strip Leading Spaces, UPPER CASE, lower case and Capitalise, Word Count, Find & Replace, Speak text and add Rubber Stamps (blocks of text...ideal for a selection of sigs etc). One of the all-time Great Mac freebies. Thank you Newer, there is a special shrine on my desktop just for you. Gallop over to <> for a copy. ---- Keep in touch....Ian O <> MacOS....if it was any more fun, they'd make it illegal. ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 02 Oct 1998 17:04:26 EST From: Subject: SuperBoomerang like shareware Does anyone know of a shareware program that work like SuperBoomerang from Now Utilities? Now Utilities does not work with System 8 and they are apparently not developing a new version for the Mac. Thanks in advance. Cheers, Ron Etter ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 17:40:25 -0500 From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: Suppress RAM Disk warning? At 11:39 AM -0400 9/29/98, Howard M. Fried wrote: >Is there anyway to bypass the warning that all [RAM disk] contents will be >lost on shutdown? Not with the standard Apple RAM Disk. Two possible solutions: RAMBunctious, a shareware RAM Disk program. < 6> Okey Dokey Pro, an extension which presses the default button in dialogs if you're not there to do it yourself. <> chazl ------------------------------ Date: Sat, 3 Oct 1998 17:34:45 -0700 From: Chris Schram <> Subject: Suppress RAM Disk warning? Recently, "Howard M. Fried" <> wrote: >I'm using the RAM disk from OS 8.1 Memory Control Panel as my cache for >Netscape. Is there anyway to bypass the warning that all contents will be >lost on shutdown? I'm forever shutting down and walking away, only to >discover hours later that the machine never shut down completely because >RAM disk had been waiting for me to respond to its warning. Try this AppleScript in your Shutdown Items folder. I have not personally tried this. I saw it somewhere in comp.sys.mac.<mumble>. tell application "Finder" activate select every item of container window of disk "RAM Disk" delete selection end tell Chris Schram -- -- ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 18:44:09 -0700 From: "Jim Wickman" <> Subject: System Update Disks You could try using Disk Copy or Shrinkwrap to mount all of the disk images, then double-click the installer on disk one. You could also use one of those utilities to physically make disks. Best wishes ------------------------------ Date: Sun, 4 Oct 1998 10:37:56 -0400 From: "Douglas W. St.Clair" <> Subject: Techtools Pro 2 I recently ran TechTools Pro V 2.0.1r3 (I think. Anyway its the most recent CD) on a G3. It said the PRAM was bad. I upgraded to 2.11 and the PRAM error disappeared. I also ran it on another G3 after Nortons and Disk First Aid said the disk was ok. It so badly hosed the disk it wouldn't mount. I recovered it with Nortons (to the point it would mount) but half the files were gone. Am I just luck or are there problems with this product? I only get my info-mac mail once a week. Please if you respond directly to the list please send a message directly to me too. Thanks in advance END end ************************************************** Douglas W. St.Clair Tir Na Nog 400 Burton Highway Wilton. NH 03086-5022 PH: 603-654-9321 FAX: 603-654-5440 EMAIL: ************************************************** ------------------------------ Date: Mon, 5 Oct 1998 11:27:52 +1000 From: Peter Sealy <> Subject: Virtual Reality Hi I would much appreciate some help. I can not see VR images. I can access a site on the web but no VR images are accessible. I have a PPC Performa 5400/120/56/1.2/OS8.1 and use Internet Explorer 4.01 I have Quicktime VR 2.0.1 extension enabled. I dowloaded Shockwave plugin [don't know if it installed itself fully or correctly]. Within the IE 4.01 folder there is: Plugins Folder. Inside this folder is: - Quicktime Plugin - NP-PPC-Dir Shockwave - Shockwave Flash NP-PPC - ShockwavePlugin.class - NP-PPC-Dir-Shockwave Folder. In this folder is: - Xtras Folder. In this folder is: - Flash Asset PPC - SWA Decompression PPC Xtra - SWA Streaming PPC Xtra When I access a VR site no VR or 3D images are available. I have even tried the Microsoft VRML site which has two test images and a few troubleshooting tips to try. No result. What else do I need? I have read somewhere about VRML 2.0. What is this? Do I need it? Where from? I may have inadvertently trashed a vital extension at some time but I do not know what. Thanks Peter ------------------------------ Date: Fri, 2 Oct 1998 17:34:53 -0500 From: Chaz Larson <> Subject: Viruses: Mac & IBM At 2:42 PM +0100 9/23/98, dudley warrington thomas wrote: >Every time I send people .jpg files on AOL or via the internet, they tell >me their virus programs send up an alert. I have VIREX, the latest updater >file and get a clean bill of health. If you're sending non-executable data files [that do not contain anything like Word macros] from a Mac to a PC, you can rest assured there is no way for you to be transmitting a virus to them. Even if your Mac had a virus, which it apparently doesn't, it would be Mac-specific and could not infect a PC. And vice versa. [again, except for those Word/Excel Macro viruses]. That said, does this happen with only jpgs or with any attached file? I suspect that the virus checkers are alerting you associates to the possiblity that there may be a virus in that attached file, without actually examining the attached file. chazl -------------------------------- --Info-Mac-Digest-- End of Info-Mac Digest ******************************